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Allan Cornett

The students all support Buffy... priceless. Angel leaves just to make Geeked Out happy.


The girl that got bit and killed was Harmony the mean girl that used to be cool with Cordelia. Also Wesley was supposed to be bad ass in this episode but the actor thought it would be funny and more in character for him to get his ass whooped.


hahahah, the whole thing had me rolling but 12:23 the way he said "Buffy bite him back" had me laughing uncontrollable. i am here writing because I cannot focus yet......hahahaha....."he's just going to leave after biting her like that"?.......hahahaha


They should have tried Cordy's plan the "Box of Ebola" or with it just written on the box had the making of a great "Looney Tune" skit......Wesley is from England they have a much better education track for people from money there.


Any information giving about how people feel about how this reactor feels about characters that is based on future events is a spoiler. The Angel being the spinoff, should never have been told and you now see the effect. He is right were we all where, that is the beauty of the show......it will do it's job, if we let it. Also the issue was there was no One vs One, like in season one fighting the Master or her sword fighting with Angel in season 2 or "Slayer Battle 1999" of last episode.......Buffy runs from a not good CGI giant snake and Giles pushed a plunger........yeah, I get it, but I still give it a 10......but a 9 is probably more accurate.


ignore my comment he talked about it at the end.


When I watched this on it's premiere in the UK we had already been told Angel had a spin off. I wish I hadn't known that at the time but they had to advertise .. so .. it was a shame though!

Nica Marie

Grrr. Argh. You didn't watch through to the Mutant Enemy logo. Yes, the Mayor genuinely grieves over Faith. She's the daughter he never had. Faith and the Mayor work much like Giles and Buffy do. Just imagine how different Faith would've been if she'd been called first and had Giles as her watcher. Instead she gets evil Mayor as her father figure. As for your problem with how they played on his human weakness: the issue was how Buffy could get him to follow her to the library to be blown up by their "faux volcano" bomb. So, she flashes the knife, reminds him that she is solely responsible for Faith's coma and his grief. Now he's focused only on Buffy. His pain transforms to rage and he gives chase. Simple but effective. Added bonus, he's distracted from eating more students. I know you're upset about Larry, Snyder and Harmony but some characters we recognized had to die. If it's only nameless extras where's the emotional impact? Snyder was gonna be useless after this ep anyway. No high school, no need for a high school principal. Plus, his death worked as fan service: a death that we twisted, dark Buffy fans could enjoy/root for. I know I'm not the only one who gets a kick out of Snyder's death. I love Cordy staking a vamp. I love Cordy in Jonathan's arms. I love the battle. I love "Fire bad. Tree pretty." Truthfully, I just love this show.


there are lots of clever foreshadowing moments in the buffy/faith dream that wont all 100% make sense til later on. But i adore that little scene, the riddles and little clues, and I love how Faith's like - 'this is all yours' and buffy says 'i cant take all this...', faith replies 'just take what you need. you ready?' I always feel like in that moment, they were truly sister-slayers, and that in that dream state, Faith gave some of her slayerness to buffy to help buffy heal and wake up... 'just take what you need'. That coupled with Faith's clue about the mayor's human weakness, is why Buffy kisses faith in the hospital, as a thankyou, and as two slayers who had totally different lives, and journeys, but are still the same in so many ways.


Hilarious when Cordy and Wesly finally kiss, and they both look so weird and awkward and have zero chemistry, and all that sexual tension just evaporates completely. its hilarious to me haha! Buffy and Angel and the bite is totally meant to be sexual. Xander being a lil bitch to angel at the hospital is annoying, but totally in his character. Loved the mayor's grief and worry about faith. Angel had to let the mayor go because they cant kill the mayor until after he goes through the ascension. They used the fact that the mayor loved faith like a daughter to make him angry and focused on buffy so she could lead him where she needed him and kill him with the giant explosion. It took a volcano to kill one before, so they used a bomb so huge it totally blows up the entire school! I fricking LOVE the senior class all being in on it, fighting against the demon and vampires... ah! so good!! Love that Wesley was supposed to be bad ass but got knocked up right away haha, and also how cordy got to stake a vamp on her own :D honestly, the entire 2-parter is an easy 10 for me and will always hold a special place in my heart :)

Daniel R

Bro I can't wait til you start Angel because when it gets going it is a far better show than Buffy. Season 4 of Buffy is going to annoy you because they need to fill the romance void somehow and it sucks but with Angel? Bad ass. It's basically Supernatural only with Angel as the main character instead of Sam and Dean.

Katherine Thoreson

As someone else mentioned, the Buffy Angel bite scene is meant to be a metaphor for sex and Buffy kicking the table is supposed to be...the um....climax. To me, personally, I hate that scene, which is a shame because the music there is epic, but to me, it is the hokiest thing the show ever does. I'm sure some people will disagree, but every time that scene comes around it's a hard eye roll for me. I legit can't wait for you to start the Angel spin-off because I think you are really going to enjoy it. :D


Be mindful of spoilers everyone!


I actually like the drinking scene. Joss said that there is a sexual metaphor in vampirism that is often used across a spectrum of consensual sex to rape (Angel was delirious and weakened, and Buffy forced his demon to surface-- it's a really fucked up situation), and Joss went full-on erotic here, but the music is epic horror-themed, and I LOVE the cut to a tight closeup on Buffy's face while the camera tilts and swirls to shock us back into the horrific reality of what just happened.


I also love the tracking shot in the hospital. It's a great mirror to the tracking shot in the high school in the season premiere, where the energy was palpable, almost giddy, and romance was in the air. Here, it was dark, sorrowful, ominous, then violent, and you could cut the emotional tension with a knife.


I was very sad about Larry. He was our only gay character, and he was so sweet. Also, the Bury Your Gays trope is something they should have known to avoid. They could have killed off Percy instead, who also became a nicer person that we might have felt sorry about.


I think most people agree with you that the first half of the two parter was better than the second half, and that more could have been done with the Mayor and the final battle. But it was pretty epic all the same. I also think that killing off characters we've come to have some care for and recognize, is another Joss Whedon type move to remind us that in his world, like the real world, stuff happens and isn't always going to be neat and easy, that losses do happen and they aren't nice, the good guys can win, but that doesn't mean all of them always win or that those wins don't come with some losses. Like you can win the war but still lose some battles along the way. Oh, and on the last one about Angel tripping, someone else talked about it, but for me I always figure like in real life, things happen without a purpose. People trip and have accidents and random things happen that don't have to mean anything. It kind of adds a bit of realism to things. Also humanizes Angel a bit more.

Allan Cornett

Is it just me or is there a connection between Buffy’s strength increasing after she was bitten by the Master and Angel? After both events, after she recovered, Buffy mentions how great she feels.

Allan Cornett

I also love that scene. Vampire mythology in TV and films is always connecting the act of feeding as a sexual act. The best Vampire characters first seduce then feed.


Yes -- and it seemed to work both ways in both cases (the Master barely drank from Buffy, and he raved about the power it gave him). Buffy comes back not only stronger, but more determined, focused, and knowledgeable -- like maybe there's some mystical connection that taps into something and forges new strength? I also think her shared(?) dream with Faith strengthened her -- the mystical Slayer connection.


I love the way the Mayor was taken down. When the entire class stands up, it's such a fist-pumping moment. It makes me think of "Earshot" and "The Prom," in particular. The Buffy who inspires and empowers other people to stand up for themselves is my favorite Buffy. A hero who just swoops in to save the damsel and then disappears is less interesting to me. Tbh, when it aired I did roll my eyes at another giant snake — yes, we get it, the patriarchy, can you get more creative with it? But I love it, using Faith to take him down. The Mayor and Faith were a dark mirror to Giles and Buffy, so Giles being the one to kill the Mayor in Giles’s library is very poetic. Of course, Buffy was going to blow up the school. That was Chekhov’s Gun in the pilot. It went off in the third season, which is the third and final act of the high school years. Buffy also said that she quit the Council in the pilot, and here, she genuinely quits… graduates, I mean. I love wraparounds like that.


Make sure you don't watch the opening credits for the 1st Buffy and Angel episode. Just listen to the opening credits until it's done


I Love Oz's dialogue in these last episodes, he cracks me up here. I think Joss Whedon and Marti Noxon seem to be best at writing the dialogue for Oz. Some writers, such as David Fury, have admitted writing dialogue for OZ can be difficult but these two nail it almost every single time.