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You have the wrong episode title.

Nica Marie

The actress who plays Angie looks familiar because you saw her on Vampire Diaries. Yes, we get lots more questions in this ep. That's the point. Rob loves to do this. He gives us possibilities, misdirections and red herrings up till the end. It's almost Whedonesque. Remember, not everything introduced in an episode will be resolved in that same episode. But, it will be resolved. Look at Felix's death. That happened on S1 finale and was only just recently fully resolved. I think you're expecting too much from the dream sequences. Dreams rarely make absolute sense. So these are perfect. Veronica is filtering what she has learned through her subconscious and this is what comes out. And the ending makes sense when you remember that Veronica has been convinced that the crash was Aaron Echolls trying to take her out. These dreams were her trying to find another reason but ultimately coming back to the idea that Aaron is responsible.

Ari is my Cat

"You know that Paris Hilton gives you nightmares" The joke is funnier to me because Paris Hilton was in the first few episodes of season 1.


A really good episode. The dreams were well done and added to the confusion but also to Veronica's thought train. I liked the fact that the I AM GOD turns out to be just a cover album, but still from her going through all these options in her mind, gives some clues here and there.


Stanford girl is Vicki from TVD - that's where you recognize her from!


A very Twin Peaksy episode, but it should have come sooner in the season. Why are we just getting to know the dead students now? Why does Veronica suddenly care so much? This is more of an issue with the seasonal structure and pacing. It's still cool to get a look into Veronica's brain, which is always working, even when she's asleep. Reminds me a bit of the "mind palace" idea in Sherlock and Hannibal. Loved the Wallace and Logan stuff. It's always weird to be reminded that he and Logan have not interacted since the pilot. Wow. Veronica still feels guilty at the end -- that Aaron Echolls did it because of her.

Leora Nechama

The last neck of this season is peak VM. Very interesting how it's structured. I always got that Veronica solves all these cases cuz she's super smart naturally. She doesn't need to be super academic-minded to get good grades.