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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you for another fun reaction! I'm happy you enjoyed this episode, especially the present storyline when our heroes finally return to Storybrooke. I really like this episode a lot like always, although I will admit that its backstory... while I really enjoy it overall in spite of its flaws that includes bad CGI for Medusa, it is among one of the weakest storylines set within the past. But in answer to your question about the connection of the backstory to its main present storyline... it's that David and Mary Margaret are trying to convince Emma that she has to see the happiness and to enjoy the good moments in between all the bad, just like Charming did for Snow in the past. Otherwise... the pain and misery will come to consume them. And I really love the overall message. It's a message we all should take away from this episode so we can learn from it too. Now... my favorite moment in this episode is the moment Emma releases Pan across the town line and sees Henry in Pan's body trying to convince her and the others that he's really Henry. I agree that it was quite brilliant to see Robbie Kay play Henry, and Jared Gilmore play Pan. I really love this scene quite a bit. I also really love the moment we see Hook watching Emma from the bar in Granny's diner, until Neal unfortunately interrupts him. But I really quite like this moment because Hook continues to show he is a man of honor, when he assures Neal that he would back off to give him a chance with Emma as her former lover and Henry's father. However, I also love how Hook stays in character when he states that he also plans on sticking around for the long haul, since a part of him believes that there may be a chance Neal will leave her again when things become too difficult. And I love how Hook smugly teases Neal as he states, "You're right... I am devilishly handsome." Absolutely brilliant and this is Hook all the way! :) I also love the moment between Hook and Tinker Bell as well, when he attempts to flirt with her and offers her a drink, until Tink immediately accuses him of doing so only so he can try to get Emma out of his mind. I am so happy that Tink sees right through him and calls him out on it. As for Blue being killed by Pan's shadow... I was sad when this happened. So many fans of this show dislike Blue because they thinks she's shady. I see her as tough and she definitely makes mistakes like she did with Tinker Bell and Nova too, but I can understand why she feels she has to be so tough on them. I like Blue. So seeing her dying was sad for me, almost like how I felt when we believed Archie to be killed back in season two. Not quite as much, because I absolutely love Archie, but Blue's death is sad. And it was shocking because I didn't see it coming at all. As for the scenes between Pan in Henry's body and Regina... I really feel bad for Regina because she wanted so badly to believe that Henry wanted to be with her so much. However, I was also quite annoyed by Regina's attitude towards Emma, when Emma tried to warn her that something was wrong with him. I understand that Regina is still struggling with becoming accepted by everyone and with coming to care about everyone. We even saw this in the beginning when all the heroes return home from Neverland at last and Mary Margaret gives Regina credit for all her help in getting them home, which I loved. But at least Regina came to her senses and understood she was wrong after she was wakened later on by Gold after being rendered unconscious by Pan down in her vault. Next... I love the father/daughter moment between Emma and David when he encourages her to try to enjoy the good moments between their fights against the villains. And then this continues later on between Emma, David, and Mary Margaret as they continue to give her hope that she can have happy moments. It's so sad that Emma feels that being the Savior means she can't have the happy moments in life. This brings me to the past storyline... I really enjoy the parallels between the stories with Emma struggling with finding the happy moments, and then seeing how Snow struggled with finding peace and happiness in between the Evil Queen's constant attacks. Like I said above, the connection between storylines is a little weak, as is the overall backstory. However, I still really enjoy this backstory as well. I continue to love all of the backstories we get for every character, including the main ones. While at times, the backstories do seem to be repetitive or tedious... I still really enjoy them. I love seeing all that happens to each of our characters within the past. I really enjoy the overall storyline with Snow seeking to kill Medusa in hope of using her magic to turn Regina into stone. Unfortunately, her obsession with trying to defeat Regina nearly costs her David's life when he gets turned to stone saving her life. I love the brief moment between Snow and Regina when Regina taunts her through the reflection in the shield. But mostly, I love David's full support for his wife and his patience and understanding. And lastly... I love the moment when Belle guides Ariel to Prince Eric, and seeing them finally reunite again. It was such a beautiful and sweet moment. Overall... I was so excited when I first watched this episode upon finding out Pan was preparing to cast a new dark curse. It's going to be crazy in the next episode as the heroes struggle to try to stop Pan's plans in wanting to create the New Neverland. Yikes! Thankfully, Emma sensed there was something wrong with Henry right away. A really great episode. I love seeing the beginning where everyone is happily reunited in Storybrooke upon the heroes return from Neverland. And I also absolutely love when David came to talk to Emma about giving Neal a chance, but then she asks her father if he's pushing her towards him in order to get her mind off of Hook. So funny. I especially love David's little tease towards Emma about her wondering if he has a thing for Hook. Adorable father/daughter moment. Thank you again! On to the next episode... Just you wait! It's another one of my favorite episodes within this season. :)


LOL you missed the opening joke with Ariel and Eric. When she says, “I wonder if he hates me” or something along the lines, she’s only saying that bc he’s literally CHOPPING FISH HEADS.. she’s a mermaid 😭 Also, love the charming Dad Jokes, pun intended :) idk why but I could’ve sworn we were up to episode 11 and I was confused at first but I can’t wait until the next episode.. but now we see Pan with his villainous plan of casting another dark curse... CRAZY! To help you with the math, it was 2013 when S3 (at least this part of S3) when it was airing. Actor Jared Gilmore playing Henry was born in 2000.. so he’s about 13, but the show has its own timeline they are using and claims that Henry is 11, as a prior episode (in S3) shows Regina adopting Henry 11 years ago. his real age and his TV age will soon be highly far apart to the point where Henry no longer looks like the age the show portrays him as. just a heads up, don’t get confused on how old Henry is, it really doesn’t matter, IMO.