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When should we expect 2x22? Just curious 😊

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yes!!! Another fun reaction for Once Upon a Time!! Thank you so much! I have to admit, this episode is once again not another one of my favorites from this season. Especially not for part one of a season finale. I enjoyed it and it's good, but I also have a few issues with it as well. First... I have to say that I never liked the idea of Emma and Neal getting back together again. And I've always believed I was alone in feeling the same way, until recently with a few other reactors who also watch this show. I don't know where you stand on them, but so many people love Emma and Neal together. Me personally, I never really saw that Emma was still in love with Neal. Only that a part of her still cared about him and was happy he could be a part of Henry's life despite what's happened between them. And when she tells Neal she loves him, I still don't feel she meant that she was in love with him. Just that she still loved him from what still remained of their past relationship. Also... Neal was extremely naive and kind of an idiot in regards to his relationship with Tamara. This is one of the main reasons why I never really liked Neal. He's an okay character. I like his relationship with Henry. I just don't like his relationship with Emma, and I hate even more his relationship with Tamara. Emma and Neal have been through a lot and for the most part, I feel that they've been through too much just to simply put everything behind them so they can get back together again and become the loves they used to be. I feel that their story together has been told for the most part. Plus... he is blinded by his love for Tamara that I didn't really see between them either. I hope this all makes sense. Now... now that that's all out of the way... I enjoy the overall backstory with Bae and the Darlings, and with the Shadow. Despite never caring much about young Bae's character either. And like most of the characters seen throughout all of Once Upon a Time, Wendy, John, and Michael were all well casted and it was amazing to see old London, England become a part of the Once Upon a Time world. If you recall... Rumplestiltskin is well over two hundred years old, and so like him and Hook too, Bae is over two hundreds years old as well. This is why the setting of London was from an age long ago. I'm so happy that they showed us so by having the carriage ride past when Bae first arrived from the Enchanted Forest. Especially given the time that the Peter Pan time is originally set in, as well as when it was originally written by J.M. Barrie. I really like the idea of Pan possibly being a villain by how the Shadow behaves. Yet I have to admit, that I didn't like this idea at first because while Peter Pan is known to be a mischievous character and a bit darker in some versions than he is especially in the Disney movie Peter Pan, Peter Pan is still seen as a hero. However, over time I got used to the idea that Pan could be a villain. Especially with Hook being the character he is. And while Hook is a villain, we also see a softer side to him. A side that shows he's so much more than who he appears. A man who wears a mask of smugness, pride, and conceit to hide his pain and how he truly feels, especially towards himself. And for the most part, Once Upon a Time is phenomenal with the development of all their characters, especially those who we all have known and loved since we were children. I did like that Bae gave himself over to the Shadow to protect Wendy, John, and Michael so that their family wouldn't be split apart and broken like his was. And more so... I love that Bae manged to escape from the Shadow and landed in the ocean beyond the shores of Neverland, so that Hook could find him and bring him aboard the Jolly Roger. I love this moment in the episode, as it was my absolute favorite moment throughout this episode despite it being so short. I was so happy for the prospect of getting more of Hook's past storyline. I'm excited for what's to come. :) As for Neal being shot and lost in the portal to someplace unknown to you... it did have its flaws like you spoke of. However, I felt so sad for Emma. I actually could feel the emotion coming from her feeling her loss when he falls through after Tamara shot him. Jennifer Morrison is amazing with showing her emotions, and I've always been able to feel for her, and feel like we're meant to feel from her. But because I feel about Neal as I do, I couldn't help not feeling much about this tragedy. Again... I'm petty much alone with how I feel towards this moment, but c'est la vie. I don't care much for Greg's storyline at all like I've said before a number of times, I don't care that Greg's father turned out dead despite it being sad, and I hate these three characters, so it doesn't really matter to me. Same goes for Tamara's storyline, even in this episode. However, I am glad that Emma never stopped believing she was a villain and that the truth was finally revealed to her and to Neal. I really like that Mary Margaret did as she did to find and save Regina despite everything that's gone on between them. And I loved that she and David found her and brought her home so that Blue could heal Regina and remove the cuff so Regina can regain her magic again in time. And lastly... I am still not a fan of the Rumple/Lacey storyline. It annoys me to see Belle/Lacey encouraging Rumple to be bad. But at least Gold helped Mary Margaret and David so they could save Regina. Overall... this episode had its flaws, but I still enjoy it. Thank you again, so much! I can't wait for you to see and react to the second part of season two's finale. It's so good!!! Until then...

Ceara Abrahamsz

Seriously can’t wait for your reaction to the next episode! This reaction made me laugh so much,LOL Very excited for what’s to come! Ahh!!! 😳😬😆