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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Once Upon a Time, but your audio cut in and out again through some of your reaction! Nonetheless, I really quite enjoyed your reaction. Although, this episode for me is one of the weaker ones. And I only say that because I'm not really much of a fan of Cora, especially young Cora. Rose McGowan plays young Cora really well, but I have never really liked her much as an actress in anything. And young Cora was a real witch back in the past, as she was in the present day until she was killed. I like the Storybrooke storyline more than I like the backstory. I do somewhat feel sorry for her after watching this episode because it was cruel of Jonathan to trick her so cruelly, but in my opinion... Cora wasn't really forced to give up Zelena. She willingly chose to give her away because Cora was selfish and wanted a better life for herself and not for her child. She stated... "I have to give you up so that I can have my best chance." Or something like that. It would have been a hard life for a miller's daughter to raise a child all on her own, but if she truly loved her child, she could have done it. Poor people even back in those days did all the time. Cora was greedy and selfish through and through. Even before she ripped out her own heart so she wouldn't risk love getting in the way of what she wanted. She only ever cared about herself. She always chose her own self and power over Regina too. So in all honesty... I really can't feel too bad for Cora. In this circumstance, Zelena was the innocent and I feel the most bad for her, especially when she was an adorable innocent baby. Now... Zelena has chosen to allow her hate and jealousy to consume her, so I can only feel bad for her to a small degree. I really love Zelena in her interaction with Regina in the beginning of this episode. Not quite as much with Rumple, though she is certainly eerie and dark. I hated the moment when Rumple began to make love with her, even if it was so he could try to steal the dagger. Any relationship with him and Zelena is just wrong because we know from back in season two's episode, The Miller's Daughter, that he had a relationship with Cora too. Both of their relationships just weird me out. However, with all that being said... I like Regina's plan to talk with Cora to try to learn about why Cora had given Zelena up. I love the moment young Cora in ghost form attacked Mary Margaret and that Regina fought her mother to protect Mary Margaret. I think the reasoning behind the creators using young Cora as the ghost instead of the older Cora played by Barbara Hershey, was more because Regina was summoning her mother to find out why Cora had given Zelena away. And because it was Cora in her younger years when she did so, they felt that seeing young Cora in her younger years would parallel to her backstory throughout this episode better. Maybe Barbara Hershey couldn't come back for this episode, but I don't know. And I especially love the talk between Regina and Mary Margaret in the end once all was well again. It was a beautiful moment between these two and it shows how far their friendship, as well as relationship between stepmother and stepdaughter has come. This is definitely a moment we as fans of this beautiful show have been waiting for. :) As for Regina being able to feel emotion in spite of having no heart... First... I feel like perhaps it's a matter of time. The longer that the heart remains outside of a person's body, the emotions will eventually fade away all together. And second... I also think it's a matter of will. Because Regina wants to continue to feel, she does and she's strong willed. Whereas Cora ripped out her heart because she didn't want to feel emotion any longer so she would be able to get everything she ever wanted and not feel any weaknesses. And as for the door disappearing... it's meant to show us that Cora made it vanish so that Mary Margaret and Regina wouldn't have been to escape in case they tried to escape, or so that the heroes wouldn't be able to get back in to help them in case they returned any earlier. However, nothing actually came of it, so seeing the door vanish was a pointless moment. I also love, love, love the moments with Hook and Emma too. Hook is clearly feeling guilty over the trouble he's in with Zelena and he's angry, and is struggling to keep from lashing out. But he's still very good with Emma too and wants to protect her. He is keeping her at a distance because he needs to protect her. Their moment at the diner before Belle charges in and interrupts them is cute, sweet, sad, and funny. I love it!! Now... I love, love, love Regina coming to Robin in forest at the end to kiss him at last upon getting good advice from Mary Margaret. At last... they are together. And they are definitely another of my favorite True Love couples throughout this show. I felt so bad for Robin when Rumple threatened to kill his son, so of course it's understandable that he gave up Regina's heart to save him. And I'm so grateful that Regina understood that. Of course she would, because she knows she would do anything for Henry too. And I love that Regina assures Robin that she does understand his sacrifice. So beautiful. That is true love right there. And lastly... I love that the ingredients for the time travel spell are courage, a heart, a brain, and innocence, which is a nod to The Wizard of Oz because they are the four things that represent Dorothy (her innocence), the Scarecrow (his brain), the Tin Man (his heart), and the Cowardly Lion (his courage). Brilliant! Thank you again! I can't wait for the next episode!! And yes... you do have four episodes left... the final two being a two part finale, which I am so excited for!!!! And I would love it if you could watch and react to them together, because they absolutely deserve to be watched together. But until next time...

Paul Fisher

Your audio is intermittently dropping out again. I can't tell if it's a bad connection or if your microphone is too narrowly directional. It does seem to drop out whenever you turn your head.

Paul Fisher

The door scene was just Cora sealing off the passageway to the front door after everyone else left so they couldn't get back in and interrupt her encounter with Snow and Regina.