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Howdy ladies and gents,

So since my announcement about going full time with Patreon and Youtube for my own sanity and to prevent the burn out from having two jobs, I have received several messages about changing my tiers, putting things into higher tiers and getting rid lower tiers. 

These messages were sent because some Patrons want to see me grow and be able to sustain a full-time Content Creator schedule without the pressure and stress of not having my other income coming in. 

As much as I appreciate those messages and knowing that some of you would be willing to pay more for my Full Reactions it is not something I would need to do or be comfortable doing. 

When I created the tiers the way I did it was because I wanted to make sure that if you liked my stuff you could get it for as low as I possibly could but still make myself living off of the things I do someday.

I know some have said that other reactors put all full reactions behind the $10 tiers and that I could do the same and many would be ok with it. 

Again I appreciate that level of support but I really want to make sure that I am giving the value that I feel is right. 

A lot of the other reaction channels that do that are ones that have multiple people doing reactions as well as some even having large groups. So they need more money to pay for everyone. 

So my Patreon income does not have to be what those other channels would need. I just pay for an editor which isn't even really a real editor because it's my Mom. (I taught my mom how to do simple edits for me so that I could help her out financially but not make her feel less than and her thinking it's just a handout, my mom has a lot of pride and is very stubborn about accepting help, she does not like to ask for help so I had to figure out a way to give her money and help her but also make her feel like she is earning it.). Which is why I actually still have to take time to look over the stuff she does and fix things. 

I truly do love you all and you have made me love what I do. But the format for the tiers will for the most part always be like this.

There will be some small changes happening next month to the $1 tiers to make them all seem fair, everything else will be staying the same. Next month we will be adding a Movie Night once a week($10 Tier) and getting the anime back on track(Hopefully). 

$10 Patrons will still get early access to new shows and eventually I will give them early access to any extra episodes I do weekly of other shows that are a part of the $5 tier. I am someone who has grown up knowing the value of a dollar and I want to deliver everything I can. 

I also know I have gotten behind in the past with Pilot Programs and Series Reactions but I hope that it all changes and gets better moving forward with this being my Full-Time Job.

Thanks for reading. I know some of you don't care about things like this but I figured since over the last two weeks I have had several different supporters message me about it I would just make a post to give everyone my mindset on it.




Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I think it’s wonderful that you will be creating a Movie Night Tier for movie reactions once a week soon! Will you consider movie requests, even from those like me who are your supporters at the higher tiers? Or will you simply be creating your own polls for movies of your own choosing? Either way... I think it’s fantastic and I can’t wait! Thank you! Heidi

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

As you said in the above, I am on of the patreons here that would be willing to pay more for your reactions as they really are worth the money and we are here to support you. I am very pleased that you value the community so much and want to keep the prices as low as you can.....it's honestly very kind of you. Thank you - I'm sure your channel will only get bigger as a result buddy! X


Thank you for sharing, I really enjoy your content! I had a question about the movie night how will you choose what you watch, will it be a Patreon vote or will you choose yourself? I personally don't mind I was just curious. I'm sure your channel will only get bigger X

Mariella Nilsson

First of all, I love that your mother helps you, and you her! And movie night is going to be amazing!!

Donell Robbins

I would most definitely pay more

Ceara Abrahamsz

Ooh, can’t wait for movie night!

Signe (Seena) Stewart

thank you for the update. One of the things I love about you is your love of the work. it's about creating good content, not raking in as much as you greedily can. I appreciate that, despite absolutely being able to, you retain your integrity instead of compromising yourself for the sake of money. it's very admirable, especially considering you're going full-time the thing with your mum is adorable. you're a good son! Good luck with going full-time! I hope you feel less stressed, and remain so. just be careful you don't let your own expectations stress you out either. your content is great, and it's worth waiting for, so don't burn yourself out trying to live up to expectations. - both yours and ours 💛🧡💚💙💜

Other Boy Reactions

This is awesome and it’s so beautiful that your mom is helping you out and vice versa. Looking forward to many more great reactions from you!😄👍🏽🙌🏽👏🏽


So if I’m getting this right, the $10 tier will have Movie Nights next month? or is that a separate tier? Just asking, can’t wait for the future :)


Your mom helps you with editing?? That’s adorable !


As someone who likes your content a lot, and would love to support you and pay more. The £1 tier is all that works for me right now. So I really appreciate you sticking with what you believe and making it possible for those who can’t afford it to still enjoy your reactions and the benefits of being a Patreon, if I could I would absolutely pay more. Good on you man, thank you. Also, good luck with going full time! You deserve to only be doing what you enjoy, hope all is well.

Dani C

I think you've got one of the best pricing structures at the moment. I am on the $10 tier and am likely to stay on that as my baseline contribution - with an occasional month off if I am having a particularly bad month (e/g get hit by unexpected vet bill!) - but I really like the fact that others who can't manage the $10 still get to be a part of the community and enjoy the reactions albeit a little later than the $10 tier. Having the little single show tiers, or genre tiers (like the Buffy tier ) I think is a great way to open things up to people who either can't manage a higher tier, or who are really only signing up for a specific show and can;t justify a higher cost for just one series - it also acts as a really good jumping on point. I know for myself I initially subbed at a lower level to support and get access to Doctor Who reactions, and then i increased to the $10.


i like to support you, and will keep doing so. my two cents are that i quit every patreon sub i had except yours, because the 10$ minimum always felt seedy. i saw big channels make 40.000$+ a month and still not improving on editing, putting out more stuff and they often only took suggestions from the top paying patrons. (usually they just buy expensive collectors BS to put on shelves behind them as if that makes the videos better. i like your content and how you price things. (also you didnt make me sign up to some shitty website you made in 5 minutes on squarespace to view your stuff) <3 (i realize this seems targeted, but there are a few of them out there. not just the one channel you prob think of)


Don't change the tiers! You are doing the smart thing. It's called diversification. You are allowing new markets to test your product. You are giving everyone a chance to view the show they like for less, if they watch just 1. Its a great way to add new pp to your patreon. With that in mind and I know you don't like to hear it, but even with reactions as a full time job, you are still stretched very thin. Why not finishing some of the shows you have on the roster before adding any more? Especially since it is just you doing all the work. It's up to you but anyways, thank you for doing this and good luck.


Don't change the tiers! You are doing the smart thing. It's called diversification. You are allowing new markets to test your product. You are giving everyone a chance to view the show they like for less, if they watch just 1. Its a great way to add new pp to your patreon. With that in mind and I know you don't like to hear it, but even with reactions as a full time job, you are still stretched very thin. Why not finish some of the shows you have on the roster before adding any more? Especially since it is just you doing all the work. It's up to you but anyways, thank you for doing this and good luck.

Ari is my Cat

I am satisfied with what I get for $10.


She as getting a second job and wouldn’t just take the money so I told her work for me and I’ll pay you. I told her a fake price that editors make and that what she is doing is what editors do just so I could pay her and she doesn’t have to work a night job


I really love your reactions and you’re also the only patreon i’m subscribed to. There are others that I would like to support but I just don’t have the money for it. I really appreciate that you make it affordable. I always look forward to your reactions. Thank you for doing this!