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I don't think it can be overstated how MUCH better the show gets - the budget/technical effects, the storylines, use of supernatural lore, and especially the acting get exponentially better as the show goes on. The characters/actors get much more mature. And since you like Dylan O'Brien, this show is very deservedly his big break - he really shines.


I think you are definitely being too hard on this show. The first season is the only season id say is mediocre in some areas but its not as bad as you think. But the relationship stuff you really are grasping at straws a bit. You act like highschoolers wouldnt make out after dating for only a couple weeks, but highschoolers do that and more so idk why thats strange to you. I hope this eventually becomes a show you pick up although im completely confused as to what shows do and dont get picked up and for what reason. But yeah maybe try to lighten up. Even tv critics werent this hard on the show. I agree though that the editing and a lot of the post production stuff is straight up bad the first season. But it gets better the last half of this season and the show in all regards is better in every way from season 2 onward.

Brad turner

They hyped up the lovey dovey stuff definitely. When it aired I bought into it. But I like your perspective that a relationship should be earned as a storyline. You survived Bangle, which I didn't care for either. Although, seeing your face half way through this episode, this show might not be for you.


I don’t want to be um...rude or anything but when I was in high school( which was a few years ago so I may be wrong for this) but I didn’t kiss my boyfriend well passed three months together. When I watched Teen Wolf the first time which was maybe a year after it came out I always thought it was strange how fast the relationship was moving. So I could see how Steven would consider it strange. I could be wrong but I do agree with Steven about the not being automatically in love right away ( or obsessive as Scott both get over each other like in the second episode I think it was where Scott says he can still go on the date with Alison and stiles says no he was going to say that means Scott won’t kill him) and being as... pushy( I don’t know if that’s the right word) with the relationship of Scott and Allison. Although I could be being a bit bias since my favorite character’s in the show are Stiles,Chris Argent, and Derek. Anyway I didn’t want to take to long explaining my thoughts and I’m sorry if it got to jumbled but I did for sure agree the cgi isn’t nor is the editing the greatest in the beginning but it definitely gets better!Oh and I agree Steven is being harsh on the show for the editing choices and such but like you I’m sure he’ll enjoy season two if he watches the next season (fingers crossed )


Haha just fyi your comment wasnt rude until you implied it might be. But i get what you meant. But id also say 3 months before kissing once is definitely not the norm for a highschool relationship, no offense. I think a good happy middle ground between 1 week and 3 months is appropriate. Lol. I just meant it isnt something unheard of for a couple to make out early in a relationship and it definitely wasnt worth him getting actually angry over. He is working himself up to hate scott and Alison way too much especially in only 5 episodes. Im just wanting him to cut that part of the story some slack. But i do completely agree the way they act in love and all that is definitely rushed and should have been more gradual. But at the end of the day it wasnt as bad as he makes it out to be.

Amanda Logsdon

Most MTV shows tend to over use 'popular' music/ soundtracks in their episodes, it can be an extreme disadvantage.

Allan Cornett

The show never rises above average.

Madison Hagan

I haven't finished the show yet but Stiles and Derek are my fave characters and Lydia grows on you plus the show does get better in later seasons. I do agree that I never liked the Scott and Allison romance nor Allison's character and felt like Derek and Stiles should have been focused on more and that Scott and Allison both as characters and actors had no chemistry. I also felt like the music was too much all the time and that the budget for the show could have been better though it gets better later.