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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Kacey Caldwell

So the book we saw on this episode is not the one about Beckett. This book is the book that he kills off his main character Derrick Storm. The book mentioned in the first episode. So fun fact there are 10 Nikki Heat books and 2 Derrick Storm books in real life. But not the book shown in this episode. This wasnt my fav. its not bad i would give it a 6 or a 7. out of the first 4 i liked # 2 best, the nanny one. though the part were she was cutting into her own leg i always have to look away from it. I like the fact that your tying to figure it out before them. but man if you were a cop i think everyone would be in a cell. :) As for the wive, to me it sounds like she was arrested as well. At the end they mention an aunt coming to pick up the girls from social services.

DJ Doena

I like the episode especially for the ending. But the title gave it somewhat away as soon as it was clear that the congressman (councilman?) was having an affair. Hell hath no fury ... like a woman scorned.

Valencia Lanier

Beckett's trying too hard not to like Castle.