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Ari is my Cat

Lot of people don't like this episode but I love it.


Have I missed some episodes? Last I saw he watched Midnight. If he hasn’t seen the other episodes then why are you skipping like 4 episodes including the series finale?


Answering any of your questions are kind of a spoiler in them self.

Ari is my Cat

David Tennent had some scheduling issues but did not want to give up the role so they did a bunch of specials in the year off between season 4 and 5. Had you skipped to season 5 you would have been lost. Moffat took over as show runner for season 5.


Yeah, not my favorite episode ever. Almost always I skip this one without re-watching it.


From my memory, there are 'gap years' where there hasn't been in Doctor Who and sometimes we do get specials during that time. Sometimes not.

Dani C

Sometimes specials are just a seasonal thing and sit outside / between the series but can be watched as standalone episodes. Sometimes they use specials to bridge an extended gap between series. Some specials dont really tie in too much to the main series but some are essential to the ongoing storyline. It varies greatly.


The specials are essentially normal episodes. Sometimes themed, sometimes just normal episodes, but they can push the main story forward just as much as any other episodes. There are I believe 3 more episodes before season 5 and the 2 of the 3 have MAJOR story implications. Looking forward to this!