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Allan Cornett

The opening theme DOES NOT show what happens in the episode.


1.) Angel doesn't know if he lost his soul because he had sex or because he had sex with Buffy, whom he loves. Since he was cursed with a soul he only had sex with Buffy, as far as we know. 2.) You are watching an HD version, that's why you can see a camera guy inthe corner. Both Angel and Buffy were never meant for wide screen but you are supposed to watch them in square shape. Also they messed up the lighting, that's why it sometimes looks like it's dusk or day even if it's not supposed to be. It may ruin your enjoyment a bit, if you watch it on wide screen. 3.) The scene in the end with the beam was Angel trying to be cool and show off, at which he spectacularly failed heh.


You can watch the intro, now, it only spoiled the first episode because it showed Cordelia in the main credits. However, after the intro, when they are showing guest stars, please try not to read the names. They spoil things throughout the entire series by showing guest star names. You obviously can't skip them, because they come up as the show is playing, but just try not to read the names.


I don't think they put the episode spoilers in the intro, but I'll let someone else tell you for sure, because I'm not the most visually observant person ever and I could have missed this somehow. As for Angel and the moment of happiness thing, I don't think the show has made that too clear, have they? But my own personal take on it is moment of happiness probably would have to be more than simply sex. To me, I've always thought it happened in season 2 of Buffy because he was in love with Buffy and connecting with her so fully feeling that much love in the moment as well, was how it became the perfect moment of happiness for him. But that's just always been my personal take on it. Maybe time will tell. The reason Kate and Angel didn't end up leaving through that upper winder when they were trapped was because the beam broke when he threw the thing over it, it was too weak to climb up so Kate took matters into her own hands. Random but I didn't realize how long and awkward those commercial breaks make this. The episode was okay, not the best, not awful either, is my feeling too.


You rated it about right, I always will rate it higher because the Detective was really attractive had good chemistry with Angel and she was a Cop........

Calvin Allen

The grappling hook bit was a joke. And don't watch the hd version

Calvin Allen

Oh and the demon was a metaphor for lonliness in LA. It was looking for a body it could live in permanently aka a long term relationship


Why not? "Full screen" means 4:3, AKA full frame or standard frame. Widescreen is 16:9, and Angel was not intended to be viewed widescreen until S3, when they started framing it for 16:9. Otherwise, you're just seeing dead space or worse, equipment and crew members, and Angel's reflection that would normally be cropped in a 4:3 frame.


The grappling gun was a dud, the first two episodes have shown you Angel trying to figure this out on the fly and having issues. In the first episode he hopped into the wrong car and in this episode he was trying to be like Batman and failed by bringing down the beam (because he forgot how strong he was, while showing off). Angel isn't perfect, but he is trying, seems to be what they are going for....just my opinion.


This needs way more likes it needs to be screamed from the mountain tops.


The grappling was a joke like when Angel jumped in the wrong car last episode. The beam broke so Kate said F it and shot her way out. Also they messed up on these non original versions. I heard Buffy's remaster was the worst of all time.


This is an okay episode and not the follow-up I expected to “City Of.” However, it’s not bad considering David Fury came up with it on the fly because the WB rejected the original script, “Corrupt,” for being too dark and grim just two days before the episode went into production. It’s rather dull and repetitious — which plays into the dating scene storyline for which the demon is a metaphor — but it’s good to see how the new team works a case for the first time. Doyle was surprisingly skilled at research, and he’s not a fighter but he will try. Cordy is enterprising with the cards but still not good at being subtle. Her “lazy eye” remark reminded me of, “Hi, are you planning to kill a bunch a students today? Oh, it’s for the yearbook.” Angel is still socially awkward but does have some detective chops. And every noir needs a cop willing to work with the hard boiled detective, so enter Kate. She could have easily obtained arrest and search warrants for Angel, but she didn’t bother. Either Kate is very stupid because if she found evidence, it wouldn’t be admissible, or she knew Angel wasn’t guilty, but her curiosity was too much. I dunno, still very bad police behavior. Nevertheless, it expands on the theme of loneliness, trust, and connections that “City of” did. I really enjoy the final scene between Kate and Angel. Kate confesses, and they start fresh — Kate even makes Angel smile. Angel offers his card, the card that makes him so uncomfortable, and says, “Look, if you ever need me, or if I can help you in anyway…” Kate: “What is this, a lobster?” (I don’t get this joke. It’s so clearly an angel.) Then Angel takes it back from her and say, “Uh, - I’ll be around.” Argh, you were so close, Angel. Doofus. Speaking of doofus, I never get tired of the show poking fun at Batman!Angel.


Although they do stretch the indirect sunlight thing on Angel, this particularly egregious one was a production error. Joss posted on The Bronze that it was supposed to be pre-dawn (at least Angel doesn't cast a shadow), but there was an error either with the lighting or color grading in post.

Nick Velasquez

Vampire’s can be out in daylight as long as it’s not direct sunlight. Angel was walking in the shadow of the buildings. He was safe in the shade. Also Angel and Buffy were meant to be seen in 4:3 aspect, but the next work was pushing “HD” as it was just starting to be a thing at the time. They made Joss film both Buffy (season 4 and on) and all of Angel in 16:9 for the HD networks. At the time I could watch the show in standard on channel 12 but it I went up one to channel 12.5 it was HD and 16:9. Hulu has those versions. Thankfully they aren’t using the HD remasters which are HORRIBLE. But the ideal way to watch the show would be the DVDs. It’s the only way you’ll see only what Joss wanted you to see.


You could watch Angel in HD in 1999 in the U.S.? I don't understand. This is a quote from Tim Minear, June 2001 (between S2&3), about Angel in widescreen: "TM: From what I understand, we do allow for letterboxing (this for when TV goes high def). Greenwalt and I have been having conversations with the network about possibly running Angel in widescreen, but I don't see it happening this season anyway. Dunno about for DVD. Also, don't be surprised if when the frames go wider for some of our eps you see grips and teamsters scratching themselves unappetizingly on the frame's edge." This link is not for newbies. There are a few random mild spoilers. http://urchin.earth.li/~sax/mutant/angel/minear/general.html

Amanda S

I heard the HD version of Angel is far less problematic than Buffy's HD version, so hopefully it's not too bad. I've only seen the original versions though, so I don't know for sure. I'd suspect you'll see some of the same issues left in the HD Buffy like improper lighting, visible crew, etc.


This episode overall is meh, but as with Buffy, the show starts to get better. Just stick with it. Overall season 1 is still very enjoyable though.

DJ Doena

Like most shows that had an intro, most shots of the intro were taken from the first few episodes of the show and maybe updated later on (like Buffy's fourth season intro uses scenes from the third season). That's why the girl was seen when you stopped the intro. Not because it was spoiling the current episode but because they needed to show *something*


At least one of the opening shots is from Buffy's "Anne" episode: the girl in the street. They used most of that homeless kids montage in their video pitch for Angel to the WB.

Daniel R

I think what the comment meant was they use the first few episodes of the series for shots to make the opening credits because until then there was no footage unless you pull all the Angel footage from Buffy