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Amy Rustand

I think they showed the Devils Trap scratched up to establish how Ruby could move around the room in the scenes after the demon was killed - because that was a big trap across most of the floor. I gave this a 9 because of all the holes it filled in Sam’s time without Dean, and also for how intrigued it got me. Why does Anna hear angels? Why do the angels want to kill her? If it’s to protect their intel from demons getting it out of her, you’d think they could just find a safe place to keep her and guard her with other angels. Death seems extreme. But these angels seem to smite first and think later anyway i guess.


This is just the way I understood some of what's going on, that's all. I always looked at showing the scratch marks through the demon trap as the way they explained how come Ruby wasn't still trapped there after she stepped into it to kill the demon so it couldn't escape and warn Lilith, which was all a call back to the Jus in Bello episode where both of those things happened. I also thought the angels being there to kill Anna was in character for them. All of the angels are tied up at the moment trying to stop Lilith and her demon hoard from breaking the 66 seals. They can't spare angels from the fight just to guard a human which is a call back to Castiel telling Dean the same thing when he questioned Cas about not helping them with the rising of the witnesses. That seal had already been broken and the angels were too busy fighting to stop other seals from breaking. They don't have time to be babysitting a few when they are trying to save the multitude. To the angels and Ruby in JIB, sacrificing some to save many is just the cost of war.

Scarlett Monrow

Question: what do you think about Jared's acting in this season? You frequently mentioned that Jared falls short of Jensen's acting in some scenes. Do think he got better?

Amy Rustand

I honestly wonder if it's acting, or just the character? Sam is so NORMAL it's almost boring - he is always written as the 'mature', stable, responsible, even-keeled guy.. What can Jared really do with that? But in this episode, he gets to be vengeful, angry, bitter - he finally gets some interesting emotions to portray!! I really liked it. I wish Sam got to be interesting like this more often, but it seems he has to be the boring, bland foil to Dean's more interesting suspicious, angry, crude, immature character.

Valencia Lanier

I always laugh during the flashbacks in this episode. Jared and his future wife. “Kids, this is how I met your mother...”