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Hey ladies and gents, so I really want to start doing some live streams. Live stream reactions arnt really what I would be into becuase I wouldnt be able to interact with the chat becuase it would distract from the show and also I would be afraid of spoilers. But I would like to figure out a way to do live content and hang out with you all when I can. 

I'm curious what you would all be interested in when it came to a live stream?

I've got some suggestions below but would really be curious to hear from you about what would interest you the most. 



I would love to see you play story mode of games like gta V, or if you played it, any game with good story would be awesome!

Daniel R

War Games and Survivor Series weekend is coming up you know.... lol


i’m a fab of just having a straight up conversation even if we just stick to one specific show or a few others

Other Boy Reactions

Games! Uncharted series, Resident Evil, Detroit: Become Human😄


I was watching WWE whatculture recently, was that you asking WWE questions to Simon Miller? I heard him say Geeked Out Nation and I was like, hey, I know him lol

Dani C

OBR!!!! One of my favourite reactors:) You, Geeked out Nation and Failwhale. best reactors evah

Dani C

geek news and general conversation about geeky stuffs.


I guess it partly depends on what genere of game you enjoy playing and therefore would be streaming. There's some types which lend themselves very well for livestreaming since there's lots of room for chat engagement while you play, while there's others which aren't as good.

Catherine Thurmond

I'm interested in everything but the wrestling. It's not really my thing. The closest thing I like to fighting I kinda like is MMA. Also for ideas you can talk about things you've watched or things your intron YouTube, idk💜

Daniel R

Steven it would have been amazing to see your reactions to Friday Night SmackDown last night! What an unexpectedly awesome show!

J Scott Page

Live Streams are great, just make sure you get some chat moderators who can squash spoilers and mute people who try to post them. As for content I’m a big fan of gaming and also geek news and nerd culture sound interesting.