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Scarlett Monrow

Why Starbuck wasn't impaled: she was probably at an angle with Six and rebar went between her side and her arm.

Calvin Allen

Apollo isn't a raptor pilot. Boomer is


I love this episode, I get chills everytime i see Boomer shoot... so good


As much as we in the audience might think what Roslin did was correct, from a legal perspective Adama was right to remove her., so it isn't a coup. The President is taking hallucinogenic drugs, is seeing hallucinations, and then making military decisions (and leaving people to die after the raptor crashed) based on her hallucinations. That's a pretty rock solid reason to remove someone from office.

Janeka Rector

You ask why they would send Boomer. Boomer is a Raptor pilot. Her job is to scout ahead and do recon. Her ship can do Faster Than Light travel. Apollo is a Combat Pilot. He's the CAG (Chief of the Air Group). The skill sets are different. Also keep in mind the fact that Boomer just had an 'accident' with her gun and Adama needed a pilot to do a crazy mission which had a high risk of fatality, who else would you use but the obviously suicidal pilot? I'm just sorry for Racetrack who had no idea of what she was getting into!

Hazel Angus

I think Adama sent Boomer because yeah, she had an injury, but she was walking-wounded. He could spare her, plus it feels possible to me that he wanted to give her a decent job to do, to make her feel valuable and an important part of the crew. He knows she's been struggling, she was forced to leave Helo to his death on Caprica, forced to break up with the Chief, suspected of being a Cylon agent and then 'accidentally' shooting herself. Adam is/was a good boss, good at allocating staff and nurturing a team. It's part of his job to also look out for peoples emotional health, because he needs them at full strength. He sent Racetrack with her so that she wasn't on her own. Plus I think it's normal to have at least two in a Raptor. I also think Apollo was as uncertain as you were, and that he could see both sides. Roslin did something that looks very damaging. It was a huge deal that they had a Cylon ship to play with and then Roslin got Starbuck to bugger off with it in order to follow some, as far as Adama knows, crazy woo-woo prophecies. But then also, Apollo believes in the importance of the Government and as he said, you can't sacrifice democracy just because the President screwed up. I think he thought it was right to go and talk to Roslin and make her see what she'd done, but when he saw all those guns pointed at her, his conscience kicked in and he felt it was wrong.

DJ Doena

Apollo probably went quietly over there to be allowed to go there in the first placed. Had he raised any objections, Adama sen. probably would have ordered him to stay behind. Maybe he was hoping to de-escalate the situation before it got out of hand.


What I love about BSG is that it forces you to see both sides of the issue and really see how difficult some of these decisions are for both the military and the government. It's brilliant.


Yeah, that ending is a doozy. The first time I watched this was by myself at night, and I'm surprised I didn't wake my husband and kids when I shrieked.

Daniel R

We had similar reactions to when Boomer shot Adama lol I couldn't not start Season 2 at that point lol