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The flashbacks were of Harold not Arthur, just letting you know 😃


I knew that, did I say Arthur? I knew they were of Harold. So many names I must have misspoke. My bad.


That’s what I thought as I think I remember you saying Harold last episode.


Another outstanding episode. All the actors are good but Amy Acker is on particular fine form here. Her "machine" voice is incredibly creepy and amazing all at the same time.

Dani C

This whole season is straight fire.


All of the following is stuff that happened in previous episodes that you apparently have forgotten about: The guy at the end (who I will simply refer to as "He" although I don't think his name is a spoiler or anything) has appeared since early season 2. He represents a firm called Decima Technologies. After Reese and his former partner Kara Stanton were sent to China to find a laptop with the Machine's code on it, and ordered to kill each other by Snow, Kara wakes up in the hospital and meets Him, and He offers Kara a job. If you want a refresher, the scene is here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzWXef-XzLI). Kara then returns to infect the Machine with a virus from Decima Technologies before being blown up in a car by snow. As the car burns, the name "Harold Finch" is revealed to be the person who betrayed her by selling the laptop with the virus to the highest bidder. That is explained in this scene from season 2 episode 19: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-ZKGIy98wg) Harold did that so that when someone inevitably attacked the Machine in that manner, it would use Harold's own code to do it. After the virus triggered, the machine moved itself without anyone knowing where it went - hence the empty building they found in the season 2 finale.


Immediately following up the 3 eps of Carter/HR with these 2 eps of Control/Arthur is just impressive. Five straight *mid-season* episodes that I’d give 9s or 10s. On my first watch, I’m pretty sure I binged the rest of the show within days after this because it had gotten just so good. Re: the villains — this episode serves as a pretty good illustration of why the show is so good with them. It’s because they’re not villains—they’re antagonists. They have their own understandable (even good, sometimes) goals and motivations, and usually appear and act in rational ways to pursue them (rather than simply because the plot demands a villain). As in this episode, when it makes sense they’ll clash with each other (Vigilance vs. Control/Hersh), or they’ll even try to cut deals with Team Machine (Vigilance’s offer to Harold, Control’s offer to Root). As some say, the best antagonists think they’re right—and sometimes might even be right. It’s easy to imagine a version of the story told instead from the perspective of Control/the government, or Vigilance, or Root, or Elias, where *they’re* the protagonists.


''A false dichotomy, it's all electricity. Does it make you laugh, does it make you weep? What's more human than that?'' - Arthur Claypool. Altheia - in ancient Greek means truth or disclosure as well as reality (the new discoveries and path of our team) Thank you for your reaction. I love this episode very much. We begin to see how this season is going to be shaped. Remember at the end of the last episode you mentioned the yellow line? That said Analog Interface which is Root. The machine was re-tasking her to come save Harold and co. The machine didn't want Root to get captured. She choose to stay down to give the others time to get away. Shaw went with them as their priority was to rescue Arthur. Loved the backstory on Harold, both from the flashbacks and Arthur's stories. Their conversations and chemistry is amazing. So is the chemistry between Reese and Fusco. Control is a beast btw. The conversations now. 1. Between Harold and Arthur - My personal favourite part of the episode. It's so amazing. The way Arthur thinks it is so true. We all are basically electricity (us humans - our brains, our thoughts our impulses) just like the machines were, how can you not care about your creation? Of course both Harold and Arthur love their children. 2 Between Root and Control (more like the machine and control) that scene was amazing. So dominant is the machine. Now the sides and please read this. 1. Our Team - Team Irrelevant 2. The Inelligence Support Activity (ISA) - Composed by Control, Hersh and the rest of the team involved with the machine and the relevant numbers. 3. Vigilance - Introduced in Season 3 Episode 2 - Nothing to Hide - they are anti government surveillance and target anyone responsible. Run by Peter Collier and appeared in season 3 episodes 2,6,11 and 12. 4. John Greer (that is his name) and Decima Technologies. Greer appears first in season 2, episode 13 when he captured Kara, used her to plant the virus to trigger the machine's reboot in God Mode episode. The bank manager worked for Decima. Vigilance or ISA had no idea who she was and they now think the drives are gone. If you read so far thank you so much. Please don't hesitate to ask us whatever questions you can think of (during the reaction) and we will answer with no spoilers in the comments after each and every episode. Hope you keep them coming more frequently though. I noticed you started posting 2 ep of Once a week sometimes a day, and I just hope to see POI more often as well. Anyways thank you so much for the reaction. Have a great day!! Cheers


Its not really a spoiler Greer's name, it has no consequence really what his name is. In fact I tried long and hard to remember when we heard his name for the first time and I really don't have a clue :)) Its better for him to know since it might help remember who he is in the future.


"My Samaritan, you're destined for great things" I love the interplay of all the different antagonists in this episode. Looking forward to more!


I love your love for this show and especially for Root. And I agree, this show handles the interplay of its villains amazingly. We have 3 different antagonists at play at the same time in this episode and it was done brilliantly. I also agree with you that all the female characters on the show are freaking badass! Even Control rocks!


I like how it connects to the previous episode, with the genius student and teacher helping him sell his program. You learn about a a famous hacker who used a home made computer to hack into the early internet in that episode, and Harold hints it was him.