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This one was rough, your idea of the Vampire recurring from last episode, would have been a much better plan a kind of Angel vs Angelus-lite would have been much better then this.....much, much better

Stephanie Bedworth

To me, it doesn't matter how you release the shows. I watch both of them. I honestly can't remember any connection between Expecting, She, and A New Man that would affect or spoil anything for you. In any case, I'm good no matter how you want to do it. As far as this episode goes, most of it is pretty good. It usually loses me when all the women meet up at the factory and they kill the creature. It just seems very... I don't know... a low effort resolution, maybe?

Amanda S

Your watch order/release dates sound super complicated to me. I'm trying to figure out how I can watch your reactions in the order that you actually watched them at the $5 tier. (I want to see your reactions in the order you do them, so it's not skipping ahead). If you are putting some episodes into the $10 tier so you can get out one Buffy and one Angel each week, then for me to see your reactions in the right order, I'm going to need to not watch the Buffy episode this week until after you drop the Angel episode down from the $10 tier next week? Then watch this week's Buffy episode afterwards? I'm so confused lol....

Marshall Dante Robertson

So, about the order situation. I actually haven't checked out the SlayAlive guide until today, just to see what was happening, and honestly, coming from a longtime Buffyverse fan, this order is so unnecessary. You can literally watch it the way fans watched it during its original run, meaning Buffy first, the Angel, then Buffy, then Angel, and be completely satisfied. You also wont alienate the number of fans who only watch one of the two shows. I think that's a win/win, IMO.

Heather Flores-Ricks

I believe he is using this or a similar guide. Additionally, these Angel episodes might be grouped together because there is a flow to the next few episodes of Buffy or something. http://slayalive.com/showthread.php/3924-The-Buffy-Angel-watching-guide

Amanda S

Yes, this is true for the most part. But there's certain episodes that MUST be watched in the correct order as they crossover or make references to each other... (most watch lists put these episodes in bold). This is why you can't just do Buffy ep 1, Angel ep 1, Buffy ep 2, Angel ep 2, etc, because certain spoilers might appear. (The release order wasn't always consistent) But for the non-bolded episodes in the watch list, you can go back and forth between shows as long as you make sure that when the bolded episodes come up in the list, you watch them in the correct order. Those are the only ones that really affect each other. The watch order sites just tried to group together story arcs so the shows have a better flow. But having watched the original run on TV back in the day it still worked just fine going back and forth most weeks.


Re: watch order, you’re understandably getting tied up in knots here. Since you’ve been seeking feedback, I’ll offer some more; I normally wouldn’t as I wouldn’t want to come off as telling you how you “need” to do your thing. Here are the three watch order options, as I see them: - SlayAlive order: This groups up batches of each show to preserve crossovers/continuity (important) and arcs within each show (much less important). Some patrons watching the entire Buffyverse strongly prefer this; however, it will exacerbate your issues with tiering and for patrons who are only watching one of the two shows. - Air date order: Contrary to other comments, this is NOT a perfect fix. There is at least one episode that aired slightly out of order due to being preempted. Further, in later seasons, the shows did not air strictly alternating (one Buffy, one Angel), because Buffy moved to a different network. So you’ll still end up with this clumping / tiering problem with air date order. - A custom watch order: You can have someone put together a custom watch order which 1) preserves crossovers/continuity (important), but which otherwise tries to keep any bunching of episodes to a minimum. I took a first-pass and DM’d you a link last week, not sure if you saw. I’d be happy to go over that even more thoroughly to double-check continuity and to try to eliminate some of the remaining bunching, if you’re interested. Ultimately, I would suggest either: - Follow SlayAlive or Air Date order; treat Buffyverse as one show/entity; don’t worry about complicated releases/tiering. This may disappoint some Buffy-only or Angel-only patrons. Or, - Get a custom view order which has been made/reviewed by someone familiar with the shows; this will limit the bunching so you can mostly treat them as separate shows for patrons/tiers. This will require effort by someone else, trust in them to guide you right, and may disappoint some full-Buffyverse patrons who have a strong preference for the SlayAlive order. Basically, best to “rip the Band-Aid off” now, make a call on whether you want to handle Buffy and Angel as two separate shows or as one entity. There’s no option that’s going to perfectly please everyone, but I also think (hope!) most of your Buffy/Angel patrons will be understanding whichever choice you make. So best to just make it, settle on an order, and then you can stop stressing about it. Hope this is helpful — please ignore if not. As I said, normally wouldn’t give this kind of feedback at all, if you hadn’t asked.


In regards to the watch order, when Buffy and Angel were originally aired in the UK they were on a Friday night (Buffy night to me) with Buffy followed by Angel with the episodes on the same number .. (buffy s5e6/Angel s2/e6 for example) . I didn't have any problems with continuity or story arcs.. that was how the show was originally aired and it was great! You won't upset anyone if you do it this way. The guides are just that.. guides! They bunch together story arcs on each show but that wasn't the original way or the 'proper' way to watch either show. As long as you watch them by the same episode number with Buffy before Angel then you keep the continuity between shows when applicable. x


The mystical pregnancy trope is so disgusting and misogynist that I have a hard time enjoying the few wonderful moments, which mostly involve Cordelia, Angel, and Wesley becoming a family. Bartender: “So, you’re the boyfriend?” Angel: “No, I’m family.” Wow. I never expected Angel to say that. He's come a long way. Wesley was utterly delightful. His scenes had a huge range, requiring Wesley to play the buffoon, judge Cordelia harshly (Watcher ethics), take care of Cordelia with compassion, research the demon (Watcher training), and figure out how to terminate the pregnancies without harming the women (which I suppose could play back into the teaser where he and Angel slaughtered the demon hatching its spawn without a second thought). I'm glad Cordelia got the final blow with the Haxil demon, but then they erased Cordelia's trauma at the end by lampshading that sex in the Buffyverse usually goes wrong. “I learned that I have two people that I trust absolutely with my life.” That's lovely, and brings a tear to my eye just like Wesley, but it does not make up for using a gross trope that violates women's reproductive capabilities to use a female character as a demon incubator to create terror and horror.


What saves this episode from being a disaster are the small character moments. Basically, everything not dealing directly with the demon pregnancy stuff.


Yes, I agree. Watching Buffy then Angel doesn't always work. If you look at the original air dates, sometimes there were three or four Angel eps in a row, or three or four Buffy in a row. If you just alternate Buffy then Angel, I'm not sure they'll match up for the crossovers. Our memories are faulty, we remember it being one episode of each per week, but it wasn't. You can find the original dates that they aired and watch them in that order, but there will be weeks when you have only Angel or only Buffy. It will be fewer than using the Slay Alive guide, but there will still be some weeks that you will only have one or the other.


Apologies in advance because I don't want to make things more complicated, but have you considered creating an in-between tier for Buffy and Angel watchers -- something like $7? Or is the extra $5 ($10 tier) the amount required because of the extra work for one more episode per week? I'm a bit confused on that.

Allan Cornett

Cool. I will watch Buffy then Angel every time. That’s the way to watch. There were times during the original airings they were out of order but watching Buffy then Angel never spoils anything. This was learned through many a rewatch.

Vicky N

I hate demon pregnancy storylines, it’s a cheap and too cliché use of female characters in fantasy. It’s just gross. The saving grace of this episode are phantom Dennis and the interaction between our three protagonists.


You’re never going to satisfy everybody regarding the watch order. I prefer the Slay Alive order but I’d be happy with whatever you decide as long as you are careful of the crossover episodes. I can’t remember, did you do a poll. If not, maybe you should just do that and let the majority rule.

Alexis Cardarella

The only reason I rate this episode other than skippable is because of one thing ...Wesley. And a few pretty lovely family oriented moments. 💕

Daniel R

Oh man your comments on Wesley, lol just keep watching you'll learn to love him. Not just tolerate him, but actually legit love the guy


I like the solution that you came up with. You can watch Buffy and Angel "in order" and Buffy fans (aka me) in the $10 tier won't feel like were getting something taken away by having to wait weeks for another Buffy episode. It does suck for the pilot program though but ...hopefully it will work out.