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I never got why people didn't give Christopher more shit for being an absentee father. It confused the hell out of me on why people treated him the way they did Lorelai included lol. P.S. I like the mood lighting!


Christopher is definitely not a good father. That being said if the characters treated him anywhere near what you apparently were expecting, I'd have been hella confused. The episode establishes he is in contact with his daughter, holidays and phone calls. Still makes him a shitty guy, but it should tell you that people will not be harping over the family situation. This is an established thing for him and them, he's a flaky guy that took the opportunity of not being involved when Lorelai let him. If they took up arms whenever he walked into the room it would be weird. It's the first time getting the story for us, but it's been a thing in their lives for years. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if the parent of your child was always a cool and positive person for the kid when around, but sucked at being around... I would expect what Lorelai did, make sure Rory doesn't get her hopes up, but definitely still interact with him positively even if just for her. He's not a bad person. But he's not a parent you can count on.


Christopher was her first love and they shared a lot of important emotional events together. She loved him but was not in love with him. He was very immature and a little bit of a screwup but not a bad guy . . . just not ready to be a father and a husband. She lived her life how she wanted, raised her daughter how she wanted and didn’t really have any bad feelings towards him and she definitely wouldn’t want to affect Rory’s feelings towards him in a negative way. He did call several times a month he just never visited. I had a similar situation but I was a little older at 19, a lot poorer and my son’s father didn’t want to be involved and didn’t even meet him until he was 10. As with Christopher, he was a little bit of a screwup and not ready to be a father but he was still a decent guy, and he gave me a wonderful son and I’ve never had anything bad to say about him (other than the little bit of a screwup part . . . and he was a bit of a pothead). Anyway, I totally get the Christopher and Lorelei situation.

Mariella Nilsson

He is a charmer, and gets away with allot, is what I get from this episode, and as a woman I find it very realistic that you would se the best in him and hope he grows up. Who hasnt had that Guy in ones life? And rorys reaction I can relate to. i agree with all your frustration and opinions, but I find the reactions to him very realistic!

Casey Mead

i hate Christopher so much

Elisa Ingo

Are you reacting to the whole series or just season 1?


As someone with parents that aren't together (mine didn't make it to the alter just like Chris and Lorelai but they were the appropriate age when I was conceived) I am incredibly happy they didn't go the route you were expecting. It would be reasonable if they chose to but it would be so tired and boring. I think the parents treat Chris like that- not because they believe he's got stacks but because they still have hopes of tradition, it's clear that Lorelai isn't nasty towards him because not only is that the father of her child but also because she has known that man for years. She mentions several times that she has a deep connection to Chris and that doesn't go away because she chose not to marry him, it's easy to sit around and not like his character because as an audience we hadn't viewed that connection but that doesn't make Lorelai's feelings go away. My dad was of age and was married to a whole other woman when he not only decided to fool around with my mother but also when he chose to abandon us, Christopher is a saint compared to my father- he keeps in good contact with his kid even though he's not a resident in Stars Hollow, and when he did show up he didn't expect to have the red carpet rolled out for him. He absolutely is a mess and he's definitely not my favorite but he's a very compelling character and I'm glad that the writers went for something different when it comes to their dynamic.

Other Boy Reactions

I totally get your frustration with Christopher and he gets away with a lot because he’s charming and beautiful, but I also understand Lorelai. No matter how much of a screw up he may be she’s not going to badmouth him to her kid. That takes strength that I probably wouldn’t be able to do.


i understand why you dont understand why lorelai would be so nice to christopher but itll make more sense the more seasons you watch. like she said, her and him have known each other since they were kids and hes the father of her child and they still both have small feelings for each other

Kacey Caldwell

i agree that more people need to be mad with Christopher but i also understand why they aren't. Lorelai knows her daughter loves her father and wouldn't want to say anything bad about him to her. The grandparents just want them to do things they way you are suppose to get pregnant get married. Even if its years later. So its been years since i've seen this show and i have no idea if its ever mentioned later but from this episode it seems like maybe he used the whole Lorelai's pregnant thing to get out of going to college and following his parents plans for him. Because her being pregnant should not have stopped him from going to school. maybe if he had to work to help take care of them it would have but that doesnt seem to be the case.

-C H E R R Y-

Christopher didn't abandon Rory. After Lorelai got pregnant, Christopher wanted to give up his dream and to be there for Lorelai and the baby. So he proposed as the parents wanted. But Lorelai said no, and made him go and pursue the life he wanted. Then after she had Rory she ran away from home and raised Rory. Yes, Christopher wasn't there, which was wrong, but he didn't abandon her, he still called her twice a week. He's actually a pretty good guy who feels terrible for not being there for Rory.

-C H E R R Y-

SHE told him to take off

AmyWonderland92 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 21:00:03 He calls once a week and as Lorelai has said, she has always left the door open for him. She never stopped him from seeing her, he just didn't want to. She said no to marriage because she didn't want to be forced into it at 16. He's the one who didn't stick around. He doesn't pay child support or help out in any way and he hasn't visited Rory in Stars Hollow AT ALL before this episode. That is very telling.
2020-10-18 22:43:31 He calls once a week and as Lorelai has said, she has always left the door open for him. She never stopped him from seeing her, he just didn't want to. She said no to marriage because she didn't want to be forced into it at 16. He's the one who didn't stick around. He doesn't pay child support or help out in any way and he hasn't visited Rory in Stars Hollow AT ALL before this episode. That is very telling.

He calls once a week and as Lorelai has said, she has always left the door open for him. She never stopped him from seeing her, he just didn't want to. She said no to marriage because she didn't want to be forced into it at 16. He's the one who didn't stick around. He doesn't pay child support or help out in any way and he hasn't visited Rory in Stars Hollow AT ALL before this episode. That is very telling.