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wow, i really enjoyed watching this show. I was browsing netflix when i came across this show and gave it a shot since i wanted something “new to watch.” and based on that ENDING, i just needed to keep watching. i finished S1 pretty quickly and figured it was done, until S2 was released not too long ago and enjoyed that season too. I get what you mean that it’s weird to find yourself routing for Joe, but honestly, I think that’s why it’s such a good show. we’re intrigued to see the story from the perspective of a psycho.. and I find myself routing for the Joe Goldberg character as well. Obviously, we can see that Joe is a stalker from searching Guinevere Beck online and even finding the address to where she lives. He even has the bravery to show up to her house.. what if she had noticed him? How does he get away with it? We can also see from Joe that he’s genuinely a nice person. He helps out his neighbor Paco by giving him books to read to distract himself from the terrible relationship his mom has with her boyfriend. He even gives away his dinner to Paco, knowing damn well he has nothing in the fridge and it’s just a wholesome act from Joe’s part. Idk how these “Pilot Program”/“Reaction Requests” go but I do wish that you continue the series because it’s really good and I think you’ll really enjoy it. It also isn’t very long, imo so there isn’t too much go on about and it’s just a show I really enjoyed due to dark twists I saw, like the ending of the Pilot.. I definitely didn’t have much hope in this show when I first came across it, but once I watched it, I couldn’t stop. Well, i’m rambling.. until next time! :)


Omggggg yes!


this show is specifically made to show you how much we're willing to forgive the classic male, white, normal dude. we know what he's doing is super wrong, but we're trained to like people like Joe - booknerds who care about children and take care of others... It makes Joe such an interesting character, because he is not all bad, but he still is a stalker and a criminal..


Yessss this show lol you'll enjoy it


this is a great show and it only gets better from here. if you like dexter, i have not doubt that you'll like this too. you should react to both seasons. :)