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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Your reaction when you first saw Jonathan in the opening credits was just priceless.🤣😂


The vampire with Adam around at 28:00 is played by the same actor who plays Chuck in Supernatural :-)

Alexis Cardarella

They have been denying testing all around the US.. Not everyone has all of the symptoms, let alone at the beginning.. It’s really a shit show.. I’m so sorry, Steven. ..That’s extremely stressful.

Allan Cornett

The actor who plays Jonathan, Danny Strong, has had a great career after Buffy. He has won, NAACP Image Award , a Golden Globe, and other awards for writing and producing the Fox series Empire. Danny has won many writing awards for other TV series. He also wrote the screen plays for the last two Hunger Games movies.

Allan Cornett

No matter what universe Buffy is the one who figures it out. Priceless.

Allan Cornett

" Don't speak Latin in front of the books." Shrimp


I think this episode is fun, lighthearted, not the best, but still enjoyable. I hope you don't have the corona virus, sounds like you probably don't, but it will be spreading across our country more soon enough. It's very annoying that they aren't testing as many people as possible and putting resources into that. They should take a page from South Korea, they started out with the virus around the same time as Italy did, Italy has a thousand dead, SK only has like 60 dead. They're handling it better than we are and will be, sadly. Politics seems to be playing too much of a role in how they deal with it here. But oh well. No matter what illness you have, I hope you feel better soon.

Briony Addey

Danny Strong is awesome in this. Steven, I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you. I hope you feel better soon.

Phoenix Dawn

This episode’s significance becomes a lot clearer in a non-subtle way going forward in upcoming seasons. I just realised how much of this season is really set up for what’s to come in all sorts of levels!

Phoenix Dawn

I am similar but I love The Wish and don’t skip it, but this one I do too, even though I like it.


Yeah, this episode is a fan favorite, but I can't watch it because I hate seeing a mediocre dude essentially steal not just Buffy's power but also her significant life moments and triumphs. I'm glad that Buffy knew something was wrong, but the way they shrug off Jonathan's spell is baffling (people still debate over whether the twins were raped; I say yes just like Faith violated both Buffy and Riley).


I am going to give this episode a compliment, it tried, it was a cleansing episode after the epic arc, we had just witnessed with Faith and it went for it, it threw caution to the wind and went all out. For that I rate it higher then I should, I am one of the people who gives this an 8, because it was a noble effort that has some relevance. It served a purpose, but the twins thing was glossed over.


Oh, yeah, I had forgotten about that bit, I will adjust my ranking......


Idk man... I always feel when a show makes everyone forget everything that just happened, it kinda feels like a cop out. I like that they all remember the spell. It means it could have lasting consequences rather than being one and done.

Katherine Thoreson

The character of Tucker from the prom episode that trained the hell hounds, he is the singing voice for Jonathan in this episode.


I like the episode but it highlights a problem I have with Buffy and magic. Xander reads from a book and makes flames. Jonathan casually learns a spell that alters reality. That's too much power too easily accessible.


I am not here to tell you, that you are wrong or to argue, I just would like to offer the flip side to that. I think the reason that Xander was able to induce the flames with mere words is because of the magic already in the room, there was Tara and Willow, Giles does magic and Anya worked the mojo before as well. I think that if it was just Xander it would not have been an issue, but that is why I allow it. The Jonathan thing, while I agree on the surface, Jonathan was studies and had a lot of time on his hands, if he could learn Klingon he could learn magic, again this is me allowing for the show, because I love the show, so I am biased. I do get your point, I just got triggered and had to give my take, hope no harm was given.


I think the Xander thing is a stretch the writers made for a joke, but it has been established that the Hellmouth amplifies magic and the supernatural in general. It's why demons and other baddies are drawn to Sunnydale, and one of the reasons Willow gave in S3 for staying in Sunnydale to work on her magic.

Steve Quast

I mean, back in season 1 a girl turned invisible and she wasn't even practicing magic. A lot of weird stuff happens around the hellmouth.


I always thought magic was for anyone to learn, or like everyone has a little inside them - some more than others. If you pick up a spell book (a real one) and say the words and do the ritual, the spell will work. No reason for it not to. I have no problem imagining very intelligent, geeky jonathan, who knows about the supernatural thanks to where he went to school, learning magic and building up his power in it. Or with Xander making flames by reciting the words in the book. or Anya. Or anyone. the fear demon epiosde for example, nobody knows what they are doing but they completed the ritual accidentally, and it works.

Valencia Lanier

That vampire that you thought you knew, you do. It's Rob Benedict and he plays Chuck on Supernatural.