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So the previous poll was deleted because #1 I got the information I needed from the comments and votes, #2 the comments were turning negative and into arguments which I didn't want. I see that the numbers for the voting on episodes are different than the number for people who actually watch the show. That was the intention of the poll. To see how many people actually watch. Based on the voting numbers I get I was under the impression that Nikita and Battlestar did not get many viewers. I now know that is not the case. Both shows at the time of deleting the poll had over 30 Patrons each who wanted to save the reaction of the show. That is over 20 more then I thought actually watched the shows. 

These polls at the end of each season of the show are put out for that reason. To see what the numbers are of who watches. I read every comment and each vote means something when I think about it.

Also, these polls are never meant to go into the realm of negativity. I want to hear opinions on things. If I ask for opinions that's what I want. I don't want people attacking others and calling them out because of what shows they like and brought them to the channel and Patreon. 

I appreciate the support but never attack another person or go after them because they are here for one show or any other reason. Also never devalue what someone giving $1 means to me or what you believe the value of what I do is. If someone is willing to give me $1 or $10 to hear me talk it is still important and people give what they can and feel is right for what they watch. I do a lot of shows to make the value worth it but if you watch one show that's ok, I understand you came for one show and want that show to continue. 

So because of what the comments said and how the votes went both Battlestar Galactica & Nikita will continue. I will be purchasing both the next seasons of each show on Amazon because they are no longer available on a streaming service. Both are shows that have a passionate community here on Patreon and that's a big deal to me. The numbers are not there for YouTube but that's ok. I will keep putting them on youtube in hopes that we can grow the fan base and maybe even get other reactors to do them and grow the reaction of the shows following. 

Thanks again for the input and please never go negative in the comments. No need to call out anyone and be negative towards them. You all know I am not about that and it actually is something I am really against. You can have disagreements and debates without going into being negative or mean to people.

Thanks Again For The Support.



I personally don't watch either, but I'm glad that you decided to pick up the next seasons for those that do. Maybe I can get into Battlestar at some point since I usually love Scifi stuff so if there is more content to watch that isn't a bad thing in case I ever do. But either way, hope you enjoy the next seasons (since from the post, it seemed like you enjoyed the first season of both) and for the ones watching, hope you enjoy the reactions.

Lina Krouford

OMG! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so happy right now!:) I'm glad you will continue Nikita.


I missed all the comments on the previous post so I’m not sure what the negativity was about, but I watch your nikita reactions so I’m happy you’re continuing season 2!


Hey, I missed the poll, but I wanted to add another vote for Battlestar. I actually ONLY subscribed because of your full length BSG reviews (at $10 because I couldn't wait to see all of them!)-- and you are the only Patreon Creator I follow. There are so few people that react to that show and it's one of my favorites, so your reactions are a special treat!!! I've been refreshing daily to see when 2X2 is coming; very happy to see that you'll be continuing. I'll stick around here for those.

Mike Watkins

Thank you so much dude. This is great news. I would have stayed either way, there's about 3 other shows you do that I'm into, but this is another two that I would've lost so I'm just so happy to hear this.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

That's great that Nikita will be continuing. This series gets so much better from season two, onward. I'm sorry to hear that people have been negative towards others commenting here. That's horrible that people do that. I look forward to much more to come, Geeked Out Nation. :)

Dani C

If you haven't seen BSG I highly recommend giving it a good go - it takes a little time to get under your skin but once it does it is some of the best sci fi tv ever made.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Sorry to hear other have been negative. Tbh I'm here for Buffy all the way so as long as that shows going I'm happy x


Glad that your continuing with Nikita! 👍

Stephanie Bedworth

I'm glad you're going to continue with BSG. I always try and make sure I like, vote, and/or comment on your videos so you know I'm watching and interested. I'm not surprised you got rid of that other post. Some of those convos were gettin' a little ugly.

Janeka Rector

I missed the drama but I’m happy for more BSG. Btw-I would like to advise you to watch the opening of each ep and just close your eyes at the ‘poundy drum part’ that has the episode scenes that you find spoilery. Some of the ‘previously on BSG’ parts for some reason contain deleted or bonus footage sometimes. It’s such an odd show but it’s so good! :)


Soooo happy for more BSG! I can’t find anyone else who reacts to it! I missed the poll, but I’m glad you decided to keep on! That’s what got me to sign on😁


I too missed this poll, but BSG is one of the shows I watch religiously, and you are the only reactor I follow who watches it. Looking forward to seeing your reactions continue!


I voted in the poll but didn't get involved in the discussion. I haven't watched BSG in years so its been fun to watch it again through someone else's eyes! :)

DJ Doena

I rarely if ever participate in the episode rating polls. What I do do is to leave a like for every post of an episode I intebd to watch.

Hazel Angus

Jimmy Macram's done BSG (completed), and there's a woman named show&tell doing it also, though she is less entertaining. Lovely person though.