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Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I'M SO SAD ABOUT DONNA!! It's CRAZY that I thought she was annoying when she first showed up, to gradually starting to like her to suddenly being head over heels in love with her. I wanted her around for much, much longer. Out of all the companions we've seen so far, even Rose, I think Donna fits with the Doctor the most. Just goes to show there doesn't have to be a romantic/sexual aspect to it because they were completely platonic and their chemistry as partners were off the charts. I'm gonna miss her so, so much. She's become my favourite companion, even more than Jack. And it sucks that she didn't just go back to her normal life. She forgot how extraordinary she really is. All the planets she saved. All the people. What the Doctor said about people singing songs about her...She'll never know. It SUCKS!


Very late... but the "I love you mement at the end is more meaningful. Rose should choose and love this doctor. He's the same except his humanity will allow him to love her as she needs. This is a bit of a callback to when he was human and also emphasized/explained by how the two respond to her question, "what was the end of that sentence." The Doctor, Doctor, "Does it need saying," vs the human Doctor recognizing it did. He doesn't hug her goodbye because he's still heartbroken. He loved her enough to leave her with someone who can properly express and show that love. Very well done.

Christopher Summers

There isn't another episode this season that was the finale, after this it is 5 special episodes


The upcoming specials aren't phenomenal - they range from maybe a 4 to an 8 (I personally think Waters of Mars is head & shoulders above the rest), but the overarching story is very important. Absolutely watch them all before season 5.


I agree with what the others said. The next five episodes are fairly crucial to watch before the fifth season. They are The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, and The End of Time parts 1 & 2. I really hope you watch them. I really like three of them myself!

Felix Huang

Near the ending, the doctor frowning in the rain became the "Sad doctor who" meme. There are some debate if this counts as a regeneration. The doctor who lore states timelord has a limited number of regen.


Cannot stress how important the next 5 specials are b4 season 5. Everyones being too casual but season 5 doesnt make any semse without the specials. Its a mini season, like season 4.5 basically. Some of tennants best work in my opinion.


Also i agree with ur rating I love this episode but for me there were some odd moments and the whole erasing donna's memory was never explained enough for me to understand it. I think the wroters just wanted to make us sad for her character.

Henry from CO

"Oh Donna Noble, I am so sorry. But we had the best of times". Sigh .....


Corny as heck, sad as heck, and great finale. Great reaction too. It's been said before both on this post and some past ones but in case you haven't read them, the next couple of "Specials" really really should be watched. If you need to know the right order to watch them not only have others posted it but you can just follow what some other major channels (Blind Wave for one) reacted to after 4x13. Are some episodes not key? Yes. Are some more important to plot than the average Who episode, yes. And one episode is even more important than the season finales but pointing out which would ruin some of the impact so would really just rather you watch all.

Ari is my Cat

I like the specials. The Next Doctor: It's very Steam Punk and I like it for that Planet Of The Dead: Fun episode. Lots of people crap on it but it was fun. Waters Of Mars: Dark. A great episode. End Of Time part 1 & 2: Kind of a finale to the year of specials they did to fill the gap year between season 4 and 5.

Dani C

Great reaction, but please, please start pausing the video if you are going to be concentrating on something else. We won't mind, I promise. You were doing something and only half in the game for most of Davros's explanation of the reality bomb. you probably caught most of what was said, but it breaks the tension if you're only half listening, far more than a pause would, imo. And you weren't even looking at the screen for much if the scene where Davros was listing those who had died in the Doctor's name, as the camera got closer to the Doctor's face - the acting was stellar. I don't mean to come across as negative, I still enjoyed the reaction, and am fully on board for more - but you wold get more from the shows, I think, if you didn't allow other stuff to be going on alongside. Because you never know when the scene you are half watching might flip into one of the key scenes or emotional beats of the episode. On a lighter note - I loved as you were going into the episode, preparing to meet a new Doctor :P I was laughing to myself knowing what was about to happen. Also - your take on Rose and the metacrisis Doctor - I completely agree. It never really sat comfortably with me. Left me feeling odd - because it's not entirely a happy ending, but it kind of is...

Dani C

Murray Gold's score for this was just off the scale awesome


I agree with you on the surface, but please allow me to play "devil's advocate" I am in the midst of a social experiment with this Reactor, his shows of choice are shows like "Lost", "Friends", "Parks and Rec" and those shows have a similar writing rhythm to "RTD's version of Doctor Who" ( I don't mean that as a bad thing, I love RTD's version of Doctor Who). but it is more in line with J.J Abrahms/Zack Synder were there are false leads, clues that lead no where and more subtle clues that are gained in re-watch and with foreknowledge, but now he is watching shows like "The Office", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel" and "Scrubs" (also Psych, Chuck ) shows that draw on easter eggs/ short arcs contained in larger arcs, that exist in larger arcs (Kevin Feige/Joss Whedon/Jane Espenson). So, now that he has picked up the rhythm he is accustomed too with his shows of record, he is using "voice inflection" and "tone" (which is why he is really digging Donna and David) If you notice him during episodes like "Blink", the two parter with "John Smith", "Girl in the Fireplace", "Midnight" he is full blown at attention. It is my opinion that you will see this during (2) and at full alert for (3).......I don't have any evidence of proof, this is just part of why I am enjoying his reaction so much. I think he is right were he needs to be with this show and I used to wish that he would look at the screen all the time and then it dawned on me, with him, the show has to draw him in and when it does, you know you have an epic episode, but the rest he is more then along for the ride.....hahaha, I am waiting on specific scenes and I got one with his reaction to Rose and the Doctor, because I agree with both of you about that conclusion. I think it allowed the people who for some reason had an issue with Rose to have an actual issue with Rose.


When I hear his suite to Madam de Pompadour and envision Tennant.....just silent, as a grown ass man, I still weep. okay maybe full on cry-face cry, with the whole guffawing for air.....now I am thinking of the song and going to go look it up...


00:12 the piano began.....thanks for nothing...hahaha


It's so tragic how Donna goes full circle back to how she was before. She has the best character arc in the show imo It's so sad but that's why I love it. <3




Why did the video end before the end of the episode??


In some ways, the memory wipe is worse than a real death, taking all of that away from her. But yeah, also found it fun that you were going into this all prepared to lose the Doctor for a new one.


Mostly agree with you but waters of mars only gets an eight? Do not comprehend. Kidding mostly but personally it is in my top ten list.

Idun V

I had the same feelings you did when it came to Rose's ending 😕 Amazing episode though

Sharon Owen

When this aired, there was no new Doctor confirmed, so we were all shocked at the end of the previous episode, but most people were like 'he can't change, but how...'. I like your reaction - not knowing if a new Doctor was coming or not

Elise Lanciault-Breton

I am super late with this comment but omg lol, when you said Palpatine I laughed so hard because I thought the same thing!