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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Sarah Benedict

Bummer - Your mic kept cutting out during the video. I think I heard you say you're liking the OutlawQueen stuff (Robin and Regina) - agreed! Their chemistry is great, but I think Lana can have chemistry with a spoon, so... And yes, Walsh IS the man Emma was dating. :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yeah... your voice keeps cutting out a lot throughout this reaction because your mic is messed up. I hope you can get this fixed before your next reaction for Once Upon a Time, because it's one of my overall favorite episodes in season three, and throughout the entire series. As for It's Not Easy Being Green- Thank you so much for another fabulous reaction for Once Upon a Time!!! I really enjoy this episode a lot. It is a little fast paced, but again... that's due to them only having so much time for one episode, and them needing to fit so much into it on account of all that's to come throughout the remainder of the season. However, the snark between Regina and Zelena is amazing! I love their banter. And aside from the sound cutting out, I enjoyed your reaction to this episode for the most part too. So thank you! Now as for my favorite scenes in this episode... I really do love the battle between Regina and Zelena, and that Regina managed to outsmart Zelena by being smart enough not to keep her heart in her chest so long as Zelena was a threat, thanks to learning this lesson from Cora. I also absolutely love, love, love the moments between Hook and Henry, as Hook tells Henry about Neal when he was a boy. It's funny how Hook talks about knowing Neal and teaching him how to sail and navigate the stars when Neal was just a boy, and that Henry was even more confused as he asks Hook about him being and Neal being the same age. So funny. These moments between Hook and Henry are my favorite moments for me throughout this episode. They're just really sweet, and Hook is so good to Henry. I also really love the look of pain in his eyes when he talks about Bae and when he cared for him when he was a child. So beautiful. As for the moment in the end between Hook and Emma, when Hook brings Henry home to her... I really love this scene too. I love how Hook encourages Emma to tell her son the truth about his father, and then pleads with her to stay with Henry in Storybrooke. You can really tell how much Hook cares for Emma, as well as for Henry too. And then... I also really love the moments between Regina and Robin too. They really are so cute and perfect together. And both Lana Parrilla and Sean Maguire have great chemistry with one another I really love how Regina entrusts Robin with her heart. She's learning to let someone in and it's really beautiful. :) And I love the moment when Regina talks with Robin about the letter she had from her mother, having believed all this time that it was about her until Zelena's taunting inside Granny's Diner. I feel so badly for Regina throughout this episode. Now... I enjoy Zelena's backstory overall, showing why she became the Wicked Witch. How she came to be taught by Rumple, how she came to Oz, how she came to to become green because she grew envious of Regina being Rumple's favorite, why he chose Regina to cast his curse over her, and how she met and turned Walsh... the "Great and Terrible Oz", into her first flying monkey. I also like the beginning scene showing the heroes mourn as they bury Neal. It was a beautiful scene. Especially when we see that Rumple appears to feel the heroes dropping the dirt over his son's grave, as he mourns his son's death. It's so sad. And lastly... I love seeing Tinker Bell again as she tries to help Regina realize that she and Robin belong together once more. And finally, Regina realizes that she and Robin can be together. :) What a fabulous episode! Again... I can't wait for the next episode reaction! So, until next time... Thank you!


This was a huge backstory for Zelena, sorta learning about her past and why she is the way she is today. Learning that Cora gave up Zelena because she didn’t give her the chance to become royalty was a bit strange, but this definitely gets answered in a later episode so it’s okay to be confused as of now. I absolutely love the idea that Zelena is green because she is envious of Regina and wishes to have everything she has, and we can see that when Zelena barges into Granny’s with her speech, she wanted to recreate the scene Regina did in the pilot when she threatened the entire kingdom with a curse. Using similar lines like “I want to give u a gift,” “on this sad, sad day,” and it goes to show that Zelena has been watching Regina for a long time and almost wants to emulate the life she had as the Evil Queen. I also LOVE the reveal that Walsh was actually the Wizard of Oz and Zelena might’ve sent Walsh to WATCH Emma while she was in NY during the missing year. Maybe that’s why Walsh proposed so soon? Zelena probably didn’t want Emma to come to Storybrooke and save everyone and maybe this marriage would’ve prevented Emma from going back to Maine when Hook came looking for her. It is also revealed that Zelena wanted to go back in time to fix the timeline so that Cora would have kept her and maybe even stop Regina from ever being born. But we see that the Wizard of Oz is quick to bring her down as he states that time travel is impossible, so there’s something else that Zelena is planning as Regina just became aware that she is collecting ingredients for a specific kind of curse. Which Zelena describes as a “second chance.” Anyways, I actually enjoyed this episode a lot, seeing how Zelena became the Wicked Witch of the West and goes over why Zelena is the way she is. Idk if it was just me, but the audio of your voice kept cutting out here and there, idk if it’s your mic, but I hope you get it fixed soon :) until your next reaction !


I think this episode was a bit patchwork. Great moments stitched together instead of seamless. I'm not sure if you picked up on it because your mic was cutting out but Wizard of Oz was the man who proposed to Emma. Her bf in New York was the wizard. My favorite moment was when the dirt hit Neil coffin and Rumple crumpled in pain. Such a well done moment.