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In my opinion the only good part about this particular episode is the extra scene after credits. I've literally skipped this and the previous episode during some rewatches...


this was an attempt to create a backdoor pilot for a spin off series it did not go well all this episode should be remembered for is the dancing......


it also lends even more credence to the thought that the vampire battle with hawkeye would have been a better way to go.


This is generally seen as one of, if not the, the worst episodes of Angel. I was actually surprised you rated the previous episode so highly, as it's generally accepted as a 1-2 punch of suckiness that can probably be put down to season one growing pains. Thankfully, in my opinion the rest of the season is back to a much higher standard after this.


i think the problem with last episode, is that it was the type of episode that would have been season 1 of buffy, they should have moved beyond these types of episodes by now.


You didn't miss anything. The last episode was bad, this episode... the worst. Probably of the whole series imo.


there is a mcu moment at the end of this episode. your score might be too high.


Frankly pretty much everything between 10 and 17 is skippable in my books. Which is the downside of the "watch 5 Angels in a row" stretch of the watch order. But it pays off long-term.


Angel and Wesley dancing? A 10. Everything else? A 2 at best. I suppose that averages out to a 4. And yes, knowing that Renner’s character in Somnambulist was followed by Expecting and She made me agree with you even more that they’d have been better off keeping him around for a 2-3 episode arc — nothing of value (except the dancing) would be lost. But I’m guessing that at this stage, they were still feeling out what the show was, and wanting to try out lots of individual story ideas instead, maybe? Who knows.


No worries, often cited as one of (if not THE) the worst episodes of Angel...as another buffyverse commentator has said, the highs of Angel are SO high, and the lows are SO low, lol (basically, when it's bad it's BAD, but when it's good it's phenomenal)


I'm fine with the way you'll put the episodes up, if you're fine with it :-) Just to clarify, Buffy 4x12 will come next week on monday?

Nick Velasquez

To me this is the most boring episode in the Buffyverse....so far. In my opinion there’s one episode that is worse. But we’ll talk about that when you get there.

Amanda S

I was all "ugh..." when I saw the title to this one come up since I remembered how much I really don't like it. And then I got all giddy with excitement when I saw the party and remembered about the dance scenes. 10/10 would watch again! (Just to be clear though, 10/10 for the dance scenes lol... not the over all episode. I gave it a 5 over all, because I felt bad giving it a 1-4 since the beginning and ending had some slight redeemable qualities lol) In fact, I'd rather have watched 45 minutes of party awkwardness instead of sitting through the episode's actual story lol


FINALLY... best episode of the series. Alien sex trafficking is always great.


Steven is absolutely correct about the plot being a metaphor for female genital mutilation. I give the episode a point for tackling the subject, but then I take it away because it was done in a confusing, boring fashion. When a reactor checks the time to see if the episode is longer than usual, you know that's not a good sign, lol. Points for the dancing and Angel improvising a docent and implying that he is the subject of Baudelaire's "Le Vampire," but otherwise this is one of the worst episodes of Angel.

Stephanie Bedworth

It has a few good moments but I think this is just about everyone's least favorite episode of the whole series.

Allan Cornett

I’ll skip the bad episodes and wait for the good stuff to come after we get back from Buffy.

Melissa Murphy

You are not wrong, this is one of the WORST episodes in the Buffyverse IMO


Steven, you should have watched the end credits. They play more Angel and Wesley dancing shots over the end titles. Best part of the episode.


Almost everything before Cordelia's vision is pretty good, the rest is mostly a disaster. David Greenwalt and Marti Noxon wrote the episode, two writers who usually do much better than this. I think the message they wanted to convey got lost in a poorly developed story. Yes, this is quite possibly the worst episode of the show. Hey, at least the silver lining is it only gets better.

Catherine Thurmond

Honestly your reaction to this episode was the only reason I re watched this one. Yes it sucks. The beginning was so much fun then it got boring real quick. The only positive I can give after the beginning is the design of Jheira and the other women looked really good. It's like Dennis gave Angel the beer to prepare him and us for the crappiness to come.💜


I'm literally only watching this for the best episode start to any Angel episode ever.. gotta love that dancing 🕺🕺

Ari is my Cat

too many forgettable episodes in Angel but at least we sometimes get the pure horror of Angel dancing and singing...


Where is Buffy ?


This episode is boring but i give the dance scene a 6-7 lol

Calvin Allen

There is a lot of filler in this episode. Long shots of characters not doing anything particularly interesting. The story was a bit confusing and bland but I feel the direction really sank this one. The scene with Angel and Bi Ling in his place felt like it went on forever. It was supposed to show sexual tension but it just looked awkward.

Valencia Lanier

Have you noticed no one is ever dancing on beat in most dancing scenes? Not just this show but normally. Also those exploding eyeballs. Geez. And this is Sean Gunn’s second role on Angel. We saw him play the Brachen demon who originally asked Doyle for help in the flashback from his last episode. This is a bit boring. Maybe it was an experimental type of episode.


Most shows don't play music during shooting if there is dialogue to be captured (even more so in older shows that were shot on film, which was very expensive). Sometimes they'll play temp music before calling action to give the extras and actors a groove, but because filming a five-minute scene can take hours with different setups and coverage, it's not practical to play actual music and to match it when editing.

Sharon Owen

this was so dull I couldn't even remember it until halfway through. i even skipped 10 minutes of your reaction because I also got bored!

Tammy L. Faulkner

A 4 is being generous🤮trash episode. But you didn't react to the end gag reel thingy.