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I can't believe you missed the crucial scene when the FBI guy takes off Harold glasses and sees they are fake! That Harold's vision was fine and that he was pretending not to see properly without them when Carter arrived :D that was a great one for me.


Regarding your intro question, each season has its own intro, so they are different for each season, however they mess with it sometimes if it fits the story, I believe the first time they do this is in the last episode "Relevance". Going forward I would say about 85% of the of the episodes are standard intros but the rest have either no intro or its been altered in some way.

Felix Huang

Detective Cal Beecher is the Godson Quinn, head of HR. But Cal doesn't know that, all he sees is a godfather and mayors aid asking for help. (2x10)


General question about intro skipping. What do people think? I don't think it's that bad for shows like this except for those rare occasions when they mix it up a bit (like Relevance). My brother watched Friends on Netflix and always skipped the intro but it's such a great song - I particularly like doing the *clap clap clap clap* - so it always bugged me when he'd just skip through the intro! In terms of this show, I wouldn't worry too much if you miss an interesting one. Like Chris says, it mixes up every season and there are a few special ones here and there. We can tell you to go back and look afterwards if you miss one like we did with "Relevance!"


I was the one suggesting it and I have to say I did say that he should watch the intros for the rest of the season since I didn't want to spoil in which episodes the intro is changed so i figuered it would be better to just generally say "You should watch the intros for the rest of the season" instead of specificly say which episodes he should definitly watch the intro. But I can understand why it might be more preferable to skip the "regular" intros, so if he prefers it I personally have no issue with skipping intros and then just mention when the special intro comes up that he shouldn't skip it (or make a list of all episodes with altered intros).

Jimmy Jones

I also like the intro. More fancy than most.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Another excellent reaction! Thank you so much!! Sorry that it's taken me awhile to post my comments for this episode's reaction, but the last few days have been pretty busy for me. I haven't really had the time. But I'm back now. I really enjoy this episode a lot. Like you... I love the look and feel of this episode. And I love how it's set up in a crazy storm on an island where Reese and Finch are on the hunt for a serial killer and chameleon. Proteus is eerie, dark, scary, and entertaining. I also love he moment in the end when Finch is saved from the killer by Carter when she shoots him in his chest, only for Finch to remember at the last second that the killer had been wearing a vest, as Cal Beecher suddenly shoots the killer from behind in the back of his head to save both Carter and Finch. Brilliant moment! As for Cal Beecher... I really like his character a lot and while he's shady an appears to be a dirty cop, I keep feeling like he's really a good guy. I have all along since his character has been introduced. I like his character, and I really like the idea of him and Carter together too. I also love the scenes between Reese and the smuggler who is suspected of being the killer. I like how the drug smuggler manages to overpower Reese and knock him unconscious when Reese becomes momentarily distracted upon finding the real dead FBI agent in the trunk of the killer's car, only for Reese to awaken as he's being dragged towards the end of the dock to be thrown into the ocean. And I love seeing Reese take this drug smuggler out by knocking him unconscious again with the oar from one of the boats nearby. It's interesting to watch Reese work to figure out all the mysteries going on on this island within the middle of a storm. And I like Reese's interactions with Finch like always. As for the serial killer and chameleon himself... I really liked his character a lot too. He was so creepy, especially when he was attempting to become Finch. I liked his voice and just the overall vibe of his character. I love how Beecher killed him to protect Carter. But I also agree with you that it would have been interesting to see him survive and escape so he could have been a recurring character and threat for Reese and Finch throughout this series. :) Overall... I love this episode. I love the eeriness and feel of it. I missed seeing Fusco, but it's okay that he wasn't in this episode. Carter was great throughout. So thank you very much again for another fun reaction! Until next time...