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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Amy Rustand

Despite enjoying the story and laughs, I gave this episode a really low score for one reason: inconsistence. The premise of this episode makes zero sense in terms of what this series has presented to us up to now. If plain old run-of-the-mill black-eyes demons (the lowest order of demons compared to red, yellow, and white eyed demons IMO) can CREATE LIFE simply by possessing a woman, why haven't they used this very simple method of creating an army against heaven?? Heck, Castiel said all they needed is ONE kid to erase all angels, but it would be easy as pie to create billions. Yet high-level yellow eyed demon Azazel goes thru the more difficult process of making deals with humans, waiting for them to have kids, then dripping blood in their kids' mouths to create powered-humans who are far less powerful than this Jesse. The premise of this episode just goes against absolutely everything else in the lore of the show so far, it breaks all the rules. That's one of my media pet peeves. So thanks, I hate it.