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Howdy ladies and gents. I know that several shows are late. On Friday I did something to my gums/teeth and I got a shooting pain and gums swelled up. Made it hard to speak. Went to emergency and they gave me some stuff which has made the pain almost go away but the swelling is still there. It actually created a bubble under my teeth that bothers but does not hurt as much. Was given antibiotics and medicine to see if it gets better and goes away but my dentist said if it doesn't I may have to get it medically removed. Below I will put a picture showing the bubble. Picture is not flattering and might actually be a bit disgusting. If you are squeamish about anything to do with mouths or teeth I don't recommend looking at it. 

P.S. Anyone that was curious as to why I didn’t do a live reaction of WWE Royal Rumble, this is why. Did not want to irritate it why talking for so long since I plan on recording several shows today.




Oh no! I hope you feel better soon 🤭


Please take care of yourself, and I hope you feel and get better soon.


I'll take your word for it. Me and mouth stuff don't go well together, my gag reflex kicks in. I can handle blood and all kinds of things, but not mouth/saliva for some reason. But that said, teeth/gum pain is like no other. Seriously bad. I feel for ya. I hope you feel better soon.

Henry from CO

Thanks for the update. Here's to quick healing .....


Thanks, that toothache I have had on and off again for the past few months irritated my gums. Hopefully medicine heals it

Valencia Lanier

Didn’t look but can’t imagine that feels good at all. Take care of yourself and hopefully you won’t have to go through getting it removed. Hope you feel better soon.


:-(. Owww. Hope you feel better soon.


I get it. I broke a tooth in November which led to root canals and crowns....about $4,000 worth of dental work and still not done. Going today to get fitted for a second crown. It’s no fun having dental issues. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.


I hope you get well soon. Rest up, i know mouth pain is awful ♡


I was wondering what was up with the lack of uploads lately... that's awful. Dental / mouth related issues are the worst because it's impossible to just leave them alone... you kind of have to eat and drink and talk.

Dani C

Owww that looks really painful. Hope you're feelin better soon m'dear and thanks for the update

Mariella Nilsson

Feel better!! Did you show them the bubble thing, I think a nurse could pop it for you if it bothers you!

Mariella Nilsson

Also, take some salt in water and hold it in you mouth for a good while, it can do wonders for killing bacteria and soothing the pain. Use a tablespoon or so in a small glas of water. i would put garlic on it, but it Will hurt so I dont recommend it!


my dude, life sure picks people to kick repeatedly. i say kick right back! take the time you need. i'll still be here :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm so sorry to hear this. I truly hope you feel better soon and that the swelling disappears quickly. Be well, my friend. :)