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Brenda Lewis

Sam gets stronger the more blood he drinks. He could do a lot fighting Alistair and even killing him feeding on Ruby. But to kill Lilith Ruby told him last episode that he needs more than she can give him now. So must be all the blood in a person was required to kill Lilith. That's what I understood her to mean. She was awesome for real. Ruby was playing the longest con I've ever seen on a tv show. But back in ep. 16 when we first see Sam drinking her blood, that's when I knew she was up to no good. I didn't know what her end game was, but offering her blood to Sam that looked bad even then.


Also remember the episode where we meet Chuck. "The Monster at the End of the Book". In it, Lilith offered to stop breaking seals. She specifically said that she wouldn't survive to see the good part and so would stop so long as Sam and Dean offered themselves to her in the deal. It all came together in the end. Well done writers, well done!


So just a couple of comments and a question. First, yes. Lilith did know that she had to die to break the final seal. That's what her attempt to make a deal with Sam in 4x18 was about. She said "Turns out I don't survive this war. Killed off right before the good part starts." And season 5 is the good part. It's my personal favorite season overall. Everything they've built on comes to a head. Remember, the original plan for this series was five seasons. Kripke didn't expect the show to be such a hit. The next 20 odd episodes are top tier with only a couple of weak spots. My top picks are 5x10, 5x18, and the final three of the season. So my question is...how long can you wait before watching the season premier? (Don't skip the Road So Far recap.)

Amy Rustand

Fantastic finale! Frickin’ Ruby - Dean was right all along. Great reveal, loved how prideful Ruby was at the end. This episode really showed how far gone Sam was, that he was willing to kill an innocent pleading for her life. And his eyes turning black like a demon at the end was a great detail. CASS TURNED ON HIS SUPERIORS! So cool - how will he get away with it though? Like he told Dean, there will be lots of angels who wanted the Apocalypse out for his blood. Hated how Zachariah was doing everything he could to keep Sam and Dean apart and fighting. Sam working with a demon, angels working with demons towards a common cause... never a good thing obviously. But i didn’t like the answer Ruby gave Sam about ‘why him’? So vague. Like Zachariah telling Dean he is playing a special role too. I need answers! Can’t wait for season 5 opener. How will Satan be portrayed? Will the boys have some fallout to deal with together over Sam’s choices? Will Dean ever trust Sam again?

Valencia Lanier

To me, Ruby was the one to change the voicemail. She was smirking when Sam was on the phone. I really enjoy Season 5. Can't wait to see how you like it.

Daniel R

Ruby's death is so satisfying every time, your reaction was best because you thought going in that Ruby was actually on our side. Some other reactors didn't have as good of a reaction because they kept thinking Ruby was going to backstab us so thanks for a fresh reaction :)


Okay, first things first, this is a phenomenal episode, and I think you'll love season 5. It's a good one. Now I just have to say that yes you are right, you looked away from the screen in the scene where Ruby and Sam were talking about Azazel, and you missed something. But you look away from the screen all the time and miss things, on this show, and others. Sometimes you do it for whole scenes, and then you're confused by what's happening. Obviously I know that you're doing other things, and your not going to be glued to the screen, or maybe you think you can tell what's happening just by listening, and yeah sometimes you can. But a lot of the times it's facial expressions that you miss. For example when Sam heard the manipulated voicemail from Dean, the camera cuts to Ruby and she's smirking, which is an indication of her betrayal. Honestly it's a small gripe, that I know comes off as passive aggressive and annoying, but you do it like every video and it's getting hard to ignore, but again obviously you're doing other things, which is understandable. So anyway, I'm glad you liked the episode, see you next time.


Jared was talking about Ruby’s death scene at a Supernatural convention. How one day the kids are going to see the scene with daddy holding mommy while uncle uncle Jensen stabs her to death. 😂


I second Dorothy's comment. I couldn't have said it better myself. This Sam and Ruby stuff started back in season 3 so I was especially looking forward to you seeing this finale. I love your content as a whole, but this “looking away” issue is reoccurring with every video. Sometimes it does go on for several minutes or entire scenes. It causes confusion when you've missed important context/storytelling – even the mutual, growing bond between two main characters in OUAT; they're emotionally guarded, thus we rely on their expressions and body language. It impacts your experience when missing the build up to things, which has even resulted in a lower episode score or opinion of events/characters, as you didn't get the full story of what was going on. Some great moments and continuing plots were overlooked. When you miss them, we miss out on seeing your reaction to it or hearing your thoughts about it. This wouldn't be too big of a deal if it didn't happen all the time. I have no problem with you looking away and doing other things if you'd just pause the episode to do so. Then resume when you're ready to pay attention again. I didn't want to say anything before in case I came across as nit-picky or complaining, but I'm glad it was brought up. Sound and dialogue can reveal a lot, but not everything. Some of the shows you react to rely heavily on excellent acting and clever cinematography. It takes away anticipation/enjoyment of your reactions when you misses out. I hope you see our comments, so this can be worked on. :)


Same! I always thought that too because of the smirk. Honestly I think it could go either way with it being the angels or Ruby, but that was also my initial thought.

Jason Usher (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:51:34 Great reaction, I absolutely love this episode, and Ruby is one of the best villains in tv history because she manipulated Sam and the audience into believing she was mostly on Sam and Deans side for almost 2 full seasons, yeah sure some people wavered back and forth on her loyalty but for the most part people thought she was good and then that , just a brilliant character, Genevieve Padalecki played it perfectly(although i'm still partial to Katie Cassidy's Ruby), and all the other twists in this episode, the voice message switch & The Angels want the Apocalypse, and both Jared and Jensen were amazing in this one, 10/10 for me, one of my favorites for sure
2020-08-13 12:12:40 Great reaction, I absolutely love this episode, and Ruby is one of the best villains in tv history because she manipulated Sam and the audience into believing she was mostly on Sam and Deans side for almost 2 full seasons, yeah sure some people wavered back and forth on her loyalty but for the most part people thought she was good and then that , just a brilliant character, Genevieve Padalecki played it perfectly(although i'm still partial to Katie Cassidy's Ruby), and all the other twists in this episode, the voice message switch & The Angels want the Apocalypse, and both Jared and Jensen were amazing in this one, 10/10 for me, one of my favorites for sure

Great reaction, I absolutely love this episode, and Ruby is one of the best villains in tv history because she manipulated Sam and the audience into believing she was mostly on Sam and Deans side for almost 2 full seasons, yeah sure some people wavered back and forth on her loyalty but for the most part people thought she was good and then that , just a brilliant character, Genevieve Padalecki played it perfectly(although i'm still partial to Katie Cassidy's Ruby), and all the other twists in this episode, the voice message switch & The Angels want the Apocalypse, and both Jared and Jensen were amazing in this one, 10/10 for me, one of my favorites for sure


I've waited so long to see you get to this episode lol! In fact, I subscribed to your Patreon simply because I couldn't wait any longer on YouTube. Hands down one of my favorite plot twists/betrayals of any show because Ruby played the long game, it was a Game of Thrones level betrayal.