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hey man... this is ep 5 btw.


We have to be honest, there are some great moments wrapped in the crap crepe which is this episode, it could have been great, instead it was this.....let's all just move on......hahahahaha

Ari is my Cat

I hated this episode the first time but now I love it. It's still not great but it's fun and I appreciate that.

Steve Quast

This episode is far from great, but the fact that Buffy hits Parker over the head not once, but twice....helps to redeem it a little.


This is considered one of the worst episodes, sometimes even marked as THE worst. I still think I Robot, You Jane and Go Fish are worse but yea, the episode has numerous issues.

Mariella Nilsson

i like this episode, but your reactions was just as entertaining! This episode some love some dont like at all.

Salv Mancuso

Wouldn't worry about this as it is generally considered a Bottom 2 or 3 episode.


Same. I really did not like this episode the first time I saw it but the more I rewatch it, the more I appreciate it.


No context GON quote: "Yeah, they're turning into cavemen. Yeah, that makes sense." Don't know why, but that made me almost choke on my coffee. I think it was the, "Oh well, of course," tone that made me laugh.


Yes, this episode gets very dumb and silly, but I love it. I love any time SMG gets to play comedy, and she is hilarious here.


This is my FAVORITE episode of Buffy. I am probably the only one, I understand, but it's hysterical and I relate to the id daydreams Buffy has during class. I quote the lines and laugh all over again. Just love it. I wish others had the great appreciation for it that it deserves.

Alexis Cardarella

This episode was something that been had written to get funds from the Office of Nation Drug Policy, or something or other? I don’t think was mandatory.. but I could be wrong? It must have been some amount because they went for it. But yeah, it’s notoriously bad. But like every Buffy episode there’s something quality. I love the scene with Giles and Buffy and the sub plot with Willow and Oz was well written. I also thought Buffy’s lamenting about Parker was really out of character, and it frustrated me- but after a few rewatches I realized that, yeah, crushes/infatuation can make people really irrational where they’re usually not. Especially when you’re young. It’s cool you took a moment and had that realization about her pretty quickly.

Alexis Cardarella

I think Willow was trying to give Parker a chance for Buffy’s sake, or maybe she just wanted to assess how much of a manipulator he really is and call him out for it...


The worst episode in my opinion. People were very out of character.


I am not here to put down anyone else's opinion, I am only asking because I really want to know, someone gave this episode a perfect score, I would like to know the reasoning if possible.....for the record I used to black this episode out from my memory and now watching others watch it, I find it not as bad as I made it out to be, so it could just be me being harsh......


I thought the douche college guy talks down to someone was poorly written in Good Will Hunting but compared to this it was Shakespeare. "See I think we have a perfect venue here for conducting a little sociometry. A bipolar continuum of attraction and rejection. Now given your social economic statuses I foresee a B rejects A diade. " Yikes that is some of the worst dialog ever.


Okay it was you, that is brilliant, I have often found myself the fan of episodes that are hated by the majority of the fanbase and it is always interesting to know how the other half thinks and if I am getting it you love how the episode is set up in the beginning with the lecture by Professor Walsh and how it is carried out?


I think my main issue with this episode is that I would have loved to have seen more of Cave-Buffy, I would have liked for them to show her strength level and more of her decision making when it was based on pure instinct.....I think the four cave-dudes were useless and I get the whole don't drink but they could have shown the bar owner getting more advanced, because him just turning college kids into cavemen is okay I guess, but it could have been more is my point. I am glad that I watched it and now I appreciate it a bit more for what it is.


It's famous for being rejected by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy because, "Drugs were an issue, but it wasn’t on-strategy. It was otherworldly nonsense, very abstract and not like real-life kids taking drugs. Viewers wouldn’t make the link to our message." https://web.archive.org/web/20080612174803/http://www.commercialalert.org/news/archive/2000/01/prime-time-propaganda-how-the-white-house-secretly-hooked-network-tv-on-its-anti-drug-message I don't think they knew -- the linked article states that producers and writers did not know, and IIRC Joss joked that it was too bad because they really needed the money. I mean, this was not an anti-drinking episode (it was an anti-jerk episode), and the final statement on beer is: XANDER: And was there a lesson in all this? What have we learned about beer? BUFFY: Foamy. XANDER: Good. Just as long as we're clear.


Aww, looks like Joss gave up on trying to doctor the script: Director David Solomon had this to say: "Joss wasn't entirely pleased with this story. He came into my office at the last minute with the script and said to me, 'I tried to make it better but all I did was make it funnier.' I took that to mean, 'We're not exactly sure what this is supposed to be about so just enjoy yourself.' So I actually had a ball doing it. It was a laugh to watch frat boys turn into cavemen and have Buffy affected by the same thing that was affecting them. We just let everyone go 'crazy' and nothing all bad came out of it." So they had fun, and we got to see that Buffy's instincts are always to save people, but she's not so noble that she won't club Parker a couple of times. He deserved it.


I think Willow knew what she was doing the whole time, she was angry at Oz and baiting Parker so she could see his moves for herself and then assert her power, like in "The Pack" with caged Hyena!Xander.

Stephanie Bedworth

This isn't my least favorite episode of the whole series, but it's pretty darn close.


Which is your least? Go Fish? Teacher's Pet? Something else?


Dumb cave guys aside, I always really liked this one. Cave Buffy is great, and I love her interactions with Giles and Xander, not to mention that whack on Parker's head at the end. Awesome. Yes, it's silly, but I like a little silly sometimes. Also, you have to remember that Buffy was playing an 18 year old young woman who had a serious crush and had slept with someone who then totally dismissed her. I can imagine her trying to hold on to the hope that she actually meant something to Parker because to feel like you were objectified and used for a "good time" is hard to accept. I think this is why she calls herself a slut during the conversation with Xander. That's what she feared it would mean about her if Parker really just used her for a one night stand. I think some of these things are harder for men to understand since y'all aren't usually the ones who feel this way. No shade or offense intended, of course. That's just how it seems to work out. I've been in a similar situation to Buffy's at around that age, so I can empathize with her reaction. Just my two cents. ;)

Katherine Thoreson

I believe it was that the network told Joss he had to write an episode about the dangers of alcohol or underage drinking or something along those lines so that they could get the money. Joss didn't like being told what his story lines had to be about, so to stick it to them, he wrote this instead.


I love the psychology of it. It reminds me of me at 18 (about when this episode came out) having a severe crush on boys that treated me horribly and fantasizing about kicking their ass or rescuing them so they would be so grateful they would want me again. I love how she starts to act on her impulses without consequences or understanding how it may be wrong -- like Anya does all the time. I love that it transitions from the Parker story line into the next story line (no spoilers) by putting an end to this jerk once and for all. I guess people have always seen Buffy as an extremely strong woman, which she is, but this episode shows her vulnerabilities as well, which makes her more human and delicate, something I feel others don't like to see in "strong" women, but it's more real.