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The intro changes later on in a bigger way and more frequently which is why people have said that.

Jimmy Jones

Anyone know of other reactors to POI? Probably Patron. Can't seem to find many on YouTube.


Look up Jimmy Macram on Patreon. He's doing Person of Interest for $5 Patreon subscribers.


The old man was using slight of hand to swap the cards. That’s how he did it with the bullet.


Yup. I wrote this in a comment on a livestream post earlier this week; reposting in case Steven missed it. I believe that most, if not all, of the non-standard intros don’t have the “Skip Intro” option on Netflix. I just checked a few and that’s how it looked to me, but I can’t promise that’s always true. I’d suggest never manually skipping ahead if there’s no Skip option. Otherwise, probably safe to use the Skip option, though worth watching occasionally to see any changes to the standard intro (eg from season to season).

DJ Doena (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:58:31 If you want to see a real card mechanic at work, watch this clip from Penn & Teller! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwFIJyWKs1k
2019-11-24 10:52:38 If you want to see a real card mechanic at work, watch this clip from Penn & Teller! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwFIJyWKs1k

If you want to see a real card mechanic at work, watch this clip from Penn & Teller! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwFIJyWKs1k

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Sorry that it has taken me so long to write out my thoughts for this episode and each of the last five episodes you've reacted to and posted. Life's been a bit crazy and I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to be able to post all of my thoughts for every show reaction that i would like to. But here I am. I enjoy this episode overall. It has a good storyline, and I love seeing Leon make another appearance throughout this episode as well. He's always fun to see again. I like his character a lot because he brings a lot of comedy to the show. As for the main storyline... I enjoy it. I really felt for this episode's "person of interest", Lou Mitchell who is a retiree forced to help a thug launder money through the criminal's casino, along with a number of other seniors and retirees. I like that Lou fights to stay in New York where his wife is buried and where he is to one day be buried alongside of her, and that he fights to take down these corrupt men running the casino to honor his wife. I also really love that he wants to buy the diner where he always eats and comes to visit with the waitress, as a way of giving back to the place where he first met his wife. It's beautiful. I love the whole scene where Reese, Finch, Leon, and Lou are forced into a game of Russian Roulette, and seeing Reese suddenly break free from his bonds before the chance that Finch will be shot, as he fights a number of men before nearly getting shot himself, until Lou protects him by disappearing the bullet through slight of hand. Very clever. Overall, a very enjoyable episode. Thank you so much for your reaction!