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Allan Cornett

I have been waiting too long for this. Thanks dude.


Thank you so much for posting the two-parter together.


Re: Angel slipping, Joss used that as an "homage"* to David Boreanaz's infamous klutziness, and a subversion of Angel's often-noted mysterious appearing/disappearing act (Xander: "Okay, someone needs to put a bell on that guy."). *I've read that DB actually slipped and Joss thought it was hilarious, but IIRC Joss said on the commentary that he scripted it. I'll check.

Allan Cornett

Loved the stunt work in the Buffy/Faith fight scene. It doesn’t quite top the Angel/Buffy fight scene at the end of season two... well swords are my weakness. Overall the improvement of the stunt work season to season is one of the many reasons I love this show.


It is valid you see, Angel and Buffy's relationship as "TOXIC", you hope to see what each of them can do with out their relationship holding each other back.


Willow the only member of the original Scooby Gang, not to have a traumatic first time sexual experience.


43:45 one of the most under rated lines of Buffydom........Faith to Buffy: "Then give us a kiss"......still gives me chills

Collector of Stuff

The Mayor was always my favorite villain. I always felt that they wrote Angel weak whenever he and Buffy were in a scene together in an attempt to swap out traditional gender roles making him more of the damsel in distress. Any time they are fighting anything together his fighting skills tend to disappear yet those skills magically come back when she is gone. I hate when they do this to female roles and I don’t like it any better when they do it to men.


agreed, wish that they could just do their best, not make the dudes specifically weaker to make buffy look better.


love this two parter sooooo much! Mayor buys Faith a summery dress, he keeps trying to tell her she is beautiful and powerful and that she shouldn't keep hiding herself away - in a way a father would try to tell a daughter. They totally have father-daughter vibes, same as giles and buffy (only darker, and eviller lol). Love the moment with Oz and Willow, so wholesome. Mayor is defo an awesome villian. Buffy Vs Faith just always feels so epic to me... and after Buffy stabs Faith, Buffy just looks traumatised like 'holy shit, I stabbed a person on purpose, I'm murdering someone...' looked like she was in shock and thats why she doesn't automatically go after the truck at the end. Angel slips on his way through the door. Apparently that was a blooper, and Joss thought it was really funny so he kept it and wrote in his 'clumsiness' into this episode for later after he is poisoned lol. Faith didn't want to kill Angel quick and easy, because that would mean Buffy just goes after her straight away. She poisons him, knowing it will take Buffy's time. I don't think Buffy is angry at Wesley specifically, but she is pissed with the council (that horrible test, firing Giles, Wesley being the council's bitch and driving Faith further away, and now the council refusing to help her... ) Buffy quits and she probably isnt sure she can trust Wesley right in that moment.