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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely agree with you about not liking Christopher. For so many reasons too. For so many reasons to come too. I hate him just as much as I hate Jess. Christopher is Lorelei's kryptonite.


Ugh Christopher is the worst! I fee exactly the way that you do about him and the thing that bothers me the most is how Lorelei treats him and lets him off the hook for being an absent father for the most part. Wish we had more Luke this episode he is one of my favorite characters but loved the little bit we got with him & Jess.

Renee Pope-Munro

I love how much you dig the theme song - I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this early on, but Carole King re-recorded this version with her daughter. They also do all the “lah lah” interstitials throughout the episodes. And yes, Christopher is the ABSOLUTE WORST. But first loves man... they’re hard to shake. Especially if you’re in somewhat of a suspended adolescence.


I completely understand your feelings towards Christopher but I wanted to give you my perspective because I do kinda’ see where she is coming from as I’ve had a very similar relationship with my son and my son’s father minus the money and a lot of the redeemable qualities in Christopher. I know I have defended this in the past and I don’t want to harp on it but… . I don’t think she was asking in that way so as not to inconvenience Christopher. Her sole objective was to have him do this for Rory and actually show up so as not to disappoint Rory. Her feelings for Christopher are complicated. He was her first love and she fell in love with him in spite of and maybe because of his rebelliousness and irresponsibility. That was what she needed at the time but was totally incompatible with what she needed as a mother. Her first priority is and always has been Rory. Even as far as not wanting Rory to have a bad opinion of her father - for Rory’s sake, not for Christopher. And, not to defend Christopher but, his not being a fuller part of Rory’s life has not been entirely his doing. Lorelai has always wanted to shield Rory from the negative side of Christopher (the stuff that probably actually drew her to him in the first place as a rebellion against her parents) while still having Rory retain a healthy relationship and image of her father, again for Rory not for Christopher. I love Lorelai but, as are most of us, she is a flawed person and she has been selfish in her relationship with her daughter. Yes, Christopher was an “adult” and should’ve done better but Lorelei’s focus was not on fixing Christopher, it was raising Rory. The only thing could affect was Rory‘s perception of her father. Were these decisions always the best ones - no. But she was doing what she could at the time with life happening and that’s how it goes. I didn’t really give the absence of my sons father in his life a lot of thought at the time. That was his decision and it honestly didn’t really affect us at the time. My son had a good life and it was a little bit of a relief not to have the complications that would’ve come with his father being more involved. When he was older I did kinda’ regret not trying a little harder in the beginning to have him more involved but I don’t honestly know if it would’ve been a good thing. I know at the time I felt it was the right thing for my son but the consequences are him not having a relationship with his father. It is mostly on my son’s father’s as I never prevented him from seeing him and never said anything negative about him but I also recognize that I contributed to that lack of relationship as well and I think it is the same thing with Lorelai. Well that was a little too much TMI but that’s my feelings on it. I may be relating to the situation a little too much 🤪

Mariella Nilsson

I like your ideas for the channel!