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Reaction Starts at 16:00




This episode is "super fun" A lot of people seem to dismiss this episode, but I think it demonstrates how comfortable the show has become in its own shoes at this point - the humour for all characters feels on point, and unforced.

Alexis Cardarella

Kathy annoys the HELL out of me, which was the point, but lord. I put an 8, because the dialogue is really good in this, and there are some very funny, nice moments.

Nica Marie

Ah yes, Parker. So many feelings about Parker, but not to be discussed now. He seems familiar because he was the first Buffy alum to appear on Veronica Mars. He was the artist boyfriend of the pregnant neighbor on S1. Finally I get to tell you that!


Welcome to the reason that I will never call the basketball player "The Brow"......this guy was the brows and will always be that. I don't know what to make of this dude, but he reminds of the guy in College who played the guitar with his door open on the first weekend of school every year.

Hazel Angus

Just to let you know, this is quite jerky for me. Not completely unwatchable, but pretty bad. I probably wouldn't watch it if I didn't really enjoy your reactions. You're freezing every second for a few frames, although the audio is still synced, which is good. Playing the file seems to slow my computer right down. I've tried it with different media players, rebooted and defragged my PC, but still having the problem. Had a look at 4x1 and a couple of season 3 episodes and they all play fine. EDIT: Whoops, I take that back, it IS unwatchable when there is any action - it ends up looking like a series of still images.

Nick Velasquez

The effect that you’re referring to is a mix of two things. In video vertical lines that are close together act up with the camera. I can’t remember exactly why but I think it has something to do with the shutter speed. Once I tried to film a stack of plates from the side in a shot and it looked all weird and ripply. My professor has to show me how to adjust the camera for it. As for the black your seeing, they lit the scene and it looks like some of it was blown out. Normally they meter and have a broadcast safe light level. Sometimes if you have something too bright and turn it digital the codec doesn’t know what to do with the information and turns it black. Buffy was shot on film but then transferred to video and edited that way...there’s a good chance the issues weren’t there when they were filming but when transferring it to videotape they showed up. It also could be something from the digitization for Hulu...as I don’t remember seeing the black spots on my dvd versions but I’d have to double check that.

Allan Cornett

Fun episode. I always seem to forget how funny it is. Sarah’s facial expressions alone are worth an 8.


Cold hard boiled eggs are delicious ! Peel, rinse, and sprinkle some salt over it. Yum! Haven't you ever had chopped hard boiled eggs in a salad ? Or deviled eggs? Or an egg salad sandwich ?


You are good eating a cold egg and just salt, I don't think you are going to change his mind about flavors.......hahahahaha


47:28, when you thought it was your fault for Buffy.........hahahaha