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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I was thinking of the word and the word is "giddy", that is how I feel before I embark on this.......so good, sooo gooood, we all just have to have faith.......don't at me, I told you, the word was giddy


An absolute favorite ep of mine, I've been so looking forward to your reaction on it! Joyce *kills* me every time I see her sassing Faith lol. I loved your thoughts on Faith (I thought it was particularly funny that, early on, you commented that it would have been cool if they'd done an episode from Faith's perspective.), and on the Buffy/Riley relationship. To be fair - and good lord, I don't ship them - the speed of their relationship seems about normal to me? Just, at this point in the year, they've been dating since just after Thanksgiving, so it's been several months. Still, I can't help agreeing with you on the matter. (Riley-lovers, pls don't @ me, we are all grownups by now. 😂) Anyway, enjoyed your reaction as always. Can't wait for the next!


Finally Buffy is back!!


"5 by 5" I originally thought it was an aviator term for the size of the cockpit that allows for you to eject to safety, I was wrong. It is the best radio signal report. so it is "transmitting properly".


It is not just a "you thing", the hell with that jerk-bag Riley.....hahahaha


power through season 4. season 5, 6 and 7 make up for it. My hatred for Riley is strong and s4 is my least favorite season, but s5 is consider one of if not the best season and features most of the top rated episodes

Heather Flores-Ricks

I find it interesting that you comment that most of the other relationships within the show are well timed out however Buffy's relationships always seems to happen too fast. I personally think that they do that on purpose and that it is a facet of her personality. I have friends that do the exact same thing at 30-35 years old and it drives me crazy, just as crazy as it does to watch Buffy do it here. However, i don't think that Joss did this by accident. I think this is purposely done as a part of who Buffy is and she either learns from it as the show goes on or she stays the same and all of her relationships feel rushed in a similar fashion. As for the rest of the episode, this pair is great and your reaction to the first one of the set was fantastic.

Nick Velasquez

Every time the scoobies stumble upon the demon body in the woods, I’m reminded of the news report from last episode, about them finding that boy’s body mutilated.


I think the problem you keep running into with Buffy relationships is that you're assuming she's this super hero that always makes good decisions and that the writers are writing her as such. I'd be curious to see what your opinion is at the end of the show.

DJ Doena

"What date is it? - Febuary 25th." Which means that Steven was watching it right on time. ;-)


I mean... I fully agree with you on the Angel/Buffy relationship going too fast. They were in love before they even went on a date. lol But the Riley thing, at this point, has been like at least a few months, maybe half a year. Also, young love. Teenagers. bla bla... you know.

DJ Doena

If I remember correctly, five-by-five was Faith's catchphrase on season three as well.


hahaha, I did not even notice that, you are so right......hahahaha, brilliant!!!!!!!


they actually met at the beginning of the semester, which would have been August and this was Feb 25 which is about 6 months, so you are spot on about the half a year thing. I don't think that the Reactor means in a time frame sense but in a "oh they like each other?" "Oh, they like each other?" type of way, there was nothing between them realizing they were interested in each other and then falling madly deeply in love , like Buffy did even have a thought about him at all and all of a sudden it is his "bulging arms" (I agree it does happen and is quite typical for a Freshman in College to do), but Buffy is "The Chosen One" and it is hard to watch her make mistake after mistake. I agree with you, but see his point and I feel a certain way about Riley, so that is blinding my judgement as well.


I got the impression that Faith was kept in a run down, unused part of the hospital because she was a wanted criminal along with they didn't think she would ever wake up again so they probably had minimum care happening for her and wanted her out of the way of the regular patients and staff. That's my take on it anyway. I'm definitely with you on the Riley and Buffy stuff.

Catherine Thurmond

If we go by when Riley was trying to ask out Buffy as a starting point for them dating I'd say mid to late November because Pangs was the next episode( the Thanksgiving episode) and as of this episode it's February 28th( from info of the girl at the hospital) I'd say they've been dating for 3 to 3 1/2 months. So maybe quick but I just don't consider them in my enjoyment of this episode it's one of my favorites and your reaction to it was awesome.💜

Ari is my Cat

5 by 5 was a term used in old radio signals to denote signal strength. The first scale was 1-9 with 5 being perfectly readable and the second scale was signal strength rated 1-5 with 1 being barely readable to 5 being excellent. So 5 by 5 was the optimal radio strength and clarity. Basically it became slang for loud and clear before loud and clear was a saying and became more common slang for everything is good. It was not in common use so I don't know where Faith got it from.


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the episode. Faith is one of the most interesting characters in my own opinion. Her and Buffy's fighting scenes are cool, too :p

Ari is my Cat

I know I'm not the only one who thinks Forrest is in love with Riley....

Heather Flores-Ricks

This is super helpful as i never really took the time to look it up. It makes so much more sense now.


I'm not a Riley fan, but Buffy lives an intense, unsure life. She's already died once, and she could die any night, from her perspective. Maybe she's rushing things because she doesn't have the luxury of time. Maybe it's poor writing. Maybe it's the blandness of Riley that doesn't work for some viewers, but maybe it works for Buffy because Riley is Joe Normal compared to broody vampire Angel. I dunno, I think it's a normal timeline to still be in the infatuation stage of a relationship.


They're also playing up the horror vibe, like the hospital in S2 "Killed by Death." The music when Faith is walking down Main Street is evocative of "Hush," especially with the choral element.


I love your idea of a S3 episode from Faith's perspective. Like, what was she doing when she went on her "walkabouts"? I have an idea, and it upsets me -- because how was she paying for her motel, food, clothing, etc? We know from "Bad Girls," that she didn't have an issue with stealing, but... shivers. Giles really did Faith wrong. He should have been taking care of her. Anyway, I think the dreams and the scene with Joyce are good insight into Faith's mind. If you go back and rewatch S3, you might pick up the subtext of Faith's damage and her feelings about Buffy. I like that you noticed Buffy's optimism and concern about Faith, but boy did she quickly slip back into their old pattern. Faith and Buffy are like oil and water -- I just want them to get along.


I never understood the hate for Riley. He was trying to do the right thing and he clearly cares about Buffy, that should be what matters. People get all caught up in their hatred for him based solely on him being bland. Bland is better than her significant other trying to kill her and her friends if you ask me. Anyway, This is a great episode. Eliza Dushku is so as Faith, she manages to do evil and yet have a smidgen of vulnerability and sadness.

Daniel R

I ride or die with Faith forever, fuck Buffy lol


I think it was really telling when Buffy had Faith over both times once for dinner, then on Christmas. Faith acted like a person who hadn't had a meal for awhile. But some how got Joyce a gift the next time. There was also other instances throughout season 3. Like how she jumps to the conclusion that the mayor would be her sugar daddy. In away the mayor was probably one of the few people to show her kindness without demanding sex. He gave her a home, a purpose, set boundaries and support. All things that she desperately needed. It did have a price to it though sadly. But I can understand why Faith would latch on to that. Giles completely failed Faith. He should of stepped up as her watcher. More so since Faith was very much suffering ptsd after seeing her own watcher killed in front of her then the second one turning evil. All the while having no support system to turn to other then teenage Buffy. And in away I see Joyce at fault as well. Both were so focused on Buffy and her future,which they should be but come on. At one point Joyce even makes the comment that Faith could take over slaying for Buffy so she could go to college. Buffy had a future while Faith was just a weapon. That must of hurt. And to make it worse Faith looked up to Joyce and Giles. Don't even get me started on Willow and how she treated her. All though season 3 you can see Faith continue do spiral and none of the adults are helping.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Faith was never around because she was never invited by the group. Lol literally they had millions of meetings without Faith and only involved her when they wanted something from her. She’s a Slayer for goodness sakes and they treated her like the lap dog. If you think about it, it’s messed up that she was repeatedly pushed aside when she’s kind of, the true Slayer. It’s her death that will activate the next Slayer, she carries the line and she’s a secondary character. I get it though; it’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer not Faith the Vampire Slayer, I just wish she got the respect and welcome that she should’ve gotten from the very start. They never truly welcomed her or involved her. Just because she was edgier, and rough around the edges. She wasn’t lucky like Buffy was, she had a messed up childhood, no real role models, grew up poor, never felt like she belonged anywhere, gets the calling to be a hero, watched her Watcher, her first real role model get murdered, then finds the Scoobies, only to be treated like the resident babysitter all the while living in a crappy motel room, basically homeless. Just saying the Scoobies should have done way more! They’re not totally innocent in her isolation and exclusion. 🤷🏼‍♀️💯💯


I think in Faith's pov - imagine it. She's had a shitty childhood, her mum was an acoholic at best, an abuser at worst. She has serious trust issues and a bad opinion on men which we can speculate meant she was also somewhat abused or used in her early teens or childhood. She is called as a Slayer and suddenly has a purpose, is special, a force for good. All that pain and suffering led her to this purpose. Only her watcher, the first adult she trusts and cares for is killed. Not only that, but there is already another Slayer... Suddenly Faith isn't as special... She meets Buffy and does her best to play nice, make friends, be part of the team. But everyone keeps pushing her out, judging her, having meetings without her. She has to live in a dive motel while Buffy has the mum and nice house with home cooked meals, a watcher, friends, school, boyfriend. Buffy is loved and supported. Faith is left in the cold. Faith gets a new watcher, Mrs Post who uses her... Then Wesley... and still nobody is really trying to let Faith in! By the time the accident happens with her killing the mayor's guy, she is already in deep, and has been trying to get Buffy to be 'naughty' and be more like her. She can't let her guard down anymore, and goes to the mayor and it turns out, he shows her real love and care. He gives her an apartment, makes her feel special - unlike the council, buffy or the scoobies... In the end, Buffy tries to kill Faith to save Angel... Faith wakes up now to find the mayor - her father figure and friend was killed by Buffy, and Buffy isn't even dating or thinking about Angel after all that! In the fandom, the Slayers are often referred to as Sisters, sister slayer... because they are of the same line, lineage, blood in that respect. But nobody has ever given Faith love... they sort of tried early on, but she was treated more like a side-show, you know? To me, Faith's descent makes so much sense and is super sad...


Has anyone else seen the camera on the left side when Buffy and Faith crashing down the stairs? (~ 42 Minute mark)


Love your reactions, which made me subscribe to your Patreon here. But I have one little thing to bring up. I have noticed even on YouTube, whenever you make these videos you tend to talk over some of the crucial dialogs and it makes you miss some of the important words, that are important for the future references. I like that you have noticed and remembered the thing with Tara purposefully sabotaging a spell in one of the previous episodes, just keep that in mind. Basically, all I wanted to say is just pay closer attention 😉 other than that, awesome episode, awesome reaction!

Ghost Mom

Since you're on season 5 now I wanted to call back to this episode. The dream at the beginning with faith foreshadows the dawn stuff and has been since the season 3 finale. In the season 3 finale buffy has a dream about faith and faith calls her little miss muffet. in the first episode where dawn appears, that crazy homeless man that was talking to dawn who confused you said "curds and whey, you don't belong here" and some other weird stuff. and the dream in this episode also foreshadowed dawn with faith saying "gotta get everything ready, little sis is coming" dawns inclusion feels weird and doesn't make sense, but it was all foreshadowed and will make sense in time.