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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!! Thank you so much for your first reaction for Haven! I am sorry to hear you didn't enjoy this particular episode as much as I hoped you would. Of course I understand, and I get your points too. I promise... this pilot episode is weaker in comparison to most of the other episodes throughout the seasons. And I say that because the acting at times did seem a bit off. The acting by Audrey Parker's character, played by Emily Rose is a bit strange, but there is a reason for why she acts as she does, which is part of the mystery behind who she is and who this woman who looks identical to her in the old newspaper picture is. And it all surrounds the mystery behind what's going on in Haven. I love this show's overall premise and the mysteries that unfold through the seasons. And the town of Haven is quite beautiful. As for the characters... I love Audrey and Duke, although my absolute favorite character is Nathan, played by Lucas Bryant. I love his calm demeanor, his sarcasm and banter with both Audrey and Duke, and I love that he has an infliction that causes him to be unable to feel anything. It's very intriguing and I've never seen another show where a character has such an infliction. Now, I know you felt her character, as well as Conrad's character were weak. However, I really like how Audrey figures out that Marian controls the weather unintentionally whenever she loses control of her temper. As for that scene you really didn't understand between her and Conrad, then later as Audrey calms her down... I believe that Marian knew something was strange about her. That bad things happened around her, but she's in denial over what she's seen and done because she's afraid to know the truth. Just like Nathan is in denial over the power Marian appears to possess. It all comes from disbelief and fear. Also... I love the mystery throughout the town where there was people within Marian's family with the same ability, as well as other strange things going on in Haven... including the crevasses opening within the roads. And lastly... I love the mystery behind the newspaper article about the Colorado Kid murder that shows an image of a woman who looks identical to Audrey. There's so much to come and I do hope to be able to join you should you continue watching this show in the future, so I can rewatch one of my overall favorite shows with you. Thank you so much again! Until your next reaction for Haven...

Elisa Ingo

Haven is actually a great show. Pilots aren't always the best representation. Knowing what I know.... I understand why certain characters act the way they do... but I completely understand how you would come to the conclusions you did.

Jared Scoggin

I don't remember my initial reaction to this episode, but I love this series as a whole. I will say that rewatching with you I can understand some of your points. I can't really be objective about the actors, since I grew to love all of them as these characters, but I get what you're saying about certain line deliveries and reactions. Some of that is just who the characters are and that becomes more apparent the more you get to know them. As far as Audrey not being very shocked about the possibility of people having powers, there's some dialogue in the beginning where she and her boss talk about how she's open to any possibilities or something like that and that's what makes her a good agent. I think that's meant to say that she is more willing than most to believe in crazy things if that's where the case leads her. I originally watched this show because I'm always open to stories with people having abilities, so that intrigued me, but like you, the biggest draw for me to continue was the mystery of Audrey and this lookalike woman, who may or may not be her mother. If you end up continuing the series I'd love to see your reactions for what's to come, which IMO is much better than what you've seen.

Stephanie Bedworth

This pilot is like a puzzle with a good amount of pieces missing. I think that's why a lot of the time you were commenting about how things felt so off. You're right, they do. This show was always full of quirky characters who just act strange and that's intentional. Sometimes the actors they chose, like the ones for Conrad and Marion, just weren't up to the task. I do like Haven very much and I think it's worth continuing if you like the subject matter, but it does take a little bit to get into.


i watched this show when it first came out, and i did almost stop causze it did get off to a really rocky start. . but i believed in the premise behind the show and it did pull itself together very well


yea there is some stuff off wwith this pilot, but also remember this is the perfect example of an extremely low budget pilot,which is why the wierd voiceovers and low end extras.. . its not really wierd edits,more cheap edits


her reaction to things becomes explained in time,aactually one of the more intresting story points in the first season


agreeed. . mediocre episode. . but like ive said before. . .no money pilot. . . the story settles in over the 1st 5 episodes. . .you'll see what the 'troubles' are pretty quick

Jason Usher

Great reaction, The first few episodes of this are ok but than it picks up and becomes very good


It can be an odd show, it is worth giving it a go but it does have an odd writing style, camera work and direction. It has it's charm and gets stronger, and stronger but you have to be open to it. If you don't think you could just accept it's unique "charm", you probably won't get much out of it other than finding it silly. If you can, you get some characters you can really become attached to, and a unique story.