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Your title is wrong. It is episode 2x15 and not 2x16


Ok, for the last time :)) when the show pans to Washington it has no relation to HR. Last when we saw Root she found Weeks with Finch and killed him and then followed the agent (the one in the hospital) all the way to its boss (office of special council) which is in charge of the machine -no spoilers, we already know that at this point. So she is in a prime position in Washington to find out all kinds of secrets as secretary of this head of depart of special council (all in Washington). HR boss is a black dude and his no2, is that cop :) No relation to that white old guy in Washington :D

Felix Huang

One small thing you mentioned but forgot in the post-review. You will start to see more blue blips. Trivia - These blips, if you pause right on it, They translate to text from popular books. (not plot related)


You might want to edit your post (both of you)... That is a pretty significant spoil of future reveals.


Yep. Hope he reads these comments... Simply put, HR is local - they're trying to run the city. The people in Washington, including Denton Weeks, Alicia Corwin, and Mr. Special Counsel who Root is now working for as "Ms. May", are in the government - they bought the machine from Finch. They're not "after" it, they already have it, and they want to keep it a secret because it is giving them the "relevant" information used to stop terrorist attacks and the like. All Finch and Reese get through the payphones are the "irrelevant" numbers that don't relate to national security threats.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really like this episode a lot. It's entertaining, I love the storyline, and the young woman Reese and Finch fight to protect throughout this episode, not only from six assassins, but from the bad guys who hired the assassins to kill her and the man who tried to help her. I also love that it takes place within a hotel and seeing Finch work as a concierge, while Reese must work as a bellhop. I've been working at a few hotels for the last twelve years. None as fancy as this one seen in this episode, but I appreciate seeing them work in a field in which I'm somewhat familiar with . I also love seeing Zoe Morgan come back into this show too. She's always fun because I absolutely love the banter back and forth between her and Reese. :) As for the overall storyline... I really love seeing Reese fight to protect the young woman who has fled to our country upon witnesses the horrific murders of her family. It's tragic, making me want to see Reese and Finch succeed in saving her that much more. And thankfully, they succeed. And lastly... I love the fight between Reese and Hersh in the kitchen. Both men are fairly matched in hand to hand combat, and I love the use of knives, pans, etc... brought into the fight. Yes... I agree that seeing Reese lose sometimes does make him feel more human, and I love that about his character too. As for Fusco's role throughout the episode, I always love it when Reese and Finch being him in on one of their cases. And I love the moment he has to take out two of the six assassins, then finds the body in the trunk. As for Carter... I felt so bad for her by the end because she seemed so happy with Cal Beecher, until the FBI agent turns her down for the FBI because there is something bad in Beecher's character. The question is... is he bad, or not? And lastly... Root is back and she's put herself in with the bad guys from the government who also receive numbers from the Machine and who are a big threat. Not good. But what a great twist! :) Overall... I really love this episode, so thank you again! I can't wait for more to come!!! Until next time...