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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Nyssa Rawther 🍉

This episode is a 10 for me because I've never cried so much. I think it's cuz it's the end of the Tennant era and I love him so much. He's the Doctor I fell for. It's my first time watching DW so I'm a little confused about one thing though...as fans, WE'RE sad because it's the end of the Tennant era but why was The Doctor sad? He wasn't really dying, right? He regenerated. But there was a whole prophecy, the Ood sang to him and everyone acted like he was really gonna be DEAD dead. But he's still here, just with a different face. He's still the Doctor, right? He still has all of the memories, etc. He's the same person, just different physical appearance? I guess I was just wondering if the Doctor thought that was really the end of the line for him, or if regeneration isn't always a guarantee...


This was just lovely. I think the one thing any of us can say to sum up this episode is "Wilf", just his name alone conjures up all the wonderful feelings of this episode. "!0" owned the stage, but 11 hours coming and........Geronimo!!!!!!


The reason Captain Jack Harkness is sitting at that bar counter has to be one of the saddest things, that I had to witness....it was brutal.


I am not being a smart-ass, there are stages that you have to go through as a "Whovian", it is up to the next Doctor to earn their place in your heart. Take your time, we all understand.

Henry from CO

Never cared much for the steroid induced Master in these episodes, nor the side story of the Prime Minister and his daughter. It was Wilf, and the last 20 minutes, is what I enjoyed most. Thanks David. You were a mighty fine Doctor. And hello to Matt and series 5.


I hope I grow to love the new Doctor the way I grew to love David Tennant


It never gets confirmed who the woman was, but it’s basically confirmed she’s the Doctor’s mother. Hence that silent look the pair give each other when she takes her hands off her face and he sees her

Daniel R

I think you will, I love the next Doctor! Next Doctor really cemented my love for the show. I liked David as well but the next one really hit home for me.


It's been ten years and two months since this aired and every bloody time it still make me way too emotional. Hats off to Murray Gold for the most outstanding composing.

Ari is my Cat

The woman with the book signing is related to the woman who fell in love with John Smith, the human version of the Doctor in 1913 when he and Martha were hiding from the Family of Blood.


I believe at this point of the show (after Season 4) there were concerns that Doctor Who would be cancelled again. These 5 specials happened over a timeframe of a few years. (Part 1 & 2 of The End of Time came together) . I don't believe it is a spoiler to say that in Season 5 there is a new Showrunner. As in Russel T.Davies steps away from the show and Steven Moffat steps in as the new Showrunner. Anyway; that's why they David Tennant's iteration of the Doctor ends in these specials. Because, time had passed; and the essence of why Doctor Who is such a beloved show (& has been for so long) is that it is contantly evolving (ie. the Doctor regenerates. & we get a new version to follow along on their journey) ... It does always hurt though; when you get attached to them; and sometimes (for me anyway) it takes a few episodes to warm up to the new doctor each time it happens. ... Anyway, this is already a long comment. I enjoyed your reaction and hope that you find yourself loving the next Doctor (Matt Smith)


As others have said, this is the end of RTD (Russell T Davies) as showrunner (he was in charge of S1 until now), as we're moving on to Steven Moffat's era. Steven Moffat wrote: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, Girl in the Fireplace, Blink & Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. To say this was an exciting change would be an understatement. This Doctor and era of the show are absolutely superb.


For the record he reads the titles and who wrote the episode and he is already a big fan of the writer, so we don't have to do any of this, he will come about it his way.......we all do......hahahaha


"I don't want to go," gets me in the feels stronger every time I watch it.

Valencia Lanier

I love David Tennant, He got two season and four specials when there wasn't going to be any Doctor Who. I'm happy for his run. But you know who I STILL MISS... Nine! We only got a year with Christopher Eccleston and I'm still mad about that. Seeing through to this new season and even now that I'm up to the Fifth Doctor in Classic Who, I still want more Eccleston.


This ending is never NOT emotional. As for the next Doctor, give yourself time to warm to him. I think it's always hard to warm to a new Doctor and can take time, but also after having so many seasons with one Doctor it can be even more challenging to move on to the next. But worth it. Doctor Who is nothing if it isn't about change.

Dani C

I was really thrown by Smith's first scene - it was such a gear change after the emotional roller coaster of that last half ep - but I fell in love with his Doctor pretty quickly into his first series


I am now willing to take bets on when he admits, what we all know is going to happen. I go water toss......


I was wrong it was during the "Everything is going to be fine" portion.....hahahaha, this is going to be one hell of a ride.


A few special moments that you might not have known about was that the final line of "I don't want to go" was filmed three separate times with each time pushing David to show more and more emotion. Both the director, Euros Lynn and the producer Julie Gardner thought that take 3 where he is at his most fearful and upset was the way to go while David said that 2 was best because that was more in the Doctor's character to retain that strength. In the end they all got together and realized that Davids choice was the right one. You can find it on youtube under "I don't want to go" the alternative takes.


Another interesting fact is that David has this thing for stunts meaning he likes to do them whenever he can ("Or when the dept of health and safety aren't looking!' - David Tennant") and one was the scene inside the Tardis during Regeneration. He was told to NOT MOVE off of a small strip of green tape or else he might go up in flames!


The song at the end as tennant is passing is called vale decem which is latin for something like farewell tent.


the woman he went to visit was the woman he fell in love with whilst he was John Smith in the family of blood 2 parter. Well not her, but her grandmother.