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Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

For some reason the episode stops and doesn't go past the part with Maggie and Riley turning to see the monitor.....so gutted x


Dropbox has been acting weird since last Friday...try downloading the episode. That seems to fix it.


I realize that I may have rated it higher then it should, but Buffy looking into the camera was pretty bad ass the very first time I watched it, so that has been seared into my brain for all time.


You're not the first to feel that Adam leaves the impression of a season 1 monster. And yeah that scene with Buffy on the monitor was the best part of this episode. Not the best episode ever, not the worst. It does feel good that Willow has a new friend to bond with over magic. And I forgot what all else I was gonna say. Lack of sleep on my part, but too early to sleep yet. lol


I'm pretty sure the reason they killed off Professor Walsh is because the actress wanted out of her contract.

Stephanie Bedworth

LOL Adam really is a terrible villain. This second half of the season is not my favorite stuff in the show.


Word is that Professor Walsh was set up to be the big bad of the season, but the actor had some scheduling conflicts with her other works and so they had to kill her off and go in a different direction with the big bad ... Adam. This is all word of mouth though and hasn't actually been confirmed that I know of, but it would make sense with why the season all of a sudden went in a different direction

Marshall Dante Robertson

I actually loved the fight/sex scene. I thought it was well done, especially with the song they picked. But yeah Adam is well...Adam. The season arc itself might leave something to be desired but trust me there's some major character development in store for the rest of the season that makes the season worthwhile.

Katherine Thoreson

The whole thing with Xander and the bars was just to show another endeavor he is making to find his place in the world as everyone else he knows has gone off to college. You'll notice he's had a lot of different jobs this season. As it was pointed out, the actress that plays Maggie Walsh wanted out of her contract. At this point, I think it's okay to say she was supposed to play a bigger part in the season arc. When ranking seasons of Buffy as whole stories from beginning to end, I always put 4 just above 1, which I rank last out of all 7 seasons, but I also always point out that this season, while disjointed, has some of the best single one-off episodes of the entire series, in my opinion. Even the crew acknowledges this season is a bit off kilter, but they say it kind of fits in a way as we left the comfort of 3 seasons of high school, and the show had to kind of establish itself all over again.

Ari is my Cat

I agree and yet there were a few one off episodes that were some of the best of the series.

Allan Cornett

I'm sure Walsh didn't believe the stories Buffy told her last episode. Big mistake.


I agree that the big bad is not very ideal. But this season still has a lot to offer aside from that. Thanks! :D

Allan Cornett

I agree with a rating of 7. I love Buffy's confidence that she is more than a match for Walsh and team.

Allan Cornett

There are still some good one offs coming. I still mostly agree with you.


Season 4 is overall good. But the problem is the last minute changes they had to make. Seth green left abruptly to film a movie. He was supposed to stay aregular but he had opportunities elsewhere which is understandable. The professor did the same as she was supposed to be the big bad .all in all its impressive this season is still ok after two abruct cast changes right after losing 2 or 3 other regulars to spearhead the angel spinoff.


Your reaction at the end cracked me up. Spike & the scooby gang save this episode for me. Its not my favorite, but I wasn't as bothered by the scientist dying and Adam taking over even though he is a sucky villain.

Phoenix Dawn

This season is really good (has some really great episodes, some yet to come for you) except for the Intiative (including Riley, Walsh, Adam etc.) . It is a pity that the villain had to suck so much.


Spike being able to attack is a continuity issue and I think there's a few in total but this may be the worst example.


The only parts I like about the episode are the Spike parts, and Buffy's "you really don't know what a Slayer is... trust me when I say you're gonna find out...". But I'm really sad that Buffy doesn't get to shwo Prof. Walsh and give her a whooping lol. I love season 4, but I am NOT a fan of Riley, Walsh or Adam, AT ALL. They are the big let down for me this season. However, there were a lot of production issues this season. So many little things cropped up that meant last minute rewrites and changes to the season arc and story, PLUS with Joss's attention divided between this season and brand new spin-off... It is a 'messy' season to a lot of viewers, but it DOES have some of my fav episodes of the entire show, honestly. Some of which we have seen, some still to come.