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Dani C

Oh! I went off to walk the dog thinking I would come back and watch the Who reaction - and then by the time we got back this had appeared - I'm happy dancing right now.


We need Person of Interest more often!!! :D


I just want to give you a little tip for the next few episodes without spoiling anything, don't skip the intro for the rest of the season and instead watch it, you will be rewarded ;)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Person of Interest!! I really love this episode a lot, and I love this episode's "person of interest"... Logan Pierce. He's an eccentric billionaire, who does nothing easy, making Reese's and Finch's job to protect him insanely difficult. I love Logan Pierce's eccentric personality and his crazy way of life as someone who buys only one of the things he loves, such as the two million dollar watch, the fancy expensive car, his suit, etc... I also love how he drives like a mad man, goes to the hood to play basketball and talks smack to the other players, and how he's eccentric enough to fly all the way to St. Petersburg simply for fried dumplings. I love his personality around his so called friends even though it's incredibly annoying. But more so... I love how Reese approaches going about protecting Logan too, even though he almost gives up on Logan when Logan refuses to abide by Reese's demands after he invites all of his friends to join him at the bar in St. Petersburg. And then... I love the scene when Reese saves Logan from dying from his allergy to something in the spiked scotch. And I love that even though Reese and Finch believed Logan was still passed out from his near death experience, Logan suddenly appears before them during their private meeting and Logan meets Finch. I also love how Finch suspected that Logan had given Reese the watch so that he could track Reese and Finch in order to learn more about them, and that he turned out to be right as he smashes the watch to find the GPS chip hidden inside the watch's face. And this sets up the possibility that Logan Pierce could be trouble in the future, or not. Quite the mystery that's very interesting. And lastly... I really like the overall storyline between Fusco and Carter as Fusco struggles with whether or not he can trust Carter with his secret about the two dead corrupt cops. My only dislike in this episode... is when Fusco finally decides to tell Carter the truth because he really wants to come clean, only for Carter to shut him out and her refusal to listen to him. It was disappointing to me. I understand that she's still a cop, but I'm grateful that she at least admitted she felt Fusco was a friend. Thank you so much again! I can't wait for your next reaction! So, until then...


Anyone else dying for episode 16?


The car is a McLaren P1