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Lol loved this! Regarding the light thing - you're right. It's only direct sunlight that harms vampires, and they tend to make ample use of indirect sunlight on the show and -- not spoilery, but -- sometimes get pretty lazy with it. But most of the time you'll be able to distinguish direct from indirect. This one was a fun one to watch! I've been so looking forward to seeing you react to Angel. Can't wait for the next; :)

Miss Timi Fantastico

Angel definitely has a different vibe. The music.... those transitions! Super excited to see what you think about it through the seasons.

J Scott Page

As for the lawyer, you were asking where you know him from... He plays Elliot in Leverage. So far I think you’ve only seen the pilot but he’s the guy who can fight really well. If you’ve seen him in anything else I can’t say. But leverage is something recent you saw.

Steve Quast

I've always really liked this premier. It makes for a strong start to a great show. I'm pretty sure the main reason fans didn't want you to watch the opening credits for the first episode is because of Cordelia being revealed there and nothing more. The rest of the intro doesn't spoil anything else. Angel definitely has some great lines just in this first episode and you can already see him getting a little more humanized. I think the show does a good job of standing apart from Buffy, having its own vibe and its own feel, while at the same time not feeling like it's disconnected from it. I'm very much looking forward to future reactions.


I knew that you would love Angel more then Buffy. It definitely is a more mature show. Very adult and dark.


As for the lighting....so when these shows originally aired they were darker. Where Angel would stand was dark and the rest of the room would be lit up. When they remastered the show for streaming and dvd purposes they lit everything up so thats why it looks like that. Also the only spoiler was Cordelia you can watch the opening now.


I've watched every episode of Buffy multiple times and watched it when it was airing, but I never watched Angel (despite my love for David Boreanaz). I just watched this first episode, though, so I may watch it along with you. I also never knew that it was Angel who called Buffy because they never address that on Buffy. Very cool.

Jed Wingard

Great reaction. On the matter of sunlight it is a matter of direct sunlight being what hurts him because in that part where he reached out for that girl it was direct sunlight. The lighting in the room isn't really direct sunlight shining in it's just general light that's let in making the place appear brighter. I will admit it's a bit of a plot device at times but I personally don't think it's all that bad and it works.

Alexis Cardarella

Angel is doooope. I’ve screen recorded a lot of your moments and sent them to my fellow Angel homies, which consist of my brother and cousins lol


Omg I am so excited. Angel is amazing!! It’s as good as Buffy imo.


The Cordelia thing was the spoiler in the opening. You can watch it now

Amanda Logsdon

I just recently started Angel because of these reaction channels, it took a while for me to get into it but I really love the show now.


Yeah, Angel has a different feel to it than Buffy. It's a really great show too. I'm excited that you're watching it.

DJ Doena

You first OMG moment was right on the money, though. That actually was Swayer from LOST. And as Steve Quast pointed out, the lawyer was played by Christian Kane whom you recently saw on Leverage (the "Hitter")


I knew you would like this episode. I´m pretty sure you will end up liking it better than Buffy. I go back and forth between the 2 shows. Angel is a really good show and many times better than Buffy. I prefer to think of them as one universe as opposed to two shows.

Rey Gallogo

In photography, direct sunlight and diffused light from the sun are different. So you're right. There's direct sunlight through the window, and there's diffused lighting from the sun through the windows while standing in shaded areas.

Collector of Stuff

Just because you seemed curious. A Billy Dee is. Colt 45 Beer.


Yes, but try not to read the guest star names going forward. Try to focus on the show and not the guest star names that pop up after the theme song. They really spoil some big moments throughout the entire series.

Ryan Wilson

36:57: we all gotta remember even though Cordy went to Angel she's still a Scooby so she's not stupid.

Allan Cornett

I don’t consider Angel better than Buffy or Buffy better than Angel. I see them written by most of the same writers and operating in the same universe . Angel starts out as a more adult show and Buffy becomes a more adult show after high school. I will always love Buffy more because without Buffy there is no Angel.

Daniel R

Angel is like Batman and Buffy is like.. Scooby Doo or something lol

Stephanie Bedworth

I don't know if it's a better show than Buffy but I do know that between the two, it's my favorite. Angel actually becomes a fully realized character in this, a great character. He never could come into his own on Buffy. Regarding you asking how he got to Tina's building during the daytime... he travels a lot through the sewer systems in the day.


Re: aspect ratios; Buffy is intended to be viewed in 4:3 and was always broadcast that way (with the exception of one special episode) in the U.S. Angel was broadcast in 4:3 for the first two seasons, then 16:9 onwards. Digital versions stream S2 in widescreen, and there is one notorious gaffe. Otherwise, the minor S2 gaffes are not bad. Angel feels more widescreen cinematic and not dependent on the intimate 4:3 composition and framing of Buffy. “Oh my god, I’m telling you, this feels like a superhero show.” [Angel jumps into the wrong convertible] “Dammit.” It certainly seems like a superhero show with Joss Whedon twist, but then there’s more. I initially rolled my eyes at the OTT Batmanpire, but they’re constantly undercutting it by emphasizing Angel’s social awkwardness, his longing for Buffy, his jumping into the wrong car, his failure to save the damsel. Buffy failed to save her new friend in her S4 premiere, so I liked that parallel. Doyle basically tells Angel that playing loner Batman is not what his show is about.


One of the broadest ways to think about Buffy is that it’s a show about growing up, and Angel is a show about being an adult. Angel didn’t take out Russell Winters (Winters/Summers) in a vampire fight. He confidently sauntered into Russell’s board room in broad daylight and assassinated him in cold blood. The way DB delivers — more like throws away — the action hero line, “Can you fly?” and then places the card in the attorney’s pocket with a pat and a faint smirk is way more Angelus than Bruce Willis or Nic Cage. I really dig that circling back to the suggestion in the teaser that the line between Angel and Angelus may be blurrier than what we saw on Buffy. Nevertheless, Angel reacted in a very human way. Doyle told Angel that the Powers That Be, whoever they be, sent him a vision that Angel was supposed to help Tina. Angel failed, so he went on a possible suicidal vengeance mission. I think that’s a good way to humanize Angel to new viewers. I wish they could have done it without fridging a woman in the very first episode to motivate the male protagonist, but then Angel gets to bring out his Angelus and save Cordelia, and he lets Cordelia turn his new mission into a small business enterprise: vampire noir/supernatural detective agency. So Angel kills a vampire even more modern than Mr. Trick. Russell is like a combo Harvey Weinstein/Jeffrey Epstein type who is protected by… evil lawyers, of course. I like the setup so far. I like Doyle. (Although I hated that he called Cordelia a “stiffener.” Gross, Joss.) I like the theme of atonement. Cordelia is a surprising and interesting addition. David Greenwalt wanted to bring her onto the show. He thought Cordy’s sunny smile and energy would be a good counterbalance to broody Angel.

Nica Marie

Now that we are here I can finally say a few things. I know you really hated the Xander/Willow stuff last season, but do you see the purpose it served? Xander and Cordy breakup, cutting off one of Cordy's strongest ties to Sunnydale. Her family loses their money and even her kiss with Wesley is less than compelling. All cutting ties to Sunnydale. Remember the funeral fake out? A test to see if the audience loved Cordy enough to be invested if she jumped shows. Oh, Angel runs one season past the end of Buffy. Probably due in part to Buffy having switched networks by then.

Catherine Thurmond

I'm loving you loving this so far also your idea for and Angel and Spike buddy cop show is awesome and I so wish it had happened but any who cant wait for more of your reactions. Your watch order I like a well fyi. Ttfn.💜


Both Buffy and Angel eventually retcon it to be direct sunlight kills vamps. And even then sometimes it can take a minute or so before it gets them. That will still be inconsistent. So will the whole invitation rules. I wish they had followed the rules better but I try not to focus too much on it.


Remember to enjoy the ride.