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Great reaction!!

Felix Huang

Happy Holidays everyone, one of favorite episodes.


I agree on the flashback but this episode was a great one. Good reaction. This season will become awesome incredibly soon. Can’t wait!!


Great Reaction as always. This ep is one of my fav. of the season. I believe the flashback is for visual purposes to confirm that Shaw was like that since she was little. The last flashback was perfect for me since right after the fireman says that she has no emotions, we have the present moment with the Kid and Shaw where she figured her out. Love the Carter moments.


Also fun fact: The Doctor that owes them the favour was the coroner that patched up Reese after he got shot by Snow in season 1, in ep 11.

Dani C

Yay! Was not expecting this:) Ir's like a little Christmas present.


Great episode ! I think the last flashback serves to show Shaw hearing the guy saying that there was something wrong with her. I think this convinces her that she was different. Maybe if she didn't heard that, she wouldn't have been emotionless but just with lower emotion rate, like the little girl said right after. (Sorry if my english isn't great, but i'm french so, even if I understand English almost perfectly, I can't practice it and it's kinda hard to know if i'm expressing myself correctly)


Hey, that's an interesting theory. I knew that the last flashback was there to serve as a distinctiveness in how much Shaw has changed since working with the team and how she proved this ep that she does have feelings (and as a contrast to what Jen said at the end). But if that also meant that she heard what the fireman said and she believed that something was wrong with her that is even more impactful on the flashback. Considering that at first glance people seem to think it is pointless to show.

Felix Huang

If Shaw is batman, then Root would be the Joker. The one who is emotionless and the other is always filled with Joy.

Phoenix Dawn

The Carter HR sub-plot is amazing and she is truly a badass!


The flashback scene wasn't pointless. Yes we already knew that Shaw was broken. But Shaw didn't. Only when the guy said that there's something wrong with her she realized her behavior seemed weird to other people. Up until this point she maybe didn't even realize there's something wrong. That's why it was important that we had this scene.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I always thought that the purpose of the flashback was because when this first aired most people were sure that Shaw had to have had a traumatic childhood to be the way she was. It’s the way all Tv shows portray psychopaths and sociopaths. This was just showing very visually that she had a good normal family, she was just born with her brain wired differently.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

And you said that they keep flashing back to same exact scene, but it’s supposed to show fully that, she isn’t scared being stuck in the car or being pulled out, how she doesn’t feel much about her dad dying, and then her overhearing the firefighters saying that there’s something wrong with her. Even you said in the final flashback, “is it regeristing” Like you automatically think she’s just not processing it, even tho you know she’s a sociopath who wouldn’t feel the loss “normally”


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