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Before answearing a few questions (that can be answeared without spoiling anything), I want to wish everyone a great start into the new year tonight. That beeing out of the way, here are a few answears: The Pill used during the Interrogation is called a focus drug. It enhances all sense and allows the User to recall pretty muche everything they ever heard or read and so makes it easier for the Interrogator to detect lies and have all the information they need on the suspect. Ah that was the scene that you were remembering? Well then yeah, nothing "major" did really happen here, Havelock was more or less a proxy for us Viewers that Miller and other Belters have to explain some Belter things to so we as a Viewer get introduced to certain terms and customs and all that stuff. You are right about your assumption that they attacked him because he was a cop, though him beeing from Earth also plays some part into that, if he would be a cop from Ceres he most definitly wouldn't have been picked for the attack. You had the right impression, Avasarala was indeed setting him up, but not for him to be fired, she just wanted to get the information if Mars knew about the Stealth Tech used by the OPA Oeprative and how many Stealth composite factories there are,she knew it might have a negetive impact on his career but she still played her cards because that information for her was more importent. Julie had a "hookup app" on her phone and that guy was on it. That was why Miller took an interested in him laying there dead on the ground. This was more or less also the "last" pure story setup and introduction Episode of the first season and now with that beeing out of the way the Story will pick up the pace.

Mark Wood

Avasarala couldn’t tell her friend Frank, the Ambassador the truth, because she needed him to believe that it was real. Most people aren’t good enough liars to sell the real emotion and conviction of a lie compared to what they believe to be the truth. And she is trying to stop a war that could impact tens of billions.

Mark Wood

And the belters have been a second class to both Mars and Earth, the belt refers to both planets peoples as inners (from the inner planets). So they have a huge amount of justified anger towards both groups. Add the fact that Havelock is a cop (company is from Earth and Earth runs the asteroid) puts a serious target on him.


Looking forward to the next episode big time!