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Marshall Dante Robertson

Ah man, you missed a crucial part of the scene where Logan and Woody are working out. Remember, it's close to the season finale, so make sure you pay attention, cause these clues will be coming at you fast! Great reaction as always.


I am so excited to see your reactions to the rest of season 2. I agree with the previous comment! Please pay attention because every little detail is so important and can be easily missed. Already looking forward to your next reaction.


Shit's getting real. The end of this season is so good.


Also this episode is Logan comedy gold - glad you appreciate how brilliant his character is.


I always figured the mom pulling Charlie away from Jackie was probably because while they were at the dance she found out who Jackie was and that her dad was accused of blowing up the bus. I could be wrong but that's how I always thought of it.

Alexis Cardarella

Yeah, I had a feeling there is probably a deleted scene that entails something like that

Alexis Cardarella

Top tier Logan material in this one! Great acting from Francis. And yeah, the plot is really kicking up. Great Fucking episode.

Mariella Nilsson

New episode! I’m doing a happy dance!

Nica Marie

So, Logan makes all his girlfriends watch "Easy Rider". Oh, and did you spot the ANTM in this episode? As I recall, this is the last episode where we got a wannabe model/actress foisted on us. As for Logan and Woody's signature stamp, I just figured he used it on that letter to the Sheriff's department about the parking space. I love Weevil in this ep. Francis and his "No I loved him!" outburst is amazing. Wish we got more Weevil overall but I'll take what they give me. Yeah, they made Wallace a typical teenage guy for a bit in this ep. Disappointing, but whatever. Yes, Jackie is improving but still not a character I love. Why is Beaver behaving this way? Let's just say: Beaver has layers. And issues. You'll see. So, Logan is off the hook for Felix's death & Thumper has been punished. But there's still so much more to come. And, *that speech* is on the way. Excited.


As many have said before, not sure if it constitutes a spoiler, but you did miss a slight thing in the scene between Logan and Woody, that kinda hints at some of the end stuff. This was a fantastic episode all around. A typical episode that moved the plot forward with threads that mattered. Each part of this episode was important either to a plot we have dealt with before or a plot that is to come. Fantastic writing and acting by everyone. Logan was fantastic in this episode as well as Weevil. Keep them coming...

Leora Nechama

Such a good episode. I really love Weevil and I always feel kind of bad for him that Keith's eying him when he hangs out with Veronica thinking he's a bad apple. He gets involved in shit but he's super loyal and Veronica's a friend.

Leora Nechama

Also this isn't a spoiler cuz you've already finished the season so I love how they handled this realistically. As someone who was sexually abused, it's really common for it to feel like everyone thinks you're a prude or gay for not being comfortable with intimate relationships until you feel really safe. I kind of saw it coming that Beaver was abused because they did focus on this storyline. And I feel bad for Mac here cuz she thinks it's her and she doesn't know it's cuz he was abused.