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This Episode Hurt Me 😢😢😢😭😭😭😟😟😦☹🙁😔😩😢😢😢


Yes! I've been eagerly waiting for this!


Thank you so much for this great reaction. This episode was phenomenal. I think you didn't give it a rating though. For me this is definitely a 10. Can you believe that there are going to be even more better eps than this one? I have a feeling you will find out soon enough. Now to answer some questions and put some food for thought on your table. First the comment made by root that there were guys before John that helped Finch, we didn't had any Idea, it was meant as a ''wait, could this be?'' moment. Now regarding the moment where Finch made comments about Root altering the machine's code: he was just speculating with root but that is not what happened. It was made clear before that no one can alter the machine's code except the machine itself. And root comment says it all ''both Harold and Root had the relationship with the Machine that they wanted'. Regarding the kiss, the interpretation is that Reese kissed Carter as a thank you and goodbye, more than a romantic moment. And regarding his comments to Carter, I always believed that the night he was riding the subway and got arrested was the night he was going to kill himself. The rest of the ep requires no explanation, it was perfection!!! The way they choose their words made me cry, just from their words spoken, it was a thing of beauty. Now, HR is down 98% still, Simmons is still out there and when that phone rang at the end, my heart dropped, I knew that was the end. Perfect perfect episode!! RIP Carter!


Also please give it a rating for us. :D We want that 10 from you HA


I thought I gave it a 10. Might have been in an emotional shock and forgot but it’s a 🖐🏽🤚🏽


Just finished watching. Regarding Root "altering the machine's code". That is just Finch speculating, because he cannot fathom why or how Root can have such a relationship. I think it terrifies him a bit. He may be terrified that the Machine itself could have altered it's own code to make such a relationship possible. Also, a small detail I noticed on a rewatch and after our conversation on Twitch after the end of season 2: After Carter tells Finch that he must have "some sort of supercomputer that syphons information from government feeds", there is one Machine POV shot when Carter goes to see Reese inside the police station and her box is now colored yellow. Though Carter very likely didn't understand the scope of the Machine, I guess it was enough for the Machine to designate her as knowing about it, and thus the yellow box. And on the subject of Machine POV boxes, after Simmons shoots Carter and Reese, we get another Machine POV shot and neither of them have boxes at that moment. Perhaps the Machine is assuming the worst for both of them?


A well-deserved 10. Incredible performances from, well, everyone. And an incredible job of building an intense dread and foreboding over the last two episodes. Like you, I was convinced throughout that Carter, Fusco, or even someone else like Shaw was going to die. Then releasing that tension, making it seem like Team Machine had actually won the day, that next would be a hunt for Simmons. And then that pay phone rings, and your stomach turns and the dread floods back in.


Did you give it a rating Steve? I think I know what it would be. In my top five. The next episode is in my top three.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

This episode was absolutely phenomenal and easily one of my very favorites or the entire series, if not my very favorite. Reese, Carter, Fusco, Shaw, and Finch were all incredible. I love, love, love it!! Easily a 10, no question. And Carter's death... so tragic. :( Jim Caviezel's acting is fantastic all throughout, but especially in the ending as he's holding Carter and assuring her that her son will be okay and taken care of. I love, love, love the emotional breakdown we see from him, and poor Reese is broken. So heartbreaking and I cry during this entire final scene every time I watch this episode. As for my thoughts about Reese kissing Carter... I definitely agree with you that this was Reese's way of expressing to Carter how grateful to her he truly is, and because he does believe he's going to die to make sure that Carter can live. I also absolutely love the scenes in the end with Fusco saying goodbye to his son believing that they're both going to die because of Simmons and the rest of H.R., until Shaw amazingly saves his son and kills the corrupt cop. I love the moment Carter assures Fusco that his son is safe, then goes on to apologize to him for being unable to be there to save him. Fabulously... Fusco breaks his own thumb after Simmons and the rest of the cops break his other fingers, and Fusco is able to beat down Simmons' friend and kill him upon escaping from his cuffs. I already loved Fusco before this fantastic moment for him, but if I didn't and i watched this scene for the first time... I would definitely love him then. Thankfully... Carter and Reese succeeded in getting Quinn to the FBI and all seemed well. H.R. was being taken down at last. It's unfortunate that Simmons managed to hide from them. Simmons is a fantastic villain. And he's easily my favorite bad guy throughout this entire show. I just like the way he taunts Fusco during the torture scenes, and while I hate that he kills Carter and shoots Reese in the end, this moment for him was amazing. And lastly... this ending with Carter's death and Reese also getting severely shot is tragic and heartbreaking. Like I said... I cried too. I really appreciate you showing your emotions onscreen. Anyone who loves this phenomenal show surely must feel the same way about this moment. And the moment with the pone ringing just as Finch starts across the street to join Reese and Carter... brilliant! I loved it! Overall... phenomenal from beginning to end, so thank you very much for your reaction once again! I'm so happy you loved this episode so much too. Thank you!! Until next time...


He said in a comment above that he thought he did but might have forgotten because of emotional shock, but it is a 10 for him. Next one is still my top 1, I'm curious which ones you would rank higher.

Felix Huang

Easy 10. The kiss as you stated as a goodbye kiss. Reese sees Carter the pure good in the world. The good that he, himself lost when he joined the govt. If Reese was Batman, then Carter is Gordon.


Lol I just want to know who voted this episode a 9???? Lol!!


😁 I voted the 9, I am not going to just give 10s to every great episode, I rate these on a POI scale and not against other shows, I will save my 10s for the truly outstanding ones that sit above the rest so I will only be giving out 3 of them over the series and I am guessing most of you can think of which 3 they are. There are a lot of 9 in this show but only three10s from me. I am probably the exception here as this is the only show I watch/care to re-watch here and that is a testament to its quality and writing compared to other shows.


About the kiss, it was not scripted, actor who plays reese wanted to try something and carter actress said do it and when he kissed her in the scene and the surprise on her face was real and they decided to let it stay in the final cut because they felt it added something.


Love this episode, definite 10 for me. Everyone's already said a lot of good stuff so I'll just add that The Machine can see and prepare for pre-planned actions but Simmons going after John and Carter in the alley wasn't planned but she tried to help out anyway. That phone ringing is so haunting and in any other context would be super annoying but here, it works really well


Please stop commenting on future EPs.

Dani C

Man, I forgot how much this episode broke me, Great reaction.


Actually Jim Caviezel did confirm that Reese has fallen in love with Carter. But the tragedy was that it was already too late when he realized it. I always sensed their chemistry and I would have been fine with them getting together. But killing her off right then was more tragic and even better story telling. So I loved that little kiss between them. It wasn't in the script and yet I felt like it belonged in the episode. It was Reese showing how much Carter means to him and also a thank you and a goodbye kiss. It meant a lot.