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these next 2 episodes covering the battle of bastogne are the best pair of episodes in the series. . bastogne was one of the most brutal battles of the war on the western front for easy and the airborne


See you at the CROSSROADS CROSSroads crossroads


If I remember correctly from the book, they (The infantrymen retreating) got the call to retreat because the Germans did a surprise attack.. A Blitz. And they got completely fucked up. So they called in the 101st to defend Bastogne. Yes they're talking about Winters. But he's not a Major yet. He's still a Captain along with Nixon. He doesn't get promoted until later. From the book, everyone was facing away from him. But yes, he never got shot. He described it as it looked like the Germans looked so sluggish. Their reactions were just so slow it had to have been fatigue or something. It happened a little different in the book but for the most part yeah, that's how it happened. As for Moose, I think the Sentry was asleep and got startled and accidentally shot him. I could be wrong. I don't remember exactly. In the show they pronounce Guarnere, GAR-NEER.