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Snow White is not in the wrong. Cora needed to die one way or another, and Regina needs to go too. Also, I think that Regina caring so much for her mother makes no sense. I can see her partnering with Cora to get Henry, but the whole reason she hates Snow is because Cora killed the man she loved. That was supposedly the whole reason she went all big bad. The writing on this show sometimes makes no sense. I have to give it a 7

Paul Fisher

I love the enthusiasm of your reaction. This episode had the same effect upon me. One thing it seemed you might have missed: the "brat" who tripped Cora was young Princess Eva, who would grow up to become Snow White's mother. So the enmity between the two families goes way back.


^^ damn i was going to point that out, but this was an amazing reaction 😂 this was truly amazing and this is the energy they needed since it kinda lacked in some of the past episodes (imo) but cant wait until your next reaction! hope you feel better :)💞

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another episode reaction for Once Upon a Time... The Miller's Daughter! There are many twists and even so much more emotion that comes from this episode than I ever thought could be possible from an episode centered around Cora of all people. This episode isn't one of my favorites because it is so centered around Cora. However, it's because of the last fifteen to twenty minutes of this episode like you said... that makes up for all that I hate about Cora. Between Snow's, Regina's, Cora's, and Rumple's storyline in these last minutes... amazing! I was absolutely on the edge of my seat the whole time. Now, whether or not we knew before this episode how long Cora was without her heart in her chest... I don't really know for sure. Back in episode nine, The Queen of Hearts... Hook travels to Wonderland to rip out Cora's heart on Regina's behest, but when he attempts to use his hook to rip it out, Cora states asks him if he foolish enough to believe she actually kept her heart where everyone else does, revealing that her heart was not in her chest then. However, we didn't know at what point in time she took out her own heart. In this episode, it's finally revealed that Cora was heartless before Regina was even born, which explains why Cora was able to be so cold and cruel towards her daughter and her husband Prince Henry, which we also learned in this episode that Cora never loved him at all. She only married him for power and so he could raise her up from being a miller's daughter. Any emotion Cora could have felt towards Regina, was taken from her the moment she removed her heart. This episode was cleverly written, but because I hate Cora, I didn't feel too much emotion like most people do. Not for her. However, I felt terrible for Regina when she loses her mother after having been the one to unknowingly kill her, as well as upon seeing the guilt and fear on Mary Margaret's face when she struggled with the choice Gold placed in front of her, and in seeing the consequences of that choice she made. I absolutely love this part of the storyline, despite how heartbreaking it was for both Regina and Mary Margaret. As for you confusion about the magical chalk and Emma's protection spell being broken apparently so easily, when Cora couldn't break the second barrier just as easily... you are right that it's because Cora and Regina combined their powers together, making their magic twice as powerful. Cora was on her own when trying to get into Gold's back room. You were right. I also love the brief moment between Gold and Belle when he tells Belle on the phone that she was a hero, and a woman who loved him despite the monster he was. Quite beautiful. However, that being said... I didn't really care much for Cora's backstory and her lust for the power of the dagger. Her lust for power and darkness. And I hated that she had a relationship with Gold. While their scenes together were phenomenally acted by both actors, I have trouble believing that a part of her could love Rumplestiltskin because she always lusted for higher power and was able to choose all of that over love. Even if she did have to rip her heart out in order to do so. "Love is weakness"... just like Cora said to Emma at Lake Nostos in Queen of Hearts, like Cora instilled into Regina her whole life, and like the King said to young Cora in this episode. Overall... this episode was well written and the casting for young Cora was perfect really. Yep... Rose McGowan. However, Cora has always been a villain I have loved to hate. She's a great villain, though not as good as the Evil Queen. And as a whole character, I've never liked her because she's so cruel, especially towards her own daughter. And I just don't care much for her overall storylines or backstory. However... the ending as I've said was absolutely phenomenal, so well acted by everyone in these scenes, and these last twenty minutes of the episode makes up for what I don't like about it. And that final look Regina shows on her face as she glares up at Mary Margaret upon realizing what really happened to her mother and how she was the person really responsible once Mary Margaret runs into the room and stares down at Cora in shock by what she had done... goosebumps. Regina's dark glare is absolutely amazing! :) Thank you again! I'm looking forward to your next reaction, so until then...


As a spinner (yarn, not gold unfortunately) it really annoys me that they couldn't bother to get the spinning process right. I mean, it is one of the oldest skills known to modern mankind and they couldn't take the time to show it correctly? Sorry, rant over. Yes, Robert Carlyle is fucking brilliant. Best actor on the show and that's saying quite a bit. I have a huge crush on him, lol. His conversation with Belle and then his moment with Neal....damn. Unlike you, I can't hold back the tears, though. I get so emotional over this show. Your reaction did not disappoint. Fantastic. That ending....so great.


Cora's final words "This would have been enough. You would have been enough" really hit me hard as a mother. I have always interpreted that as meaning that Cora realized at the very end that loving Regina would have been worth keeping her heart, despite the pain it could have otherwise caused her. Chilling to think that for her daughter's entire life she was unable to love her with the love that is natural for a mother to have for her child.

Scarlett Monrow

About the chalk - 28:56 - the chalk worked, it slowed Regina and Cora for a few moment. Rumple never said that it's will be an absolutely impenetrable barrier, he's just buying time with what he had on hand. The first barrier was taken down by combined power of R +C. After Regina left, Cora had to deal with barrier alone, that's why it took so long for her to break through.


I agree all that happened in Golds office was perfection. From how he manipulated Snow to how the reactions to Coras death. I'm in the minority I think because I wasn't thrilled with the casting for young Cora. I love Rose Mcgowen, She just didn't seem to fit as young Cora to me. You're excitement building over Snow setting up Regina to kill her own mom was amazing.

Lucile Byrd

I hate Cora, but The Miller's Daughter (the original fable of Rumpelstiltskin) was one of my favorite stories growing up.


this is one of my favorite shows to go back and rewatch this is like the second or third time im rewatching these reactions