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The rhinos (Judoon) from last season were kind of described as guns for hire, so I don't think they would be the strongest military force for the simple fact they'd likely work for anyone who paid enough, whereas the Sontarans only work for glory, honor, and themselves as a military force. Oh, and yeah, the Doctor worked for UNIT in at some point in Classic Who. I think if I remember right, that line about him saying ''it was the 70s, or was it the 80s?" was an inside joke about the fact that it was filmed during the 70s, but set in the 80s.

DJ Doena

The Sontarans were introduced to Doctor Who back in 1973 in an episode called "The Time Warrior". Back then it was the 3rd Doctor. It was also the introductory episode of Sarah-Jane Smith, the companion from the episode you mentioned with Buffy's Giles.

DJ Doena

BTW: In case you missed it, the guy Martha is engaged to is the doctor we met in the season 3 finale. More commonly known as Lucifer. ;-)