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I always thought that the whole Rumple having to die to take out Pan was because Pan was immortal. I assumed it was a it took his whole lifeforce thing. Agree fully they should have explained it.


Whoops hit enter to early. I know Snow and Charming realized there was no other choice and were not wanting their last memory to be wasted but I wish Snow would have at least done that single tear thing she's so good at lol. I disagree about the flashbacks not being needed. I always thought 3 of them were The flashback at the end with Emma holding Henry was a perfect way to show the new memories. The flashback with Henry that makes it clear he saw the curse world when nobody else did and Regina made him feel crazy for it gives some insight into why he rejected reginas love. The remembrance ceremony Rumple had for Bell was needed simply because I loved it lol.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Oh my gosh!!!!! I love this episode!! And it completely tore my heart out and crushed it. So sad and yet so beautiful for so many of our characters we love so much. First... one of my absolute favorite moments in this episode is when everyone says their goodbyes, which I will get back to later on. But I will say that I especially love, love, love the moment when Hook says his own goodbye to Emma, as he compliments her vessel and then states lovingly, "There's not a day will go by I won't think of you." So beautiful and again... I love the emotion shown on his face with the tears in his eyes, as well as in Emma's when she listens to him, then responds simply, "Good." I love the way they stare at one another for several seconds before he finally walks away from her feeling disheartened. I love the emotional impact this moment gives me. And you can see that between Hook and Neal, Emma's chemistry and feelings for Hook are most definitely stronger. Even though she hasn't had the time to work her feelings through for either one of them. It's quite a beautiful moment, as is the entire goodbye scene. Now... I love seeing a brief flashback between Hook and Tinker Bell in Neverland, as well as Smee too of course. And I love how it tied into the present day storyline, as Hook risks his life to try to help his friends capture Pan's shadow, all for Emma. Not for himself or for revenge like he continues to pretend, but all because he loves Emma so much, in spite a part of him believing that Emma could never love him. So sad and so beautiful. Also... I love how Tink got her wings and magic back by believing in herself, and the moment with her and Blue when Blue apologizes for losing her belief in her. I understand that this scene felt strangely executed, and it was in a way it was because it was rushed given the time crunch. Personally, I was happy that Blue did so. And I'm happy that Blue is alive again too, because I like her character. While we haven't seen much with her except for mostly in flashbacks... I feel she's a very important character in regards to helping our heroes, as she is the leader of the fairies and she is very powerful. And she means well. I was also happy that she apologized to Tink for being too strict. Next... Pan was so sly and cruel towards both Regina and Rumple, and I love every moment. Like you said... Robbie Kay is brilliant in the role of Pan and Pan is a phenomenal villain, outside of both Rumplestiltskin and the Evil Queen of course. And now... Rumple has finally defeated Pan at last, but sadly at the cost of his own life. It's so tragic. I remember screaming at the screen when I first watched this episode. Why?!!!!! Why did they have to kill off Rumplestiltskin?!!! However, like you... I also believed then that they would find a way to bring him back again. We'll see what's to come. Again... this moment upon sacrificing himself to kill Pan so he could save everyone else is also quite beautiful and heartbreaking. I especially felt for Belle when she collapses and cries out his name upon being forced to watch him die. It's tragic. Now... I also felt so badly for Regina, and everyone else too of course, knowing they all have to return to the Enchanted Forest without Emma and Henry, who now no longer remembers them because of Pan's curse. So sad. Again... why?!!!! But wow that goodbye scene was so beautiful and such a tearjerker for me. I balled throughout this episode's entire ending. I also love seeing the moment again when Emma is giving birth to Henry, and then seeing it change because of Regina's magic as she gives Emma and Henry new memories in their pasts, upon Storybrooke being destroyed. Beautiful. So sweet and so sad. And lastly.... Hook's back!!!!! I was screaming at the screen all over again, but this time because I was so happy to see Hook appear in New York to try to convince Emma her family is in danger. Perfect!!! And I am so happy it was Hook over anyone else. And as for Hook kissing Emma... I really don't care much for that moment. I understand that Hook was trying to give her True Love's Kiss in order to restore her memories, but while we know that Hook loves Emma, Emma in no way loves him in return. So True Love's Kiss wouldn't have worked either way. This moment was just awkward. As far as the lack of emotions go from everyone... I don't think that everyone was emotionless. I feel more like they were really struggling to hold their emotions inside, in order to keep up a brave face for Emma and Henry, as well as for Regina, who was about to make the bigger sacrifice to save them all from being cursed again in Pan's curse. And in regards to your thoughts about the scenes to cut out in order to extend the Shadow fight... I agree with you to some degree. i really wish this scene could have been longer to make room for more of a fight, and I feel like this episode definitely could have been a two parter as well. However, I really love the added scenes within the backstory, especially between Hook and Tinker Bell in Neverland, given that it explains why Hook is still fighting and standing against Pan and his Shadow... all for love, which in this case, he's in love with Emma. And I really love it. I also love the other backstory moments with Snow and Charming, and with Rumplestiltskin and Belle too. What's to come is so exciting and I cannot wait for more reactions from you to come!! Because what's in store is just as good as the first half of the season, if not better. It's near impossible for me to say which season or arcs are the best. There's so much good in all of them. :) So you have lots of good episodes to look forward to. Just you wait!! Thank you again, so much! Until next time...


I’m on a 9 for this episode too just because I agree with the fact that the flashbacks weren’t needed. I love this episode, don’t get me wrong but I would gladly skip through those flashbacks. The only one that I thought made sense was the repeat of Emma giving birth, only because they added a little touch at the end sort of showing the “new memories” Emma and Henry would have. I guess this means that Henry is no longer Henry Mills... but Henry Swan? idk.. I don’t believe that Emma would choose to name her son Henry, but ig they kept it to make a tribute to Regina and signify that Regina always loved Henry. To answer your question, this episode is a mid-season finale and you’ll see as you continue watching that the first part of Season 3 was about the Peter Pan story, and since you already have reaction 3x12 up, the second part of S3 is about the Wicked Witch story.. so it sort of splits the season into these archs per se. <- had to make sure I wasn’t spoiling so I quickly watched the last scene in 3x12 just in case I might spoil.. but I’m not :) but yeah! Onto 3x12 :)


I somewhat get the reaction from Snow. She's Emma's mother, and as mothers we try to blunt the emotional blow for our kids whenever we can. Emma and Snow are technically the same age, but Snow will always have that maternal instinct when it comes to protecting Emma.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Oh... and as for the moment when Mary Margaret gives Henry the storybook... absolutely beautiful. I love seeing how she comes to give it to him, and seeing Henry immediately begin to believe when he turns to look at Mary Margaret again as she begins to walk away from him... only to see him as Snow White. In regards to how the book came into Mary Margaret's possession and how it comes to be... it's always been told that it appears by magic. Brilliant!!!

Paul Fisher

The idea that Rumple had to die in order to kill Pan was not new. Rumple had previously said in Neverland that the only way for Pan to die was if Rumple died with him. That's why he accepted saving Henry as the future foretold by the prophecy that Henry would be his undoing. That's also why he thought he had avoided his fate by trapping Pan in Pandora's Box; if he didn't have to kill Pan, he wouldn't have to die.

Jared Scoggin

About the book: In the first flashback Blue told Snow and Charming that their story would reveal itself to Emma when it was time. I think that's why the book appeared in Mary Margaret's closet "like magic," so she could give the book to Henry who realized he wasn’t crazy, and that the curse from the book was real (because he's the only person in town who ages). He then went to find Emma and revealed everything. Also, I love that they finally called attention to Emma's unicorn mobile which has been hanging in Mr. Gold's shop since the first episode, but I don't think anyone has ever mentioned it on the show.


Hello patrons. i dont watch once, but the picture caught my eye. i was wondering if that is Dr. Rush from SGU and what his name is in this show. thanks for reading <3

Paul Fisher

Yes, that is indeed Robert Carlyle, who was also in SGU. It is worth watching Once Upon A Time just to see the phenomenol performances he gives in this show. He gets to do some amazing scenes which I think are the best he's ever been given.

Paul Fisher

I agree. I also admire the photography which was able to hide two complications to make the scene work. First, they put Ginnifer Goodwin in that coat to hide the fact that she was pregnant, then they kept Jared Gilmore seated so he looked shorter to hide the fact that he was now three years older than when the scene was set.

Paul Fisher

Yes and it stands to reason that he would have struggled with that realization for years before he got the book and finally found an explanation. That would certainly have affected his relationship with Regina. I do wish we had seen more of the two of them coming to grips with that, although we got a nod to it in season two's episode "We Are Both."

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I have to say... I love this Neverland arc as a whole. Pan is a phenomenal villain, played by an actor who is brilliant at a young age. Robbie Kay plays Pan better than any other teenage actor I've ever seen in any movie version of Peter Pan before. And I really love the overall direction in which this arc takes us. However, with all this being said... I also feel some disappointments within this arc, which to me bring it down more than I wish it had. First of all... while I really love Henry throughout the entire series, this is the one arc in which I feel his character is at his weakest. Not that Jared Gilmore did a bad job in acting as Henry, because I still enjoyed his character for the most part throughout this half of the season. But I feel that the writers failed him by writing Henry the way they did, because Henry was weak and made some decisions that I feel were very out of character for him. I just really wish this arc wasn't so focused around Henry, And secondly... my biggest complaint with this arc, is that the rivalry between Pan and Hook that we have grown up with and have loved since Peter Pan was first written by J.M. Barrie, then was made into a play, a Disney movie, and multiple other movies over the years... was hardly touched upon. I really, really wish that there was more interaction between Hook and Pan throughout the arc, given that Hook and Pan are one of the most famous and beloved rivalries within all fairytales. Instead, we only get one episode within this arc where Hook and Pan actually interact... in the fifth episode, Good Form. And this is partly the reason why Good Form is one of my overall favorite episodes, not only within the Neverland arc, but throughout the entire series as well. That... and because it's so centered around Hook. Outside of this episode... Pan and Hook only have one more very brief interaction just before the heroes' battle against the Lost Boys shown within the second episode, Lost Girl... as Pan calls out to Hook saying he's disappointed in him for being foolish enough to return to Neverland after he had set him free, and that he's there to fight on the side of the heroes' instead of with him. I love Hook as a character and I absolutely love all of the scenes between Hook and Pan throughout Good Form, and would have loved to see this rivalry brought about far more than what it was. I really would love to know your thoughts about this Geeked Out Nation. What do you think about the Neverland arc as a whole, and do you agree that this show's creators and writers should have expanded more on the infamous rivalry between Hook and Pan? Please let me know. Thank you!!!


Watching originally, it never bothered me that they didn't show much emotion because I knew it was the mid season finale, and clearly the actors knew that as well. Regina and Emma are the only ones really showing emotion. I know that Snow the actress was pregnant while filming this season, so I don't know if that played into it at all. Maybe when they realized they were going back to the Enchanted forest they thought they would be able to have another child and give it the life Emma never had. Red wasn't in the season because she got cast in another show, and everyone complained that she wasn't around.


Subscribed last month. You were so far behind on Youtube with this show and others that I like that I had to jump forward and see the rest of your reactions. Love them. The reason why the dagger worked on killing Rumple AND Pan was never brought up. The way I saw it was that he didn't cut off the cuff as you saw, so thats why he pulled him in close and hugged him. And he used the dagger because he knew that the dagger is the only thing that can kill the Dark One and pass the power on to the killer. So by hugging him hes enveloping Pan in the power of the cuff and holding him there so he can't use magic to be freed. And by stabbing himself, THROUGH pan. He's tricking the magic. He's making it seem to the dagger, like Pan killed him passing the power on to Pan, but also killing Pan because now the dagger is through Pan as well, the New Dark One, and killing him. They never explain it, but given what we know so far about the Dagger and the Dark One's powers, as well as the power dampening cuff that Pan made, that's my take on it.


Basically what happened is that because Pan doesn't have a shadow, Rumple was able to use his to fuse them together. They were using one shadow, so when he killed himself, it killed Pan too.


I never noticed that they weren't upset because I couldn't see them through my tears lol. I was SO upset when Storybrooke got erased. Looking back, this could have been a good end for the show as a whole. The problems you have with the flashbacks now only gets worse the longer the writers have to drag out these characters stories.