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Stefan over powered damon really easily because he was very angry. And that somehow made him stronger. And I also think damon low key felt bad for killing Lexi


Exactly, I think on some level Damon allowed Stefan to get out his anger because he knew he fucked up. Plus I don't think Damon believes Stefan would actually kill him because he had the chance earlier this season and chose not to.


Now as far as this episode, I understand why you're not in love with the witchy stuff because I wasn't either when I first watched it, and I love witches, but the show does a great job of colliding the two worlds of vampires and witches together as you saw in the episode when the two storylines met. Also the one thing I will say about Stefan and Damon is that once you get deeper into the show, you'll understand why the brothers "forgive" things or "let's things go" so easily, however I don't think that Stefan has forgiven Damon for Lexi, but I think after more than a century it gets easier to put issues on the back burner if that makes sense. And I think part of that is just that they've been with each other for so long. Anyway can't wait to see the next episode 👍🏾💜


You really need to forget about the vampires basics and laws that you learned on others shows bc TVD has a unique univers, they're no reflection involved, no transformation with just blood, they have to die after and drinking human blood in the next 24h otherwise they're dead for good. I have to be honest, season 1 of TVD isn't the best for me, I really think the show was trying to find itself at the time, so every relationship or mysteries wasn't that smooth, like Elena and Stefan, they have a sweet love relation but it was weirdly fast and too profound so early for me, it was I think one of the main reasons that I was never really into it even if their nice or Stefan being too okay with Damon. Like you said, I felt more for Damon, not bc I like the character but bc we see him come to great lengths to get what he want, killing, plotting, lying and all to find the one he loved and waited for over a century and in the end, he sacrifice everything just to get nothing. So yep, I felt more the sad for him than the love story of Stelena. The season will get better through times, and s2 is for me the best one they ever made but you'll see.


Great reaction. This season gets better, especially from episode 11 onward, it moves up another gear. At the end of the day, Damon and Stefan are brothers, and nobody else is more important to them than each other, regardless of whether they hate each other or not. Stefan couldn't kill his brother, so the only thing he could do to honour Lexi's memory is to find out why she died. Knowing Damon was doing it to get Katherine back makes sense to Stefan as Damon was obsessed with Katherine, becoming a vampire has only heightened that obsession. Stefan doesn't show grief that much in the show, even though he has good reason to at times. He has strange ways of coping. Also, a couple of weeks have passed since Damon killed Lexi. Stelena is sweet and Stefan is what Elena needs right now, a distraction from mourning over the death of her parents. I think part of the problem is that Elena is only 17 and hasn't really experienced life. They also have the added problem of him being forever 17 and she is getting older. Plus they haven't really been a proper couple for long. They've been on and off for nearly 3 months, but most of the time it has been off. Matt and Caroline have known each other all of their lives, but never been close, so he doesn't know her really well, but he realised that they've probably got quite a bit in common. That's what he was trying to tell her. Having things in common is often where things start, which was why they were eating and opening their hearts out to each other, finally getting to know one another. I'm not a fan of the early witch stuff in this show, but it does get a lot better as the show progresses. I often feel sorry for Damon, he's a character who would have benefited from a few more hugs when he was younger. Can't wait for the next reaction and I hope this show takes over from Veronica Mars as I'm loving your reactions so far.


Stephan was playing him , to get him to tell him why he wanted the necklace.

Nan A

Stefan tells Damon he is not killing him because Damon saves Stefan's life when Logan shot him with wooden bullets. Some of the questions you were asking is already answered like the mirror thing and holy water is not true. Maybe you can have the sub title on because you seem to miss some of the dialogue and then u get confused.