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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



LOL yes, I completely agree with you about Karen & Jim’s relationship. By all means, I’m not saying that I don’t like Pam and Jim together, because I do, I love their story and their ending. However, it’s not fair to Karen. She was in a relationship with him and he was just confused, he didn’t know who he wanted to be with. Karen, his gf, or Pam his office crush. And after that whole episode with the Beach Games and the corporate job in NY, Karen and Jim weren’t a thing anymore bc Jim decided that he’d rather spend his life Pam. And ultimately I believe that you should totally choose someone you know you’re going to be happy with, but don’t go into a relationship to forget about someone else. That’s what Jim did and it’s not fair for Karen because we just saw from this episode that she TRULY loved Jim. I just love to see that she’s building herself up, she’s not a saleswoman anymore, but a regional manager. Before I continue, I want to mention that I like the transition they did in the beginning of the episode with Karen DOING HER JOB to Michael figuring out a way to NOT DO HIS JOB and they literally have the same position. Okay, but yeah, I really liked Jim and Karen together because they were so good together, but it seems like Jim wanted something different than what Karen wanted in that relationship. Actually, Jim didn’t know what he wanted, because he didn’t even want Karen to move into a house that was 3 blocks away from him when SHES LIVING IN A HOTEL, like idk Jim should’ve treated her better. But I’m happy to see that Karen didn’t need someone like Jim in her life in order to move up and make a better living out of herself. I really enjoyed your reaction, I can’t wait for more! Until next time :)

Mariella Nilsson

i loved the finer things club! Good episode!

Light Yagami

I wish you would pay more attention to what’s going onscreen. Not sure if it’s your phone or what but you seem distracted a lot


I love that starting this season they start making Jim and Pam less "perfect". They start showing their awkward side and it makes them much more relatable.


i get the want it quiet for the club but it is a break room and it's going to be loud, people talk and get snacks. it seems like they should have it in the conference room or somewhere else. also why do they have it in the first place is it during their break shouldn't they all be working not doing a club. not that everybody does a whole lot of work to start with. lol