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For any Rebels fans, I hope Sabine makes an appearance. I enjoyed the episode, nice set-up. Thank you for reacting 😁

Jonathan Foreman

It's the same species as Yoda. The species has never been named before. I would assume that's why they're after him because he might be force sensitive, but that's only speculation. I agree about how this was written as if we'd watch it just because it's Star Wars and nothing really grabs you like a pilot, that being said I'm definitely going to keep watching because it is Star Wars lol

DJ Doena

If The Mandalorian takes place 5 years after ROTJ and this baby is 50 years old, that means it was born 45 years before Yoda's* death. Which means that this baby was born in the Republic if you guess that Luke was 25-30 when Anakin died and Anakin was 25-30 when he became Vader. Maybe Yoda got lucky in his old days. ;-) *wildly speculating* *I always figured that Yoda was Yoda's name, like Chewbacca is Chewbacca's name and he's a Wookie. He's called "Master Yoda" like Anakin is called "Master Skywalker"

Ari is my Cat

We know little about Yoda's species. We know they are rare. We know they live very long lives. We know that Yoda was a powerful Jedi and a female of the species was also a Jedi master.

Light Yagami

Surprised you didn’t like this very much. Thought it was an impressive premiere

Daniel R

Just got around to watching this, I wasn't big on the episode either. It looks cool but the story didn't grab me and the "baby Yoda" at the end kinda made me cringe more than anything.


Was this just a pilot reaction or are you doing the entire season?


Its interesting you didn't like the pacing in this episode. I personally found it really enjoyable and thats as a complete newbie to Star Wars. I guess the world and characters where pretty unique and interesting to draw me in.