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Amanda Logsdon

Ur not alone with the riley thing he has an ... Interesting spot in the buffy fan base.


I've never liked Riley/Buffy so I have nothing to say about that, but I do like this episode it was funny to see the consequences of Willow casting that spell. Buffy & Spike what a surprise! lol I am also not a fan of Spike not being able to fight I think that is a big part of his character. Can't wait for the next episode though its a fan favorite.


I think my comment got deleted, heh, ok. Anyway, good episode! Giles is the best part of the episode.


"I feel very uncomfortable." 😂 One of the funnier episodes of Buffy, and I love it every time I see it. Great reaction, can barely wait for your next!

Ari is my Cat

Oz did not come back for his stuff, Willow says he sent for his stuff. I think it was one of the guys in his band that packed and sent the stuff to Oz.

Ari is my Cat

Two relationships, from Buffy's point of view she saw Angel for five minutes.


You're not wrong. It did seem like Buffy went from Riley being invisible to her to suddenly really liking him. I'm in the not a big fan of Riley camp. But some people like him and get mad when others don't, as per usual in fandoms. I think Spike tries to escape even though he came to them for help because a couple of reasons. One he's Spike and doesn't want to sit still and wants to do his own thing, cause problems, etc. The other reason is I think that he didn't expect to be tied up and kept as a prisoner and he might be thinking he can find another way to survive without them rather than live like this. But yeah, funny episode.


*Spike proposes to Buffy. Buffy accepts.* Steven: [chuckles and hides his face with a bathcloth] "What is happening?" *Spike and Buffy kiss passionately* Steven: "OH. My. God. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS HAPPENING?!" Me: Lollllllllll


Glad you enjoyed this episode. This is the fun, light counterpart to the last two Angel episodes you watched. My favorite parts of the episode is Giles' interaction with Buffy and Spike.

Collector of Stuff

Not a huge fan of Riley however, I always thought he served a very specific purpose. As far as the time they have spent together and her all of a sudden liking him, the episodes do not take place one day after the other. It is/should be assumed they have been spending time together in between.


It’s very interesting to me. I was never a Buffy/Angel fan. I’m personally indifferent to her potential relationship with Riley. What I will say though is that saying she likes him doesn’t necessarily mean in a love way. She met him when shopping for textbooks and knocked some on his head, but he was nice to her. They’ve had some innocuous conversations and he’s a teacher’s assistant in her class. She would have seen him enough to form an opinion The thing I find far more unsettling is the way she thinks about relationships - that if there’s no pain, I wouldn’t be exciting. Angel being a vampire and especially with the curse caused a since of longing in her plus he was super powerful and she was into that. Parker, although (and maybe because) he was a douche, she had a hard time getting over him. In a way the fact that he treated her like crap was like using a power because it made her feel weak and insignificant and she’s drawn to that. And then there’s Riley. She mentions liking his arms, which would be some powerful arms, but that’s all she could see in him. She knows that he’s nice and that’s a turnoff for her!! That’s a HUGE problem that because there probably wouldn’t be that much turmoil, she’s actually not that interested, but she’s willing to go on the date anyway Any who, loved your reaction to this one. So excited to see more!!!


Oh no one likes riley hes the most boring part of the show dont worry man. Everyone is gonna be on your side on not liking the buffy/riley ship


Next episode is considered one of the top 5 Buffy episodes of the series. I hope we get to it soon!


Season 4 spent too many episodes on Parker and then it drops Riley too quickly. Not to mention Buffy just spent time with Angel, expressed doubts about being in a boring relationship, and was magically in love with Spike. All that stuff makes the Riley stuff way less interesting. It's a rough start to their relationship.


Xander: How? What? How? Giles: Three Excellent questions........

Stephanie Bedworth

I don't really like the Riley thing either but I think that's because I just don't really like Riley. Nice guy, and cute, but so... bland.

Vicky N

Like Buffy said last episode “I like my evil like I like my men, evil. You know?”.....🤣

Allan Cornett

The actor playing Amy shows up for one quick scene....priceless.


Vampires can taste food... its just bland.

Steve Quast

As you can probably tell from the comments already, there are much fewer Buffy and Riley shippers than there are Buffy and Angel shippers. So any negative criticism you make regarding Buffy and Riley's relationship won't spark nearly as much backlash. Very little, if any, I'd say.

Collector of Stuff

I always thought that was the point of Riley. He was normal and boring, which is exactly what she has been saying she wanted from the beginning.

Katherine Thoreson

Riley starts pursuing Buffy in The Initiative, and he was in Pangs briefly when Buffy and Willow ran into him in the street and Buffy invites him to Thanksgiving dinner. The timeline here is two weeks until Something Blue. So, you have to visualize that they have been talking to each other for a couple of weeks. They aren't an exclusive couple at this point, they're just talking and going out on a couple of dates. You have to also take into consideration that Riley has been in the show/in Buffy's life to some extent since the beginning of the season, over two months. He's been sprinkled in here and there enough to be believable that Buffy has had a chance to get to know him from afar, and now the last two episodes, more closely.

Mark Wood

Riley is an interesting case. He is who she and the audience, not to mention her friends and family should want to see with Buffy. But the show usually doesn’t have any of its characters have healthy relationships with stable people. This is pretty standard for tv, as conflict makes drama more engaging (it’s also much easier to write). With this show and it’s supernatural elements it’s just heightens how unhealthy so many relations ships are, and how people still gravitate towards the unhealthy.


I don't like Riley either. :p Thank you!

Paul Gibson

Considering the amount of arguing in the fandom I think no-one might be an exaggeration

Ari is my Cat

I think it's a rebound thing. Her whole conversation with Willow implies that he is a comfort/safe guy but doesn't feel the spark.

Hans Olav

I think the issue here is the same as with Parker, except that with Parker Willow explicitly says "When you've been spending X amount of time blablabla", illuding to the fact that stuff happens between episodes. Now there was a week break between pangs and something blue - where stuff happened.

Irene Cuartas

Spike is very perceptive of all the people around him. And he also likes human food. He is really special.

Ghost Mom

Im a bit late but I wanted to validate your criticism of the Riley thing by acknowledging that it is super forced. I watched this series as it aired live when I was a teenager and I recall myself and everyone I talked to about it hating Riley and feeling their relationship happened because that's what they writers wanted not because it' felt natural, I don't really think they have chemistry either.